

  • I effin love oatmeal.
  • You could make some fresh juices such as a combination of cucumber, spinach/kale/chard (some leafy greens), ginger, lemon and apple. That always works wonders for me! Good luck :)
  • 15 pounds since August 2012 :)
  • Add me if ya like! :) I'm on pretty much everyday.
  • My cats are the loves of my life... haha and my friends already call me the future old cat lady :P
  • Great post!! I always hope that one day the people in this world will come to a point where it is a priority to them to do at least ONE random act of kindness a day! I admire you and your big heart :)
  • Feel free to add me! I'm on everyday pretty much :)
  • From Nebraska, currently in lovely Colorado :)
  • I am terrified of clowns... but i gotta say this is funny :P
  • Someone's probably already said it, but the grass is always greener on the other side. My dad is Pakistani (and really dark) while my mom is American and AS fair as you can get... literally cannot go in the sun for 5 minutes without getting burnt. But she is beautiful, and despite how gorgeous she is with fair skin she…
  • Two! I was homeschooled until college, and started at a community college and now at a Uni. :)
  • Hey friend! :) I'm a longtime vegetarian/vegan. Sometimes I feel like I eat the same things everyday, too, but I am content with that. It makes it easier for me at work to just leave healthy things here, but when I'm at home for dinner I usually try to mix it up. Indian food is great because most of the dishes are…
  • welcome to MFP :) feel free to add
  • Looove the chest hair! I would much rather be with a furry guy than one who shaves/waxes or whatever... and it does feel nice!
  • Feel free to add me! I am always looking for new friends on here :) Welcome!
  • Wow girl! you look amazing! You will get past the plateau, hang in there!!!
  • I have the Paragard which is a non-hormone IUD. I have had it for about 4 years and I love it! Especially since I'm the type who doesn't want my hormones being messed with and not so great with remembering things like taking a pill, etc... :P
  • Weekly Goal: 3,500 Mon: 462 (Biking for 45 min.) Tues: 1916 (Hiking for 3.5 hours) Wed: 649 (rock climbing) Thur: 0 Fri: 848 (rock climbing) Sat: Sun: Total: 3,881 Left to go: 0 Yay! Didn't think I could make this goal!
  • Awesome :D I would have to agree this is a great cd working out or not!
  • Weekly Goal: 3,500 Mon: 462 (Biking for 45 min.) Tues: 1916 (Hiking for 3.5 hours) Wed: 649 (rock climbing) Thur: Fri: Sat: Sun: Total: 3,027 Left to go: 472
  • My favorite by far!!!
  • Weekly Goal: 3,500 Mon: 462 (Biking for 45 min.) Tues: 1916 (Hiking for 3.5 hours) Wed: Thur: Fri: Sat: Sun: Total: 2,378 Left to go: 1,122
  • I'm in! First time... weekly goal: 3,500 :) Good luck everyone!
  • Lol, exactly. And I was trying to convince her that if she's going to do any cleanse it should be with juices/smoothies. I've tried the Master Cleanse when I didn't know any better (I was 16, hah) and it is way, wayyy too much sugar and can be dangerous.
    in Detoxing Comment by syam3000 April 2012
  • Sorry, let me clarify! When I had those awesome results it was not because I was on the Master Cleanse... this was when I was juice feasting/drinking green smoothies and ate only raw foods, the majority of those foods being dark greens and various fruits and veggies either juiced or blended into smoothies. As for Vitamin…
    in Detoxing Comment by syam3000 April 2012
  • Well, I can definitely agree with you that the weight you lose is definitely NOT fat and is essentially water weight/internal content. I see your point that you don't have to go to the extreme (juice fasting) to get good results, as long as you eat good food. There have been a lot of studies that say it's easier to…
    in Detoxing Comment by syam3000 April 2012
  • I am in no way encouraging the Master Cleanse!! I am talking about juicing and cleansing by drinking green smoothies. Way different. Starving yourself is exactly the opposite of what I said, I literally said juice FEASTING. And you also missed the part where I DO have evidence with my blood work. While that may not be…
    in Detoxing Comment by syam3000 April 2012
  • I am aware that we can trick our bodies into thinking pretty much anything but a point I think you missed is that I have done this while supervising the changes in my blood. When I went into my first cleanse, I was deficient in protein, iron, and vitamin D among other things. When I was done with my fast I was checked…
    in Detoxing Comment by syam3000 April 2012
  • Yes, in my opinion you can do it that way, too. I am not saying that there is one right way to do it, or even that you have to, but that is how I would do a cleanse (juicing or smoothies). Just saying... :)
    in Detoxing Comment by syam3000 April 2012
  • What is your definition of detoxing, then? To me, detoxing is purifying your body and ridding it of all the crap that we eat these days and the only way to REALLY do that is to avoid foods that are processed and packaged with god knows how many additives to keep them from spoiling on shelves. You can't think that all the…
    in Detoxing Comment by syam3000 April 2012