CapeCodSheila Member


  • I need to avoid afternoon snacking. Right now it's a bad habit I've fallen back into because of stuff life's thrown at me, so I also need to avoid emotional eating. I know I need to, not currently successful though. Back to logging.
  • I am so in but this is the first time I've seen the sign up. During my walk at 2PM I realized I had sat only for breakfast and lunch, and to do some online bill paying. Other than that, I was standing! Once you start thinking about less sitting, the possibilities are endless
  • Addictive and effective, and fun! Welcome and Good luck.
  • Feel free to add me if you'd like. I just reached my goal weight but it's a struggle not to fall back into old habits. You may be looking for younger friends, but I'm here if you're interested
  • Do you have any nutrition info on this Jim? Looks yummy but fattening
  • Hi-I think Patti has left the group- she put a message out on the home page the other day that she was taking a different weight loss path I didn't realize this board was still active-Nice to meet you Ladies! I have a Fitbit and try to walk at least 10,000 steps a day. Right now there's so much pollen in the air, I can't…
  • First off, congratulations for losing 200 pounds! That's amazing Now, are you saying you are only eating 500-700 calories a day?? That's not even enough to keep your body going if you were in a coma, seriously. You're damaging all your body systems and organs by starving them. If you're working out and not eating protein…
  • Have you tried an adult trike? I have a balance disorder and can't ride a regular bike. I was a little embarrassed at first because it made me feel like an old person! But being out in the fresh air, hearing the birds and feeling the little breeze in my hair makes me happy! And I have had many people ask where I got it, or…
  • Congratulations on taking control of your health. As a former Curves trainer, I think you've chosen a wonderful way to start working out, plus you meet such nice people there. half the time you don't realize you're exercising and then you're done! I am 67 and have lost almost 30 pounds in the past 3 years, and am now on…
  • Your body is in starvation mode because you're not feeding it enough!! As strange as it sounds, you have to eat more to lose weight, especially since you're consistently working out. And make sure you have at least 8 glasses of water a day. I just read a medical report that said you should never eat less than 1200 calories…
  • I'm not sure what your weight is, but too much water can be dangerous. Take it from me-you can deplete your electrolytes and throw your whole system out of balance. I wound up in the ER, and had to be admitted. I was addicted to water and was drinking 1 1/2-2 gallons of water a day. too much of a good thing can be bad-who…
  • Hi. Welcome to MFP! I have been doing Zumba 2-3 times a week for the past couple years. It's made such a difference both in weight loss, and firming up my abs. I've been away for the winter and haven't been doing zumba here, and even though I haven't gained any weight, and walk 5 miles most days, my abs are definitely…
  • I asked this question once and got some really nasty responses. I hope those negative people are gone by now I count my decaffeinated unsweetened tea but I wouldn't count anything with added sugar, honey, etc. In the olden days in Weight Watchers, we were told to have at least half our fluid intake as water, and then we…
  • Hi Karen Congratulations on your weight loss! I too have lost about 30 pounds and got a little too cocky recently after everyone started telling me how great I looked. I really lost my motivation over the Holidays. I need to start setting goals to get back on track- one meal at a time, then one day at a time. Starting with…
  • My belief is that if it doesn't have calories, caffeine or sodium, it counts as water. I do count my tea because it's decaf and I drink it black. If what you're doing seems to work for you, keep doing it. If you hit a plateau, try drinking water, or crystal light, or water with lots of lemon and add some sweetener if…
  • I like this. I'm so in! So motivating! 30 minutes moving, carrying boxes downstairs 20 minutes weighted hula hoop Total 50 minutes 23 hours 10 minutes left
  • Really trying to stay away from Cheezits which are my downfall. I can't eat one serving-usually it's the whole box in like 6 hours. And they never taste as good as they used to, so why I still crave them I don't know. I guess because they've been my favorite junk food since high school
  • I am very impressed that one of those cupcakes was only 1/4 eaten. Send them to the poor, unappreciated birds at the dump. No one ever thinks of them
  • I apologize for being the bearer of bad news, but the calories in bacon are per slice. Bacon fat is definitely not a freebie. I just looked it up and it's 39 cals for one teaspoon.
  • Hi Welcome to MFP. It's taken me forever but I finally reached my goal weight and now I am battling my lifelong habit of self-sabotage and trying to learn to live a healthy life. I can't go back to my old ways, but I am having a really hard time resisting old friends, like Cheezeits!! Feel free to add me as a friend . We…
  • I go to classes 2-4 times a week depending on my work schedule and also love the Wii Zumba-I tend to do the intermediate most of the time though it gets repetitive after awhile and then I'll do the expert. I love my instructor here in MA but the one in Florida is from Puerto Rico and she rocks!!!!! It's just such a fun way…
  • It's ok to have a bad day once in awhile. I could tell you volumes about my Cheeze-it disasters. I am an emotional eater too and then I hate myself. But the old you would just say The Heck With It and go back to bad habits. But now you are new and improved and will learn from the bumps in the road. You're human,you make…
  • It's taken me a year to lose 10 pounds! It's discouraging when everyone else seems to "get it". But a month ago I got a Fitbit and here I am at goal-the last few pounds just seemed to give up and go away. You can do it too, with or without a fitbit as long as you have a good supportive group of friends. Ooh-pick me, pick…
  • I hope you're feeling a little more upbeat today. I have my entire family coming for 2 weeks-4 kids, 4 grandchildren, my sister, B-I-L and niece with her boyfriend. I can feel the pounds piling on already, so I know exactly where you're coming from. One thing I would suggest and that I'm going to do, is to plan an entire…
  • Every Sunday when I get up. If I do it more often than that, I tend to eat according to what the scale tells me.
  • If it's decaf, non-carbonated and minimal calories, I count it as water. That's from my old WW life. I don't count tea or coffee if I put anything but sweetener in it Funny how many opinions there are on this. great topic
  • HI You sound like my kind of buddy. I am quite a bit older, but I do zumba 2-3 times a week. I also love my Wii, and walking, though I must admit, on the 3 days a week I work, I am too exhausted to do much. I have found if I faithfully log everything I eat, and be honest about my exercise, I do much better. I have been off…
  • I live on Cape Cod in Massachusetts
  • I would enter that a slow walking and just guesstimate about how long you spent actually walking, with some chasing the kids running averaged in. It's not an exact science but it will give you an idea anyway, I think