kbown Member


  • Great job! I struggle with logging my food but am trying. I get up every morning to do an iFIT workout on the Treadmill. Absolutely love it! Keep it up!
  • I Miss the Misery by Halestorm
  • Hi, I've been doing this off and on for several years and could also use some friends to help keep me going. Feel free to add me. Karen
    in Need Friends Comment by kbown May 2016
  • Welcome back.....I'm in the same boat. 2014 was an awesome year for me and I had lost 53 lbs. 2015 came in and knocked me flat on my face. I've been struggling ever since and gained back all my weight and then some. I'm always looking for friends on here and I think that is one of my struggles with staying on track. I'm a…
    in Starting over Comment by kbown May 2016
  • 4/1: 1.35 Miles (Walk during lunch) 4/4: 1.35 Miles (Walk during lunch) 4/5: 3.1 Miles (Run) 4/6: 1.15 (Walk during lunch) 4/7: 1.17 (Walk during lunch before the rain; expecting to go for a run tonight if it stops raining) 4/8: 4.1 Miles (Run) 4/11: .62 Miles (walk during lunch.....so cold!); 1 Mile run during Dryland…
  • 4/1: 1.35 Miles (Walk during lunch) 4/4: 1.35 Miles (Walk during lunch) 4/5: 3.1 Miles (Run) 4/6: 1.15 (Walk during lunch) 4/7: 1.17 (Walk during lunch before the rain; expecting to go for a run tonight if it stops raining) 4/8: 4.1 Miles (Run) I was going to run Sunday morning as well but we got snow on Saturday and the…
  • 4/1: 1.35 Miles (Walk during lunch) 4/4: 1.35 Miles (Walk during lunch) 4/5: 3.1 Miles (Run) 4/6: 1.15 (Walk during lunch) 4/7: 1.17 (Walk during lunch before the rain; expecting to go for a run tonight if it stops raining)
  • Thank you! The Glass Slipper was a lot of fun and it was my first. I will definitely get back in the game! :)
  • 4/1: 1.35 Miles (Walk during lunch) 4/4: 1.35 Miles (Walk during lunch) 4/5: 3.1 Miles (Run) 4/6: 1.15 (Walk during lunch)
  • I started running 4 years ago...I've run numerous 5 ks, 7ks, 10ks, 11Ks, a half dozen half marathons (2014 - 2016), 1 full marathon (Oct 2014), and the Disney Princess challenge (19.3Miles Feb 2016). Unfortunately I can't seem to run a mile lately without feeling like I'm going to pass out. Soooooo, I'm back to my C25K app…
  • Name: Karen Age: 41 Height: 5'6" Start Weight (April 1): 247.4 Goal Weight (May 1): 240 Weigh-ins (week of...): April 1: 247.4 April 8: April 15: April 22: April 29: Weight -/+ this week: Weight -/+ this month: Successes/struggles this week:
  • Hi Tif1124, I lost 53 lbs last year by eating a deficit of calories and exercise. It was great; however I fell completely off the wagon due to injury and multiple deaths in the family....needless to say it all came back on. I too am looking to lose about 40 to 50 lbs in the next six months. I have just finished up the…
  • I've been using the "Couch to 5K" app on my phone. I believe it may have been changed to "ease to 5K'. Either way it has been a godsend. I LOVE the program!
  • I run outside and occasionally on a treadmill. I went to Lady Footlocker and they helped me choose a pair of Asics (sp?) running shoes. They have a breathable mesh and are great when I go running.
  • Just me and my baby girl a week before I started using MFP. I'm hoping when we go back to Disney in 2014 and we take a similar picture I'll be a lot thinner! :)