Dancers n pointe



  • MelWick524
    MelWick524 Posts: 215 Member
    I'm a tapper and a jazzer ... but also was a ballet dancer from age 5-21. While being "chubby" is like weighing 450lbs in the dance world, and it did lead me into my psycho-spirals with e.d., dance is still my #1 love. I don't "eat clean" or "detox" anymore though...the obsessions got me right back into the e.d. cycle. MFP has taught me better. live a much different lifestyle going pro en pointe. Best wishes for success while staying healthy & strong :) BTW...BEAUTIFUL ATTITUDE!! (that's the name of what OP is doing in her profile pic...but I'm sure her life-attitude is good, too, lol)
  • twnkltoz16
    twnkltoz16 Posts: 9 Member
    Okay, today I am not even logging my food. I am on strike. I am rebelling. I don't care. I just don't care. I'm tired. I'm cranky. I'm frustrated a d I have so many other things to do. I actually didn't do too badly - especially for a birthday celebration day at work and all the food we bring. I didn't eat too much, but I didn't totally eat clean either. It is hard to eat well when good food requires prep and every minute of every day is full of other things I can't really say no to - like work, and getting a shower occasionally, and sleep. I know planning ahead is the key, but I don't even have time for planning, much less shopping, prepping, packing etc etc etc. So today, I just don't care. The end.
  • MamaBirdBoss
    MamaBirdBoss Posts: 1,516 Member
    edited June 2015
    Yes it is super tough in the dance world especially the ballet world, I am trying to get into professional companies and while that's my goal I'm not willing to be sick by any means. That being said, I am short and have the matabolism of a turtle and the stamina and drive of a horse so full days of burning calories is good for me. I'm a vegiatarian and have a difficult time losing weight, I might even have a thiorid issue ... Need to check.
    Thank for the support ///
    I'd really like to loose about 20lbs which is still technically within my BMI, not underweight, I'm small boned, I wear I size 6 shoe and in 5'2.
    But more importantly than what's on the scale - I want to get my body fat % down, I think I'm high right now in the 28% and I'd like it much lower.
    Professional dancers just as any athlete use the body as a tool, my goal is to sharpen my tool as well as its my canvas for my art. If your not in super high shape no one will take you so it's worth the work and effort as well as the diet and exercise. Of course health is also s top priority that's why I want s support group to help each other not slip twords the road of anorexia --- I believe it's possible to eat right, and be thin it's all about the proper nutrients.

    If you're 5'2", you've actually got a HUGE advantage over taller girls in terms of maintaining weight. The dance companies are brutal about weights if there's any pas de deux these days because they think flinging the girl higher is better, so they want everyone in the low teens at the highest so the men don't get broken!

    Your metabolism IS slow, but it's because you're small and slimmish. It has nothing else to do with anything. Anyone 5'2" and under 125lbs would have a "slow metabolism." Since you're 5'2", as long as you're 115lbs, you won't get crap, and you could be as low as 102 and still be a healthy weight.

    It's WAY easier to maintain at 115 than 102 (because you get more calories), so what I would do is lose weight (if you need to) down to 115, and then work on losing inches by building muscle. A lot of what dancers do is pure cardio, despite the strength you need for it, so if you build some actual muscle with direct strength training, you can look slimmer, stay a more manageable weight, and have a healthy body fat percentage.
  • MamaBirdBoss
    MamaBirdBoss Posts: 1,516 Member
    Joy!! I have to confess I did bad last night I had too much carbs/cals with pizza ugh and being allergic to gluten and milk my tummy is not happy!!!!
    --- I'm in the same boat I do great during the day but then at night I don't have time to get clean healthy foods as easily.
    My plan is for at least next week eat mostly salads or steamed vegitables and egg for my protien - pritty boaring, but I'm still looking for other good scoures of protien. Cutting out all processed things for a week and detoxing drinking lemon water and I'm going to get a detox tea to drink at night. Idea!!! Would it help if we had a time a night that we could not eat past like 9:30 ?

    No, and detoxing won't help either. Nothing you list will actually help you lose weight.
  • MamaBirdBoss
    MamaBirdBoss Posts: 1,516 Member
    edited June 2015
    Yes it is super tough in the dance world especially the ballet world, I am trying to get into professional companies and while that's my goal I'm not willing to be sick by any means. That being said, I am short and have the matabolism of a turtle and the stamina and drive of a horse so full days of burning calories is good for me. I'm a vegiatarian and have a difficult time losing weight, I might even have a thiorid issue ... Need to check.
    Thank for the support ///
    I'd really like to loose about 20lbs which is still technically within my BMI, not underweight, I'm small boned, I wear I size 6 shoe and in 5'2.
    But more importantly than what's on the scale - I want to get my body fat % down, I think I'm high right now in the 28% and I'd like it much lower.
    Professional dancers just as any athlete use the body as a tool, my goal is to sharpen my tool as well as its my canvas for my art. If your not in super high shape no one will take you so it's worth the work and effort as well as the diet and exercise. Of course health is also s top priority that's why I want s support group to help each other not slip twords the road of anorexia --- I believe it's possible to eat right, and be thin it's all about the proper nutrients.

    Anorexia has nothing to do with "proper nutrients." If you are underweight, you are underweight no matter what you eat. It is unhealthy no matter what you eat. There is no way to be underweight and also "eating right."

    There's also no way to be "obese and healthy" because obesity itself is a health issue. These are opposite ends of the same spectrum, but do you realize that if you're under the age of 30, you're FAR more likely to die of your weight complications if you're underweight than even if you're morbidly obese? It takes a toll much faster.

