finalixgarnet Member


  • Hi guys! I just graduated from UNC charlotte with a BA in dance performance and I have my first pro job dancing starting in a few months!! I'm so excited!! I've been dance en pointe for years now -12 but I started late--- my best advice is to find a pre pointe class - basically a ballet barre the kills your calves and…
  • I have been yes, gluten and lactose intolerant.
  • We all need those days!!! I know it's south easier to go out to eat, i need to do the prep day that everyone says works .... But what day is that ha I'm always busy!!
  • Honestly I started this group so we could all be supportive and encouraging of healthy eating habits while striving for the best body possible. I hope we can achieve a positive forum without jumping to conclusions. Thank you for all the interest and feed back -- stay healthy and positive
  • Joy!! I have to confess I did bad last night I had too much carbs/cals with pizza ugh and being allergic to gluten and milk my tummy is not happy!!!! --- I'm in the same boat I do great during the day but then at night I don't have time to get clean healthy foods as easily. My plan is for at least next week eat mostly…
  • Yes it is super tough in the dance world especially the ballet world, I am trying to get into professional companies and while that's my goal I'm not willing to be sick by any means. That being said, I am short and have the matabolism of a turtle and the stamina and drive of a horse so full days of burning calories is good…
  • Daily, it depends on how much a burn that day but between 1300 and 1600.
  • Had a great day today I burned almost 1500 cals!! And did pritty well w my eating --- I'm trying to eat more protein less carbs/ sugars
  • Ok so suggestion starting next Monday for 1 week lets do a clean eating challenge :: no processed foods/ sugars / think salads fruits and lean proteins !
  • Great advice in here even for non vegetarians
  • Awesome!!! Invite them for sure !
  • I was thinking we could do a clean eating or raw challenge soon /-- would you be down and who ever else joins lol
  • It's funny how we always are on the same timing lol
  • Yeah yesterday I had some chips and salsa with some white chocolate chips for dinner :( oops !! I was still with in my calories but I'm not sure if I really got all the nutrients I should have .... Welp today's a new day!
  • I found that stretching stretching stretching after class, after working out with lots of aerobic activity helps!! Mine aren't where I would like them, but the more I do cardio the better they get!! I think that dancing just makes them bulk, especially if your short like me. But hey, at least I can do grande allegro really…
  • I don't want people who want to dance, I want people who have to dance. --George Balanchine Hello, I am a 25 yr old freshman Dance major at UNC Charlotte. I am trying to get into North Carolina Dance Theater (thats the goal at least). I have danced for 12 years mostly ballet. I am obsessed, I love taking ballet classes, I…
  • Hello, My name is Rachel , I am 25 and a Freshman at University of North Carolina Charlotte, a Dance performance major, focus in ballet. I have been dancing for a long time and I still am trying to get to the professional level, I dont want my weight to be the thing holding me back from a professional career!!. I am…