April 2016 Running Challenge



  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    Thanks, you lovely people, for the PB congrats!

    Congrats in return, to you awesome wonders for your trials and efforts in your races and training.

    You are so inspiring! Can't wait to get out there and run in the morning!
  • AdrianChr92
    AdrianChr92 Posts: 567 Member
    @Stoshew71 Congrats on your award
    @skippygirlsmom You look great, even freezing
    @Ohhim Damn man Ironman is certainly something I hope to do in the future. Congrats on your time
    @ceckhardt369 Congratulasions

    Date.......Distance...Pace (min/km)
    April 1 - 3 km...........(7:30)
    April 2 - rest
    April 3 - 10 km.........(4:51)
    April 4 - 5.2 km........(7:35)
    April 5 - 4.8 km........(6:30)
    April 7 - 8 km...........(5:30)
    April 8 - rest
    April 9 - 12 km walk
    April 10 - 4 km.........(6:00)


    03/04: Bucharest 10k and Family run (registered) 48:37, 188/1010
    16/04: Color Run Bucharest (registered)
    17/04: Forest Run (registered)
    15/05: Bucharest Half Marathon or 10k, depends.
  • fitntoned001
    fitntoned001 Posts: 28 Member
    4/1- 1.1 km rest day
    4/2 - 1.4 km rest
    4/3 - 3,9 km
    4/4 - 6.6 km
    4/5 - 6.2 km
    4/6 - 5.8 km
    4/7 - 7.1 km
    4/8 - 2.1 km
    4/9 - 5.7 km
    4/10 - 5.4 km
    4/11 - 4.1 km

  • kbown
    kbown Posts: 16 Member


    4/1: 1.35 Miles (Walk during lunch)
    4/4: 1.35 Miles (Walk during lunch)
    4/5: 3.1 Miles (Run)
    4/6: 1.15 (Walk during lunch)
    4/7: 1.17 (Walk during lunch before the rain; expecting to go for a run tonight if it stops raining)
    4/8: 4.1 Miles (Run)

    I was going to run Sunday morning as well but we got snow on Saturday and the roads were a bit icy in the AM. Dryland today and then a run afterwards (or tomorrow). Have a great day!
  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    Good gawd, I need more coffee!!! At least I made myself run.

    4/1 - Rest
    4/2 - 14 miles
    4/3 - 5 miles
    4/4 - 5 miles
    4/5 - 5 miles
    4/6 - 8 miles
    4/7 - 5 miles
    4/8 - Rest
    4/9 - 13.1 miles
    4/10 - 5 miles
    4/11 - 5 miles

    65.1/160 miles


    Upcoming races:
    4/9 - Rock the Parkway half marathon (Kansas City, MO) 2:30:17.6 new PR
    4/16 - Garmin Wickedly Fast half marathon (Olathe, KS)
    4/23 - Race for Hope half marathon (North Kansas City, MO)
    5/1 - Buffalo Bell Stampede half marathon (Leavenworth, KS)
    5/14 - Running with the Cows half marathon (Bucyrus, KS)
    6/2 - Hospital Hill 5k 7pm PRE-RUN (Kansas City, MO)
    6/3 - Hospital Hill half marathon 7am RE-RUN (Kansas City, MO)
    9/25 - Broadway Bridge half marathon (Kansas City, MO)
    10/15 - Kansas City Marathon 26.2 (Kansas City, MO)
    11/5 - Jenks half marathon (Jenks, OK)
    11/6 - Kansas half marathon (Lawrence, KS)
    11/12 - Longview half marathon (Kansas City, MO)
    11/13 - Gobbler Grind half marathon (Overland Park, KS)
    11/19 - White River half marathon (Cotter, AR)
    11/20 - Pilgrim Pacer half marathon (Lenexa, KS)
  • Ron_Dco
    Ron_Dco Posts: 51 Member
    @ariceroni.. Congratulations on HM completion
    @WhatMeRunning... Congratulations on the HM completiona and for the PR. Nice race write-up:)
    @Orphia.. Congrats on PB
    @Stoshew71... Congratulations on HM, PR, AG win..
    @_nikkiwolf_... Congratulations on the 10K and PR... that was awesome timimng
    @ceckhardt369... Congratulations on the HM relay..
    @Ohhim.. Congrats on IronMan traithlon... Impressive report
    @CivicSista.. Congrats...


