April 2016 Running Challenge



  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Date Miles today. Miles for April
    4/1 REST DAY
    4/2 14.3 miles - 14.3 <<< 13.1 HM + 1.2 warmup
    4/3 REST DAY
    4/4 4.2 miles - 18.5 << will try and get a second lunch time run in
    4/4 4.0 miles - 22.5 << daily double, 3E +1HMP
    4/5 8 miles - 30.5
    4/6 4.2 miles - 34.7 << easy recovery 4 (taper week)
    4/7 6 miles - 40.7
    4/8 5 miles - 45.7
    4/9 3.3 miles - 49
    4/10 14.2 miles - 63.2 << 13.1 + 1.1 w/u
    4/11 6.2 miles - 69.4
    4/12 9 miles - 78.4


    Upcoming races:
    Oak Barrel HM - 4/2 <<<< 1:38:00 3 in AG
    Bridge Street HM - 4/10 <<< 1:36:33 3 in AG
    Cotton Row Run 10K - 5/30
    Firecracker Chase 10.2 miler 6/25

  • _nikkiwolf_
    _nikkiwolf_ Posts: 1,380 Member
    It doesn't matter if you are talking about 5:00 am or 3:15 am - you guys are insane! :p

    I'm not a morning runner at all - it takes me at least 30 minutes from stumbling out of bed to being able to run. And I don't like the knowledge that I have to be back at a certain time - no freedom to slow down or add a loop without worrying about being late for work.
    Pretty much all my weekday runs are between 8pm and midnight. I'm already dreading summer, when it might still be too hot to run in the evening!
  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    4/1 - 3.5 miles on indoor track + weights/abs
    4/2 - Life day
    4/3 - 10 miles. Very windy.
    4/4 - Rest day.
    4/5 - 4 miles on the treadmill, then weights/abs.
    4/6 - 4.3 miles. Cool, damp and breezy.
    4/7 - 4.5 miles on treadmill (Trek class)
    4/8 - Rest day...lots of housework/painting/yardwork
    4/9 - 4.05 mile trail race...super fun with local microbrews at the end! Had way more fun than I expected!
    4/10 - Skipped my long run due to back pain / spasms. Not sure if they were from the trail race or from moving my son's room. Had to skip my planned 10+ mile long run. Hope it gets better fast!
    4/11 - Woke up with continued back pain. Getting cranky.
    4/12 - 4.4 miles. Chilly, but tolerable. Back was tender, but not painful.

    pcarvalho3 wrote: »
    Do I care? Nope. I just run.
    Got that right. Just run.

    That's how I feel, exactly. Two years ago I couldn't run 30 sec without my heart jumping to 190. Yesterday finished my first 10K. I walked a part of it, ran most of it and finished happy knowing that at 46 I healthier than I was 2 years ago. :) . So that's my motto "beat yourself, run more"

    Yes, I love that! "Beat yourself, run more."

    @MNLittleFinn - You definitely have "the bug". Way to slow yourself down a bit.
  • lillymacki55
    lillymacki55 Posts: 35 Member
    Running to beat my March total of 127.71:

    04/01 3.36
    04/02 8.26
    04/03 8.38
    04/04 4.82
    04/05 5.07
    04/06 3.51
    04/07 7.53
    04/08 3.96 walking
    04/09 5.76
    04/11 3.41
    04/12 3.18

    Total 57.24
    GOAL = > 127.71


  • biscuitnow
    biscuitnow Posts: 141 Member
    I can't keep up with you people....and I'm not even talking about running. XD I've never seen such a lively thread before!