    Most of the dancers who had problems fell into to two groups--those who maintained by consuming nothing but booze and cigarettes and those who were anorexic but thought it was okay because they were eating salads. Neither is okay. The booze and cigarettes crowd will get in trouble faster, but both will end up with osteoporosis and other problems in the long run even if they don't get into immediate trouble because of undereating, and at the same weights, both have the same complications in the GI tract and with heart disease.
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    Exactly. Detoxing is a waste of time, money and effort. Your kidneys and liver do all the "detoxing" the body needs, for free. Detoxes are a scam, pure and simple.

  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    You seem to have a lot of limitations on your diet, besides a set calorie goal.

    Has a doctor tested you for a slow metabolism and gluten and lactose allergies? So many women these days think they have these problems but they are just following a silly fad in crappy women's magazines that want to sell you "cures' for these things.

    I hope for your sake that those limitations you've set are unnecessary. It's hard enough being a dancer without putting obstacles in your own way.
  • MamaBirdBoss
    MamaBirdBoss Posts: 1,516 Member
    Yes, your stomach feeling funny is not a sign of an allergy. It's a sign of overeating or eating stuff you don't eat usually.

    If I go off milk for a couple of week and get back on it, it can make me sick for about a day. That's normal.

    Cutting out whole food groups because of perceived problems with them is a warning sign of orthorexia, which is often connected to eating disorders.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    Yes, your stomach feeling funny is not a sign of an allergy. It's a sign of overeating or eating stuff you don't eat usually.

    If I go off milk for a couple of week and get back on it, it can make me sick for about a day. That's normal.

    Cutting out whole food groups because of perceived problems with them is a warning sign of orthorexia, which is often connected to eating disorders.

    I have a feeling this group will be the poster child for woo and disordered eating :disappointed:

  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member

    Most of the dancers who had problems fell into to two groups--those who maintained by consuming nothing but booze and cigarettes and those who were anorexic but thought it was okay because they were eating salads. Neither is okay. The booze and cigarettes crowd will get in trouble faster, but both will end up with osteoporosis and other problems in the long run even if they don't get into immediate trouble because of undereating, and at the same weights, both have the same complications in the GI tract and with heart disease.

    Eh...I was a professional Latin dancer, mostly doing Afro-Cuban, especially a style called rueda de casino. It's an entirely different world from ballet and the body restrictions are much less intense. My frame size is way too big and I am much too tall for ballet or tango, so I never tried to fit myself into those worlds--it would not have been physically possible for me. I'm in my 40s now and there are some people from the company that I performed with who are still professional dancers--some of them are even older than I am, though they hide that like a state secret. The strange thing that I have noticed is that many of the heavy drinkers are still around, still living on rum and still dancing. I suppose that it will catch up with them eventually (and I certainly wouldn't recommend that lifestyle) but it isn't always a recipe for disaster.

    Some people's bodies will take more abuse, I guess.
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    edited June 2015
    Joy!! I have to confess I did bad last night I had too much carbs/cals with pizza ugh and being allergic to gluten and milk my tummy is not happy!!!!
    --- I'm in the same boat I do great during the day but then at night I don't have time to get clean healthy foods as easily.
    My plan is for at least next week eat mostly salads or steamed vegitables and egg for my protien - pritty boaring, but I'm still looking for other good scoures of protien. Cutting out all processed things for a week and detoxing drinking lemon water and I'm going to get a detox tea to drink at night. Idea!!! Would it help if we had a time a night that we could not eat past like 9:30 ?

    Detoxing is a waste of time and money. It's just plain not necessary.

    There is no magical time at night after which you need to stop eating.

    You certainly do not need to eat clean in order to lose weight. I do it because I am concerned with quality of life, long-term health and because that is the way I like to eat--not because I think that it will help me to lose.

    Why would it be harder to eat clean at night than the rest of the day? Having you tried pre-prepping meals so that when you are hungry you can just grab something good?

    Are you getting enough protein? Are you doing any strength training?
  • finalixgarnet
    finalixgarnet Posts: 18 Member
    Honestly I started this group so we could all be supportive and encouraging of healthy eating habits while striving for the best body possible. I hope we can achieve a positive forum without jumping to conclusions. Thank you for all the interest and feed back -- stay healthy and positive
  • finalixgarnet
    finalixgarnet Posts: 18 Member
    twnkltoz16 wrote: »
    Okay, today I am not even logging my food. I am on strike. I am rebelling. I don't care. I just don't care. I'm tired. I'm cranky. I'm frustrated a d I have so many other things to do. I actually didn't do too badly - especially for a birthday celebration day at work and all the food we bring. I didn't eat too much, but I didn't totally eat clean either. It is hard to eat well when good food requires prep and every minute of every day is full of other things I can't really say no to - like work, and getting a shower occasionally, and sleep. I know planning ahead is the key, but I don't even have time for planning, much less shopping, prepping, packing etc etc etc. So today, I just don't care. The end.

    We all need those days!!! I know it's south easier to go out to eat, i need to do the prep day that everyone says works .... But what day is that ha I'm always busy!!
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    Honestly I started this group so we could all be supportive and encouraging of healthy eating habits while striving for the best body possible.

    Yes, that's why I'm here.

    I hope we can achieve a positive forum without jumping to conclusions.

    Agreed. Could you give us more information on whether you've been diagnosed by a doctor as being allergic to lactose and gluten? It would help us help you.

  • finalixgarnet
    finalixgarnet Posts: 18 Member
    I have been yes, gluten and lactose intolerant.