    04/10 Big Balipu - Mangalore Marathon (5K race)........ 38:20

    This was technically the first 5K I ran as the one previous 5K was actually a 4.05K on map :D
    The race venue was on the beach and we were to run on the road going to beach from highway and it was a beautiful venue. For the first few hundred meters it was sea towards our left and next some 2 KM it was river on our right side till U-turn and the race would end exactly at the start location on the Parking lot created next to beach. I started the race with some pain in my right leg inside calf muscle, which I had from 2 days. It wasn't any severe only felt when I tried lifting some weight, thought it might go off once I start running, and boy I was so wrong at that. I had made my brother in law run in this race, literally had to force register him, so thought it wouldn't be good If I back-off.

    It was a warm summer morning 30 Celsius temperature and humidity in 60. it wasn't a huge crowd as it was around 300 people at start line. Started the race by running around middle of the pack, eventually ended up in the top 15-20 around 1.5 to 2K and then the pain in the leg started to get worse. In another few hundred meters I was limping my right leg with pain, eventually my left leg also started getting the extra work and started to hurt, I stopped and started to walk ahead after 2KM by then My brother-in-law had overtaken me. After around 2.6 KM there was a water station and u-turn. now I was walking along the river and could see few boats fishing, etc.. it was relaxing to watch the river while walking, it was helping divert my attention from pain. There were even kids in this event and few of them overtook me and one kid was walking along with me, started some conversation with him, somehow I had to finish this race. I walked / limped / and jogged in short intervals till around 4.5 K. I knew the finish was around few turns and started to run again but had to stop after few meters and continue walking. At the end when I could see the finish line I started to sprint and finished the race. By then I had done enough damage to my leg and it was hurting even when I tried to sit after cool-down but was satisfied that I didn't quit the race in between. Pain was reduced after a while. Brother-in-law had completed some 7 minutes ahead of me.

    I completed the 5K with 38:20 timings (Official timings), wasn't last though. Not sure of the standings as the organizers yet to give the list, as they have some verifying to do. Everybody was given a cap and a completion medal. Certificates will be a e-certificate over email.

    Today the Pain is felt even when I walk, Had visited the Physiotherapist and she wasn't amused that I ran being aware of the pain. Have advised me to take rest for a week and not do any running and keep giving the Ice pack treatment and visit for another 5 times this week.

    Splits from Strava. Starva said 40:05 5.2 Km 7:38 /Km. I had stopped the watch as soon as I had finished :(
    1.00k.............5:55 /Km
    2.00K.............8:14 /Km
    3.00K.............8:03 /Km
    4.00K.............8:32 /Km
    5.00K.............7:13 /Km
    5.20K.............8:24 /Km

  • instantmartian
    instantmartian Posts: 335 Member
    edited April 2016
    The 5K I ran this past Saturday is always a tough one - the first .9 miles is a gradual uphill, with a couple gradual downhills, two quite steep up hills, and one very steep downhill thrown in the middle. The past few I have made it a point to walk up the steep uphills and use gravity to my advantage for the rest of the race. I've stayed quite consistent with my time for the course over the last four years. I guess that could be a good thing. Next year, I want to focus on hill work and see how well I do.

    It was chilly to start, and it got downright cold by the end. It flurried through the duration of the race, and hundreds of people (not nearly as many as in the past) were crazy enough to stay around and have a couple beers in the snow. By the time my friends finished and found my boyfriend and I, it was 100% snowing. The temp was just above freezing, but the "real feel" was below. It was definitely my coldest race, and I am not a cold weather running. I was quite happy with my time, all things considered (though my time was only 00:05 less than my previous PR for the course, it was a PR nonetheless.

