

  • I have found a group at church that does things when my x has the kids. My married friends found my new singleness awkward too. This group is great for me. They do active stuff, service, and book studies. They are divorced, separated, married, etc. Just a nice group. When the kids are with me, we school, clean, play. It…
  • I must be much shorter than you, Jay!! The weight that I "should" be sounded awful skinny to me too. I'm not going that far - I'd need a new wardrobe! They say that I should weigh 115 for being 5'1". I am aiming for 120.
  • Yes! Now!! I went through a sitter with red flags and decided to ride it out - maybe it was just a one time thing, rationalizations, justifications, etc. We had lasting issues to deal with. I so wish that the first red flag had been the last. There are some nice people out there. I would try to find one. As far as mothers…
  • I am an almost divorced, single mom of :smile: 2 teenage sons, 2 younger children, and 2 grown girls. javascript:add_smiley('smile','post_body')
  • Awesome way to handle that for you, her, and the boys!! I'm putting this one in my file!
  • Eating 1200 calories and not losing weight: I have 2 friends and my stepmom who really struggled with this. My friend and stepmom finally went to the Paleo diet and lost immediately. They have kept it moving off. It might be the foods that are keeping your metabolism slow. Me, on the other hand, am doing great with calorie…
  • It can be very hard, frustrating, and tempting! I am mostly just cooking a meat and veggies. I sometimes make them a starch but I will not eat it or I'll pick it out or serve myself before putting in the starch. I am trying for my weight and 1 of mine who would do better gluten free to cut out the starchy carbs. They…
  • I was very like you. I just really didn't care enough to make weight loss happen. But, then my clothes started getting too snug and Lent came around. I am serious and open and need encouragement! I'll friend you!
  • Kidrobot, It is hard!! How do you handle your stress? I am struggling. I have a terrible headache today and feel very unappreciated.
  • I am 5'1" and weigh 142. I have just started MFP. My goal is 122.
  • I homeschool 4 of my 6 children and a friends daughter. I am so busy. I am in a divorce and doing lots of comfort eating. But... Lent is here and I have mastered it. Now to keep it up and exercise and watch my weight fall. I am really struggling to figure out how to cook for my very hungry growing kids and keep to my diet!…