

  • Major difference - way to go!!!! Great job taking the first step to being healthier - it's not about how you look as much as how you feel!!! It's terrific that your husband and kids are helpful and supportive. Best of luck to you - you CAN do this!!
  • 6/24 walk 3 miles 6/25 run 1 mile, bike 6 miles 6/26 walk 2 miles 6/27 walk/run 5 miles 6/28 walk 2 miles 6/30 run 2 miles, bike 11 miles Total for June - 113!! Woohoo!! This was fun!!!
  • As of 6/19, I was at 62 miles 6/20 run/walk 5 miles 6/21 walk 1 mile 6/22 walk/run 2 miles 6/23 walk 3 miles, bike 8 miles New total - 81 miles!!!
  • June 13 - run/walk 5 miles June 14 - walk 3 miles June 15 - walk 4 miles June 16 - run 3 miles June 17 - run 2 miles June 18 - run 2 miles, bike 6 miles June 19 - run 3 miles new total - 62 miles woohoo!!
  • June 11 - run/walk 2 miles, bike 5 miles June 12 - run 3 miles New total - 34 miles - yay, now we're getting somewhere! ;)
  • June 7 - run 2 miles June 8 - walk 3 miles June 9 - run/walk 1 mile, bike 4 miles June 10 - walk 1 mile New total - 24 miles I need to do some more biking and pick up the pace - ack! lol
  • Definitely will try this sometime this week, headed to the store shortly so perfect timing that I saw this now - lol
  • June 1 - run 2 miles June 2 - run 5 miles June 3 - walk 2 miles June 4 - walk 1 mile June 5 - walk 2 miles June 6 - run 1 mile So far - 13 miles
  • Depends on what type music you like - I like some cheesy pop music sometimes to get going, Black Eyed Peas, Pitbull (love Int'l Love with him and Chris Brown), LMFAO (it's hard to focus on being tired when you hear "I'm Sexy and I Know It" - LOL), and "Pretty Girl Rock" is fun for a cool down. I also like the Ramones to…
  • I'd love to do this - sounds fun!
  • I love this idea - maybe I'll try it too - either with running or push ups (my weakness - lol) So here's one more for you!!
  • I like this reply!!!! I might have to borrow this for my next family gathering!
  • Luckily, it's not a problem at work since I am training for a 5 K mud run with 3 friends/co-workers and we're all trying to eat healthier. Also at home it's okay b/c my husband and son are very supportive. Other family members are a different story, my mom and aunt will say the right things like "wow, you look great!" and…
  • I would also suggest talking with your fiance and seeing if there's a way he could at least do one or two things to help out. I understand he's in school but it sounds like you're just as "busy" as he is so I think it would be only fair that he helps out. I had to do this with my husband, I was doing absolutely everything…
  • This works for me, I always make sure to "save" some calories for a snack in the evening. I've found that I can go low-cal for lunch and even dinner but then my body really requires some more food before bed or I can't get to sleep (tummy growling = unpleasant sleep environment LOL). I tried the "not eating after X time"…
  • Great story - thanks for sharing!
  • I don't know about your monitor but I burned 1200 Saturday doing two classes (Metabolic Effect and Zumba) back to back - this was 75 minutes. So, based on that logic, I'd say it's possible you burned close to 100 in 65. Yes, I realize it's different types of exercise but in a general way.