    04/02 9.30 mi
    04/07 2.00 mi
    04/09 3.10 mi
    TOTAL 14.30 mi
    GOAL 45.00 mi

    2016 Races:
    02/21 – Disney Princess Half Marathon – 2:38:29 (included 16 stops to either take photos of something or have my photo taken with something)
    04/02 – Philadelphia Hot Chocolate 15K – 1:44:22 15K PR
    04/09 – Yuengling Light Lager Jogger 5K – 32:40 course PR
    04/16 – River Horse 6K
    05/01 – Blue Cross Broad Street Run (10 miles)
    08/06 – Foreman Foundation Chocolate Tour 10K
    09/18 – Rock 'n' Roll Philadelphia Half Marathon
    10/09 – 5,000 Yards Dash
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    4/1: Rest day!
    4/2: 5 miles
    4/3: 13.1 Caesar Rodney HM!
    4/4: 3 miles with Joe to Go crew
    4/5: Rest day
    4/6: 10 miles (am), 6 miles (pm)
    4/7: 7 miles tempo (am), 6 miles with Thursday crew (pm)
    4/8: Rest day
    4/9: 22 miles << Last super long run for this training cycle!
    4/10: 10 miles
    4/11: 6 miles with Joe to Go crew

    Rain held off today, so it was a cloudy, gray but DRY (thank goodness!) morning! Legs were pretty tired for the first 3 mile loop, but they perked back up in the second 3 miles. Taper officially starts this week and I am so ready for it! Fewer miles... eating at maintenance rather than a deficit... more sleep... what's not to like?


    Stoshew71 wrote: »
    @kristinegift Close to Rutgers? My brother is an RU grad. Spend many times there.

    @Stoshew71 We ran pretty much to Rutgers! We had to walk through campus to get from the tow path to Chipotle. I felt bad for all the walking tour groups who were waiting in the rain for tour guides to arrive. It was a good day to run, but not a great day to stand around in the breeze and the drizzle!

    Upcoming Races:
    3/12: Run O' The Mill 5K: New PR! 21:55
    4/3: Caesar Rodney HM: New PR! 1:40:13
    4/16: River Horse 6K (Ewing, NJ)
    5/1: New Jersey Marathon (Lots of towns, NJ)
    11/20: Philadelphia Marathon (Philly, PA)
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    Rest day today. These are getting harder and harder for me. With my 4 runs a week schedule, I always feel antsy on my rest days. Maybe not running enough to "feel" like I need the rest?
  • instantmartian
    instantmartian Posts: 335 Member
    I wasn't around all weekend, and I just skimmed through the last 90+ posts, but it looks like there were tons of races, PRs, and people pleased with their time/effort. Congrats to everyone!
  • zoe2434
    zoe2434 Posts: 69 Member
    Congratulations to all those who raced this weekend! I love reading your stories and seeing the pics!

    4/1……1.2 miles (Outdoor Run/Walk)
    4/4……3.0 miles (TM 10K training)
    4/5……3.0 miles (TM Run/Walk)
    4/6……1.5 miles (Outdoor Lunch Walk)
    ……2.5 miles (Outdoor 10K training)
    4/8……3.5 miles (TM 10K training)
    4/9……2.8 miles (TM Run/Walk)
    4/10….1.8 miles (TM Walk)

  • ShaeDetermined
    ShaeDetermined Posts: 1,525 Member
    wow! you guys are killing it!
    I gotta register for some spring races. If only spring would show up already!!!

    4/1: 4.5 miles
    (total week one: 4.5miles)

    4/4: 5 miles
    4/6: 4.8 miles
    4/8: 5.2 miles
    (19.5/60 miles)

    4/11: 4.5 miles
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,881 Member
    @ohhim - amazing times for the IronMan!!! I had heard that you couldn't draft at those on the bike and I cannot imagine going that far without drafting. I guess you just get used to the 12m rule. I have to wonder who can even see if someone does that though. (judges I mean).

    @Stoshew71 - awesome times and pictures!
    @skippygirlsmom - beautiful picture! So glad you weren't in pain either!
    @Orphia - PB! great job!

    I know I probably missed a race or two or more, sorry! But congrats to everyone!