    Running is becoming easier for me, though my knees still act up sometimes. I'll try doing more hip exercises since I'm sure I lack core/hip strength. Still, today's kilometre ( :wink: ) was fun - great weather and no scary geese.
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    rest day today - want to give my knee a day of rest though it feels good today

    @robotfood - your list of races and distances is just amazing
    @elise4270 - yeah a free race!!!
    @greenolivetree - hope the exercises help
    @whatmerunning - you need to do like Skip, she wears her running clothes to bed the night before a race so she doesn't have to waste time getting dressed. I can get up and out in 10 minutes in the summer, not so much when it's cold then it's more like 20.
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    rest day today - want to give my knee a day of rest though it feels good to

    @whatmerunning - you need to do like Skip, she wears her running clothes to bed the night before a race so she doesn't have to waste time getting dressed. I can get up and out in 10 minutes in the summer, not so much when it's cold then it's more like 20.

    I may have to start doing that too, when I up my morning mileage. Good plan giving the knee a rest. I always start back too soon.
  • greenolivetree
    greenolivetree Posts: 1,282 Member
    Still going low impact today. Maybe I'll get out on the bike after work. Feeling pretty confident that I'm going to strengthen my hips and solve all my problems :wink:

    I am slooooooow to wake up in the morning. I'm up by 6 but I hit snooze a lot and wander around the house like a zombie. So on work days, I run after work. On non-work days, I still don't run until like 9am usually. I can't imagine running 15 mins after I woke up!

    @skippygirlsmom Thanks for being an example by resting a knee that actually feels good :wink:

    @pthyay Good job and I'm glad you're enjoying running. As for the activity on this thread, if there's one thing runners like to talk about, it's running!

  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    @whatmerunning - you need to do like Skip, she wears her running clothes to bed the night before a race so she doesn't have to waste time getting dressed. I can get up and out in 10 minutes in the summer, not so much when it's cold then it's more like 20.

    oh i do that too
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    I think I might do an experiment this weekend. I have a 6 mile run Long Run planned for Sat, but I'm thinking, what I might do is do the run like planned, but make my goal a run of 1:30:00. This will mean a longer distance, but it will also give me the chance to see how I do on a longer run. Current longest duration run was 1:14:24 and I went 7 miles, so I think this should be doable, with proper pacing of course.
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,881 Member
    @_nikkiwolf_ - lol - yes I think we might be a little crazy. But it is so hot here in Florida after work. In December/Jan I did do a few runs after work and that was great! Sleeping in til 5:30am!
    @ddmom0811 - Hey running twin!:smiley: You sure get ready and out the door quickly!:smiley: My alarm is set for 4:00. I had a little trouble getting out of bed this morning, getting downstairs around 4:08. It always takes me about 20-30 minutes to get ready and out the door.:smile: Wish I could do that faster because on tomorrow's 8 miler I will have to get up at 3:15!! :confounded:

    I refuse to set my alarm before 4am! Actually before 4:07am! When I was trying to figure out how to get my long runs in last year, I contemplated getting up earlier but I just couldn't do it.
    I have everything laid out for my run and it's just a matter of pop in contacts, throw on clothes, turn on my 3 lights, and not let myself get distracted. Sometimes I am half asleep as I head out the door. I always walk the first 1/3 mile for a warmup and so I usually feel pretty excited to start running by that point. Then when I get back I have a crazy routine - about 55 minutes to get completely ready and out the door. Clothes for the day are also picked the night before and I make a big shake that I drink for breakfast while getting ready. I don't bring the shake in the shower. :wink:
  • kbown
    kbown Posts: 16 Member


    4/1: 1.35 Miles (Walk during lunch)
    4/4: 1.35 Miles (Walk during lunch)
    4/5: 3.1 Miles (Run)
    4/6: 1.15 (Walk during lunch)
    4/7: 1.17 (Walk during lunch before the rain; expecting to go for a run tonight if it stops raining)
    4/8: 4.1 Miles (Run)
    4/11: .62 Miles (walk during lunch.....so cold!); 1 Mile run during Dryland training

    Storms blowing through the area today. If they go away I will be doing 4 + miles this evening. Fingers crossed!
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    ddmom0811 wrote: »
    @_nikkiwolf_ - lol - yes I think we might be a little crazy. But it is so hot here in Florida after work. In December/Jan I did do a few runs after work and that was great! Sleeping in til 5:30am!
    @ddmom0811 - Hey running twin!:smiley: You sure get ready and out the door quickly!:smiley: My alarm is set for 4:00. I had a little trouble getting out of bed this morning, getting downstairs around 4:08. It always takes me about 20-30 minutes to get ready and out the door.:smile: Wish I could do that faster because on tomorrow's 8 miler I will have to get up at 3:15!! :confounded:

    I refuse to set my alarm before 4am! Actually before 4:07am! When I was trying to figure out how to get my long runs in last year, I contemplated getting up earlier but I just couldn't do it.
    I have everything laid out for my run and it's just a matter of pop in contacts, throw on clothes, turn on my 3 lights, and not let myself get distracted. Sometimes I am half asleep as I head out the door. I always walk the first 1/3 mile for a warmup and so I usually feel pretty excited to start running by that point. Then when I get back I have a crazy routine - about 55 minutes to get completely ready and out the door. Clothes for the day are also picked the night before and I make a big shake that I drink for breakfast while getting ready. I don't bring the shake in the shower. :wink:

    I'm glad you shared your routine. I try AM runs once in a while. I couldn't figure out how to have enough time to wake up and get out at a decent time, I do have to be at work at 6 though. The walk may be the key to helping me do a few AM runs. I always had coffee and sat on the front porch waiting to wake up. I'd run a bit, then need a bathroom visit.
  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    For me it's making sure I do the bathroom visit that keeps me from getting right out the door. And some days I just have to go run anyways and hope for the best! Sometimes that's a losing gamble.:grimace:
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    edited April 2016
    @whatmerunning I'm with you on the bathroom visit.
    I set the alarm now for 5:30, out by 5:45 run about an hour, come home get the doggie and walk her for about 15 mins, when back home in the shower and out the door by 7:45 to take Skip to school. I used to start work between 7 and 7:15 (school started earlier then and Skip took the bus) my boss said he knew my runs were getting longer when I started coming in at 7:30 and then finally at 8:00. Now my boss is in El Paso so I'm here when I get here. If and when I get back to longer runs I'll get up around 5:00 and go out the door by 5:15. I think if you check my strava you'll see I start running in my driveway and sometimes from my front porch LOL

    I'll have to tell Skip she's not so weird sleeping in her running stuff. Unless she gets the mind to wear her shoes, then it'll be a no.

    @greenolivetree I've learned the hard way with ITB that pain one day and fine the next usually means I should take an extra day. I figured 1 day is better than 2 weeks off. :wink:
    ROBOTFOOD Posts: 5,527 Member
    @skippygirlsmom Haha thx! I'm excited! @_nikkiwolf_ Nice shoes! I wear Saucony Kinvaras for most of my road running. 4mm drop.
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    @_nikkiwolf_ love them. I've been reading quite a bit about the On Cloud shoes, all good stuff. Love the meme, of course all new shoes deserve to be treated to at least a pillow :smiley:
  • ceciliaslater
    ceciliaslater Posts: 457 Member
    I finally managed to get another run in. Have been reading the thread whenever possible, but just haven't been making it out to actually run much. Did 4.3 today, which puts me at a total of 14 miles for the month. Pretty poor mileage for me. I've just been very stressed out lately and haven't had the motivation to really get out there. Plus, other obligations have been getting in the way of my weekday lunch runs frequently.

    My husband left for Alaska again yesterday (I used my lunch hour to take him to the airport, since, the last time he drove himself, my truck broke down, and i had to get someone to take me to the airport and find his). This will be his last trip up there, due to the ongoing oil downturn. He's on the hunt for a new job, and I'm hoping something comes through soon. He does have a job with his current company waiting for him at home, but it's not what he wants to do and the pay is not nearly as good.

    Still hoping the meloxicam starts to do some good (reduce swelling/irritation in my ankle joint). It's been a week now and I'm not seeing any improvement to speak of. It may actually be worse... Dr said if it doesn't seem to be helping after another week that we will move on to the next treatment option.

    Really hoping I can get back in the groove this week and start logging some solid mileage...