

  • I would say get more exercise. I don't know if you have a sedentary job or lifestyle, but 30 minutes of exercise a day will help your body to produce hormones of all sorts. You may not need to cut calories at all, just add some exercise. Walking is THE key to my weight loss. Also, the kind of calories you take in is…
  • I understand. If you looked in my kitchen, about all you will find are some box dinners and cans of soup. I can't keep stuff like that in the house. If I do buy a treat to bring home, it is the smallest size, like a single pint of ice cream. I can imagine it's harder when you have kids. I've been at this for a couple of…
  • I have sleep issues. Try putting a dim lamp, on the opposite side of the room, on one of those cheap timers that you can get from the discount store. Set it to come on a half hour before your alarm clock goes off. This will help to gently pull you out sleep, instead ripping you out of REM sleep, like an alarm clock may do.…
  • A week is nothing. Give it a month, and get some exercise. Diet alone won't get you serious results. The thing about exercise is, even if the weight doesn't come off as fast as you like, you WILL feel better. This elevates your mood, and helps you stop the bad eating habits. Good luck.
  • The best advice I've gotten, and it's either from Dr. H, (The Biggest Loser) or Dr. Oz, is to eat slowly. It takes about 20 minutes for our bodies to recognize that we are eating and to release the hormones and chemicals that make us feel full and satisfied. So, when I can, I try to break my meal into two pieces. Eat the…
  • The best advice I've gotten, and it's either from Dr. H, (The Biggest Loser) or Dr. Oz, is to eat slowly. It takes about 20 minutes for our bodies to recognize that we are eating and to release the hormones and chemicals that make us feel full and satisfied. So, when I can, I try to break my meal into two pieces. Eat the…
  • I'm in Tulsa, and I'm new here too. This app and site really are helping me to watch what I eat. I'm down four pounds, so it's a good start. You can do it. I was 420 at my heaviest, now I'm 360. I think with this app, and the sports-tracker app, I've added a couple of really useful tools to help me get the rest of this…
  • Welcome aboard. I've been using this for a week now and it's helping a lot. I just posted a blog about my debauchery last night, but today is starting off on the right foot. Also, I'll be taking my first walk today while using the sports-tracker app on my phone. It uses GPS and your stats to calculate your calorie burn on…
  • Very cool, and thanks for the inspiration. I got to around 420 at my heaviest, but I'm 360 now. I just stopped trying to lose more after a nasty injury. But no more excuses now. I'm back on track and I'm using this app and Sports-Tracker. This diary is making it really easy for me to be mindful of what I'm eating and…