

  • Pabs--I tried the Rasberry GU for the first time...the taste was better than I thought and it helped me. I agree on my last 3 miles...going up the hills wasn't as bad as going down the last 2--my knee almost locked up a couple times! It took me 3 hours and 15 mins, but I crossed that finish line one happy girl!!! Very…
  • Did you run the Air Force Half yesterday? My husband, step daughter and I ran it!!! My knees are feeling it today! But man do i feel good!!! I was so emotional at the finish line!!! Good Luck with your marathon!
  • Well, I downloaded "Lone Survivor" from itunes on my phone...and will listen to it this Sat. for my long run. I have already read the book a couple of years ago, but thought since the movie is now being made I will listen to the book. It is 5 hours and 12 mins long...so that will be a couple of runs worth. Thanks for the…
  • Embrace the SUCK is my go to saying when my legs are screaming! Also, the last mile of my long runs I imagine crowds all around me chanting USA USA USA!!!!!! Guess I am excited for the 2012 London Olympics!!!
  • Just a couple things... How many miles are on your current shoes? Seems like you have been doing a lot of running, maybe it is time for a new pair? I went to a store called Roadrunner and bought new insoles and a new pair of shoes due to knee pain. My knee pain started after my running got longer......The insoles were…
  • I don't have a tip to help you with speed, just a tip about insoles. My husband and I went to a store called RoadRunner--a store dedicated to running. They make custom insoles there. It took us about an hour total to get our insoles made and then new shoes. This was a very expensive trip for sure!! The insoles were almost…
  • This was a great book!!!! I laughed through the whole thing! It was also informative and helpful.
  • soft kitty warm kitty....little ball of fir kitty love Big Bang!
  • That is AWESOME!!! I am running my first Half in Sept. and I loved reading this!!! Way to go!!!!
  • Well....I don't usually comment on many topics...but this one I will jump right in! I met my husband on match.com in 2008. We will be married 2 years in July! I had been divorced for about 4 years and out of a long term relationship of 3 years when I joined Match. He was newly divorced and had not dated much when he…
  • Sidewalks are uneven...many cracks....and bikes, trikes, etc are just dropped on sidewalks. I couple of my friends (non-runners or walkers) will make cute comments to me about this same thing--I always tell them that my tax dollars help pay for these streets I run on!!! My knees feel it less when I run on the black top…
  • It is almost like starting your running routine all over isn't it??? I know what you are going through...I went through this same thing in March when I ventured outside to run---after running on my treadmill for 5 months. You are going to have to take it slow and not give up!!! I told my husband also that i wish we could…
  • Dave- Thanks for the suggestion. I have not had my gait checked...I need to do that. My knee doesn't start hurting until about mile 5 or 5.5. This past Saturday I just pushed through it and finished my last mile trying to sprint. I then sat with a bag of frozen corn on it when I got home! The rest of the day I was feeling…
  • @Whutzup1-- When I ran on my treadmill I always ran at an incline at 1 or 2...I ran at 5 mph for the most part. It seems like I took more breaks on the treadmill...I would walk more. I dvred all my favorite shows and watched them while running and would try to sprint while fast forwarding through the commercials. Running…
  • Hi my name is Teresa....45 years old and running/training for my first half---running it in Sept. It is the AF Half in Oh. I have been running on and off for a couple of years. Last Nov. is when I made a decision to running 4 times a week and bump it up to longer runs on the weekend. My longest run was this past Sat. My…
  • That is funny stuff!!! I don't know about 'Zen'--my husband runs with me and he only keeps one earpiece on to listen to music...and when i start to stuggle...with a hill (or slight encline that looks like a giant hill) I make him talk me through my stuggle!! This may be a phase of not listening to music while running....we…
  • Fish oil is something I heard about. Currently I am taking 1500 mg of Glucosamine 1200 mg of Chondroitin for joint pain. This was recommended by a friend who does Tri's. I may add the fish oil. The longer my runs, the more my knee creaks and groans!! I feel liberated without my ipod! Who would have thunk it?! I feel like…
  • How I got started running...well I went through a bad break-up about 3 years ago and started walking twice a day...early morning and when I got home from work. I gradually started jogging in the morning..under the cover of darkness...so none of my neighbors and friends saw me panting and gasping for breath! haha... I met…
  • Thanks guys! It really helps that my husband and I run together...most of the time. He knows just how to push me along. Another interesting fact is since I quit listening to music while I run, my times have gotten better. I also feel like I am running at a more even pace. I hope my knees and heels hold out so I can still…
  • Thanks! Some days I think I have wings on my Brooks....other days it seems like I am running through mud...haha! I saw a tee shirt on Pintrest that said 'I heart Running' and in smaller font it said 'when I'm done!" That is my mantra some days!
  • Stronger-Kanye West