

  • I wish I knew how to fix it, but I try to do better than I have in the past. One thing that was suggested to me by my therapist was to not treat a binge as a failure, therefore an excuse to keep binge eating. If I would binge on a Friday or Saturday, I would also use that as an excuse to binge on Sunday, and tell myself I…
  • I eat about half of my exercise calories back, my daily calorie iintake is set at 1580, my daily exercise averages about 1100 calories burned, I usually eat about 2000-2100 calories a day. Sometimes it is hard to get all of my calories in if I eat my first meal late, so that evening I will usually eat a high calorie snack,…
  • I joined TOPS for awhile, thought it helped me with accountability. Some things I didn't agree with, bottom line though was it was another tool to use. I lost about 20lbs in the 5 months I was going to meetings, but I found myself doing silly things to make sure I had a good weigh in. I would work out hard, not replace the…
  • Don't base your calories burned on what the treadmill says, the calorie count can be off by up to 25%, I also agree with those who mentioned spreading your calories out, and eating more protein.
  • I'm sure many have heard of using spaghetti squash as a replacement for your pasta when making spaghetti, but you can also use steamed shredded cabbage (my wife and I prefer this), and you can also substitute steamed cabbage leaves for your lasagna noodles. Lots of different recipes out there, but you take your favorite…
  • Thanks for posting vids, didn't see this post until I finished my cardio this morning, will do a video tomorrow. For today I was on the treadmill, 8 miles at a 10min/mile pace, 3 miles at a fast walk. Let's kick March in the butt, good luck to everyone.
  • Starting weight-202lbs Goal weight-170lbs Goal for March-Lose 8lbs
  • Name: User - gezman/Rob Current weight: 203 Goal weight: 170 Average water intake per day: 10 cups Average workout time per day: 1hr/18 holes of golf Biggest weight insecurity: MY BELLY Inspiration: Good health/good example for kids and grandkids