    4/1- 5.1 miles in the rain
    4/2 - rest/travel day
    4/3 - 34 miles on bike
    4/4 - 5.1 miles (intervals)
    4/5 - 5.1 miles - intervals (although slower than yesterday)
    4/6 - 22 miles on bike + Strength training
    4/7 - 4.2 miles - slow and steady
    4/8 - strength training
    4/9 - 34 miles on bike
    4/10 - 50 miles on bike
    4/11 - 5.1 miles - recovery run from all the biking


  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member

    1-no run yet, maybe later
    6-yoga tonight
    8-late night tonight(ani difranco concert), so no run this morning


  • 9voice9
    9voice9 Posts: 693 Member
    I sprinted the last ¼ (well a Kathie sprint) and felt great crossing the line.
    I’m so happy!
    I'm happy for ya! Great job.
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Date Miles today. Miles for April
    4/1 REST DAY
    4/2 14.3 miles - 14.3 <<< 13.1 HM + 1.2 warmup
    4/3 REST DAY
    4/4 4.2 miles - 18.5 << will try and get a second lunch time run in
    4/4 4.0 miles - 22.5 << daily double, 3E +1HMP
    4/5 8 miles - 30.5
    4/6 4.2 miles - 34.7 << easy recovery 4 (taper week)
    4/7 6 miles - 40.7
    4/8 5 miles - 45.7
    4/9 3.3 miles - 49
    4/10 14.2 miles - 63.2 << 13.1 + 1.1 w/u
    4/11 6.2 miles - 69.4


    Upcoming races:
    Oak Barrel HM - 4/2 <<<< 1:38:00 3 in AG
    Bridge Street HM - 4/10 <<< 1:36:33 3 in AG
    Cotton Row Run 10K - 5/30
    Firecracker Chase 10.2 miler 6/25

  • 9voice9
    9voice9 Posts: 693 Member
    i'm afraid I might be one of the shortest lasting contributors on here. 10th April and I have only managed my 2nd run of 1.5 miles and I have been paying for it all day - chest is awful. Maybe I need to rejoin you in May?
    1) Short, long, feh! The only comparison you make is to the yesterday-you. If you're doing better today than that one, you're good!
    2) Don't feel like you need to drop out now - we're not even half-way thru the month. If you're otherwise healthy, then the best advice I can give (which is entirely negligible!) is keep moving, but slow down. Walking is still moving, and is a great way to build/rebuild a base. If you can throw in a few steps at a very slow run, that's great. Remember - walking is both feet on the ground the entire time, running is both feet off the ground at some point in the cycle/gait.
    We believe in ALL runners! and that includes YOU!
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member

    @Stoshew71 We ran pretty much to Rutgers! We had to walk through campus to get from the tow path to Chipotle. I felt bad for all the walking tour groups who were waiting in the rain for tour guides to arrive. It was a good day to run, but not a great day to stand around in the breeze and the drizzle!

    Chipotle? You need to hit the R U Hungry truck. Although, I think they now have an actual store. It's been so many years. Olde Queens was a bar we would always go to.

  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    9voice9 wrote: »
    i'm afraid I might be one of the shortest lasting contributors on here. 10th April and I have only managed my 2nd run of 1.5 miles and I have been paying for it all day - chest is awful. Maybe I need to rejoin you in May?
    1) Short, long, feh! The only comparison you make is to the yesterday-you. If you're doing better today than that one, you're good!
    2) Don't feel like you need to drop out now - we're not even half-way thru the month. If you're otherwise healthy, then the best advice I can give (which is entirely negligible!) is keep moving, but slow down. Walking is still moving, and is a great way to build/rebuild a base. If you can throw in a few steps at a very slow run, that's great. Remember - walking is both feet on the ground the entire time, running is both feet off the ground at some point in the cycle/gait.
    We believe in ALL runners! and that includes YOU!

  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    Just made a Strava map of the Half Marathon I have this coming fall. Plan is to use my summer time to take my little man and drive up there and run some sections for weekly runs, to get the lay of the land.