

  • I would wait 4-6 weeks. Simply because your body needs time to heal completely. I add breastfeeding as an exercise that takes off 500 calories. MFP has it as a negative food but I didn't like adding it that way so I created my own exercise. Congratulations on the new little one and way to go breastfeeding!!
  • 5'5" and my goal was 115, got there and still looked soft. I'm back up to 120 and getting more toned. I think a strong 120-125 is my goal.
  • Way to go!!!!!!
  • I am with everynoe else. I bet it was delicious. As long as you don't make a habit of it, you'll be just fine!
  • It ups your daily calorie needs because you burned those calories and they are no longer there for your body to survive on. The amount MFP gives you for your Goal is without any exercise figured in, assuming you didn't choce a higher activity level to figure in exercise, and minus whatever weightloss you selected per week.…
  • I comprehend it perfectly well so don't imply that I am not intelligent. How do you know the reason a person gives for doing such & such is unscientific for that specific person? Have you tested that person? Do you know everything about their medical history or body composition? Do you know how their metabolism works? I'm…
  • My point is, what if THOSE people, the ones others are saying "you MUST ***" to, really DO need to do those things? What if they haven't tried it and it is what will work for their body? I don't see why it is BS to tell them they need to do something different that really may actually be what works for them.
  • Great point. Everyone is different and has different needs. I guess I just have an unrealistic dream of people respecting one another and offering sound advice instead of throwing out terms such as "broscience". I want to see all sides of everything and maybe that is from all the research I have done in making sound…
  • Their bodies, for one, would take some time to get used to the new meal plan. As bcattoes pointed out, while their bodies were adjusting, they may have issues staying away from food, fighting the urge to eat when they used to. Also, they may not sleep as well on an empty or full stomach, depending on when they were eating…
  • Could it not be true for those people who believe it? Not everyone fits in the same shaped scientific box. Like rml_16 pointed out: "Even within the studies, it's based on the results of a MAJORITY, not 100% of participants." Maybe a study needs to be done with a large number of these believers. Some would eat their meals…
  • If "so many people" believe it, then isn't there a good chance it is true? @chrisdavey- Nice results. I see that it works for you. Way to go!
  • Yes, and then people jump in saying they don't have to do that. That meal timing is basically for idiots. What if THAT person DOES need to do it? What if their body isn't the same as the handful of people in all these studies? The studies, reports, etc. didn't test every single person who is trying to lose weight. They…
  • No, I don't misunderstand. I am just curious if anyone has tried that, which is why I asked if anyone has. I completely agree.
  • I won't blast anyone for how they eat. That is totally up to that person. Some days I don't eat breakfast if I sleep in or if I'm busy taking care of my kids. Other days I crave breakfast and eat before I fix food for anyone else.
  • I stay at home with our three boys and I'm EBF my 7 month old. I add "Breastfeeding, 1 minutew, 500 calories" as an exercise the night before to make sure I eat back those calories. Then I know where my limit is. As for the husband, mine is overseas so I don't have to worry about him for a few more months. I hope you can…
  • My sugar is always over. I only worry about calories. It is hard enough to keep track of that let alone all the other things. If I had medical issues I would of course watch other things more closely. I don't though and all my sugars (aside from movie night desert once a week) are naturally occuring.
  • I measure my waist where everyone else is saying to, smallest point. However, I added a measurement to my log titled "Belly Button" so that I can keep track of that pooch, too.
  • I've been adding 500 for it but I'm wondering if I burn more. He is 7 months old, gained a lb in the last month, and is only breastfed (so a lot!). I will have to look around and see if I should add a little more. Thanks!
  • I'm hungry a lot, too, even when I'm filling my calories with healthy foods. I have myself set at sedentary and log all my workouts from breastfeeding to mowing the lawn to wearing the baby while grocery shopping for an hour. By the end of the day, my calories are up from 1,220 to nearly 2,000 every day. Logging workouts…
  • I have the same damn thing. It looks awful. Between that and my mommy pooch from three kids 8+ lbs each, I'm afraid my stomach will never be what it used to be. Especially since we plan on having one more kid.
  • I was pressed for both money and space. I bought this: It is such a great workout and so much cheaper than anything else I saw. I usually hold 3 lb weights in my hands and keep my arms moving to get a…
  • I do that sometimes, too, and it is quite the workout. I just created my own exercises by adding the baby's weight to my weight in the database. Then I searched the different exercises and did some averaging to create my own.
  • Thanks, everyone. I will use #3 for now. We sometimes do hike and that is rougher terrain. Maybe then I will average 2 & 3.
  • We are just starting to drink these. This is what we did yesterday, it made 4 cups worth that I divided into three servings for my sons & me. 3 cups spinach 1 cup skim milk 1 cup orange juice 1 banana 2 cups frozen pineapple 182 cals per serving Tomorrow we are trying one with blueberries and strawberries, though they…
  • Different Calories Burned Amounts for 60 min walking & carrying 15 lb infant= 186 walking 3.5 mph= 202 walking 3.5 with baby's weight added to mine= 237 backpacking general= 373 The differences are rather great. Does anyone know how much weight the backpacking accounts for in the pack?
  • I entered your info on a TDEE calculator and I'd say it is closer to 1800, and that is with a sedentary lifestyle and little exercise ( ). We weigh close to the same and I'm eating about 1,000 calories more than you and losing weekly. You should probably try eating more all around and give…
  • I love milk. I have skim on my cereal and then usualy a couple cups a day with meals. Since it is natural sugars, I don't even worry about them. The calcium and other nutrients are what matter to me.
  • You did amazing! Way to go!
  • I enter half my workout in the morning so that I can eat back those calories through out the day. Whether it is blessed by science or not, I just don't like eating that many right before bed. I'd rather spread them out through the day.
  • If it works for you, that is great! Way to go taking control of your health. I love eating lots of small meals and snacks. I have lost over 8 lbs in just over 3 weeks doing it. It may not work for everyone, but I'm not eating for everyone.