Dancers n pointe

hey guys!
I'm Looking to start an accountability group . We can share goals, struggles and successes.
I thought we could even do some clean eating challenges!


  • twnkltoz16
    twnkltoz16 Posts: 9 Member
    I'm in! Lord knows I could definitely use some help! And actually, it's funny that you mentioned this today bc I was going to ask you for accountability anyway.:)
  • twnkltoz16
    twnkltoz16 Posts: 9 Member
    I'll be honest - I did to much snacking (on non-nutritioudtoday!! But I think I got some nutrition at breakfast and dinner at least...
  • finalixgarnet
    finalixgarnet Posts: 18 Member
    Yeah yesterday I had some chips and salsa with some white chocolate chips for dinner :( oops !! I was still with in my calories but I'm not sure if I really got all the nutrients I should have .... Welp today's a new day!
  • finalixgarnet
    finalixgarnet Posts: 18 Member
    twnkltoz16 wrote: »
    I'm in! Lord knows I could definitely use some help! And actually, it's funny that you mentioned this today bc I was going to ask you for accountability anyway.:)
    It's funny how we always are on the same timing lol
  • finalixgarnet
    finalixgarnet Posts: 18 Member
    I was thinking we could do a clean eating or raw challenge soon /-- would you be down and who ever else joins lol
  • twnkltoz16
    twnkltoz16 Posts: 9 Member
    It's funny how we always are on the same timing lol

    I know, right?:)
  • twnkltoz16
    twnkltoz16 Posts: 9 Member
    edited June 2015
    Abiut the challenges - I would love that! We really need to get Amy, Steph, Heather and Maria Elana on here!:) Most of them would probably do this with us!
  • finalixgarnet
    finalixgarnet Posts: 18 Member
    Awesome!!! Invite them for sure !
  • finalixgarnet
    finalixgarnet Posts: 18 Member
    Ok so suggestion starting next Monday for 1 week lets do a clean eating challenge :: no processed foods/ sugars / think salads fruits and lean proteins !
  • finalixgarnet
    finalixgarnet Posts: 18 Member
    Had a great day today I burned almost 1500 cals!! And did pritty well w my eating --- I'm trying to eat more protein less carbs/ sugars
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    Carbs and sugars are not the enemy. May I ask what your calorie goal is?
  • finalixgarnet
    finalixgarnet Posts: 18 Member
    Daily, it depends on how much a burn that day but between 1300 and 1600.
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    If you are burning 1500 calories a day in one workout (which sounds awfully high) you should be eating much more than that.
  • twnkltoz16
    twnkltoz16 Posts: 9 Member
    I will do my best with clean eating challenge . Actually, today I did really well... until my husband went out for a dinner date. :/ I tried to make wise choices, and overall I did, but you know it all adds up. I went way over. On the bright side, I got lots more nutrition today and ate pretty clean, even at the restaurant!
  • twnkltoz16
    twnkltoz16 Posts: 9 Member
    Again, I did really well until about 2pm. It always seems to start around that time of day, but only when I am at work. And then it got worse when I was running behind on errands this evening. Thankfully, I did not exceed my calorie goal nearly as much as yesterday, but I cannot say I ate clean all day either! Any tips for eating well on the days you are super busy (which is all of them for me, so that also means I rarely have time to plan ahead).
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    elphie754 wrote: »
    If you are burning 1500 calories a day in one workout (which sounds awfully high) you should be eating much more than that.

    It depends on your metabolism. I often do that--and need to do so in order to maintain, much less lose.

    I'm also a dancer, but not of the en pointe variety. I'm pretty much always on target in terms of eating fairly clean/unprocessed...with the exception of chocolate. This time of year, much of what I eat is coming out of my own garden.
  • MamaBirdBoss
    MamaBirdBoss Posts: 1,516 Member
    edited June 2015
    If she's a professional or semi-professional ballet dancer, she will almost certainly be striving to be underweight because that's what dance companies demand these days. I was a "fat dancer" for my level at 5'6" and 118lbs. I was seriously, no kidding, HUGE compared to the other women. My calves were as big as their thighs. And it was a dance style that had bigger women than ballet. When I worked briefly with a ballet company, I re-confirmed my decision to never go serious professional. The disordered eating, the smoking, the obsession with food (and not eating it), and the rivalries and jealousies were bonkers. I looked at them and went, "Yeah, I'd rather ACTUALLY be fat than be crazy, thanks."

    Good luck on your goals! :) It's a very, very tough world you're in, especially to stay sane, and I couldn't imagine putting my body through that! But I got fat when I pretty much stopped dance while on bed rest. :P
  • finalixgarnet
    finalixgarnet Posts: 18 Member
    Yes it is super tough in the dance world especially the ballet world, I am trying to get into professional companies and while that's my goal I'm not willing to be sick by any means. That being said, I am short and have the matabolism of a turtle and the stamina and drive of a horse so full days of burning calories is good for me. I'm a vegiatarian and have a difficult time losing weight, I might even have a thiorid issue ... Need to check.
    Thank for the support ///
    I'd really like to loose about 20lbs which is still technically within my BMI, not underweight, I'm small boned, I wear I size 6 shoe and in 5'2.
    But more importantly than what's on the scale - I want to get my body fat % down, I think I'm high right now in the 28% and I'd like it much lower.
    Professional dancers just as any athlete use the body as a tool, my goal is to sharpen my tool as well as its my canvas for my art. If your not in super high shape no one will take you so it's worth the work and effort as well as the diet and exercise. Of course health is also s top priority that's why I want s support group to help each other not slip twords the road of anorexia --- I believe it's possible to eat right, and be thin it's all about the proper nutrients.
  • finalixgarnet
    finalixgarnet Posts: 18 Member
    Joy!! I have to confess I did bad last night I had too much carbs/cals with pizza ugh and being allergic to gluten and milk my tummy is not happy!!!!
    --- I'm in the same boat I do great during the day but then at night I don't have time to get clean healthy foods as easily.
    My plan is for at least next week eat mostly salads or steamed vegitables and egg for my protien - pritty boaring, but I'm still looking for other good scoures of protien. Cutting out all processed things for a week and detoxing drinking lemon water and I'm going to get a detox tea to drink at night. Idea!!! Would it help if we had a time a night that we could not eat past like 9:30 ?