Too Busy to Work Out?

Moxie42 Posts: 1,400 Member
I posted this under a different message board topic but no one responded...sorry if this is a double-post but I'm feeling a little desperate for help right now :-/

I know there are single moms working 2 jobs who still manage to fit exercise into their schedules. How do you do it?! I'm not a mom but I work 50-60 hours a week, am taking care of everything at home during the week (all meals, dishes, laundry, taking care of 2 dogs and a cat) because my fiance is in school during nights, and am planning a wedding. I feel like no matter how much I do every day, I'm no where near being caught up...and my schedule won't be getting any lighter. Every time I get one thing done, there's something else that I'm NOT able to get to. So I feel guilty when I don't work out, but I also feel guilty when I do. I'm overwhelmed, stressed, frustrated, tired, and I feel like no matter how hard I try, I'm just letting myself and everyone else down, one way or another. I also don't have money to spend on a gym or classes. I do have some workout videos that I really enjoy doing and they're a great workout- the problem is getting myself to take 30 minutes out of the day to do them. I could really use some advice from others who are in, or have been, in similar situations.


  • stacygayle
    stacygayle Posts: 349 Member
    I'd like to know too....I'm busy and then when i do have a little time I'm too tired. I'd have more energy if I could get in more workouts. I think I just need to schedule it in and work around it instead of trying to work it in around everything else.
  • NinjaChickie
    NinjaChickie Posts: 118 Member
    Its like everything else thats tough. Its a commitment that you just need to make to yourself. When you are mentally ready for it to happen, you will make it work.

    For a couple of years I was working a 70+ hour / 6 day week. I live alone, so I had to do all the cooking / cleaning / laundry etc too. Dont feel guilty for taking time for yourself.... put on some music and dance while you do the dishes... do lunges to get to the laundry room... if you have stairs, do 3 up, 2 down to go up, you'll get there eventually. Take the dogs for a longer than usual walk. I'm sure they won't mind. If you take any time out to watch tv, do jumping jacks or crunches during the commercial breaks. Theres lots of little things you can do to squeeze in extra exercise.

    Oh and drink lots of water :)

    Hang in there!.
  • Moxie42
    Moxie42 Posts: 1,400 Member
    I hear ya! I think you're right about needing to schedule things around the exercise and not the other way around. I've heard a lot of people say losing weight does require some "selfishness" because you need to make YOU a priority, not others. It's just hard for me to do that without feeling guilty. It doesn't seem like 30 minutes for myself should be too much to ask for, yet it's SO hard to commit to.
  • IveLanded
    IveLanded Posts: 797 Member
    You know, it's really all about letting things go. I personally wasn't successful at the weight loss thing until my head was in a good spot. A lot of that has been about letting go of the idea of being in control of things I know I can't control, etc etc.

    At the end of the day, everything is a choice. It's a choice to feel guilty about most of that stuff. It's a choice to work out or not work out in favor of, say, laundry or dishes or whatever.

    And if you don't have enough time in your don't have enough time. You can't add more hours to the day (although we'd all like to!)

    I'm one of those single moms with 2 jobs......but my fitness finally just became a priority to me. It's more important to me to make sure I get a work out in than it is to, say, do the dishes. So.......sometimes the dishes sit or my floor gets kind of dirtier than I'd like. And I have an hour less with my kids on most days. Which sucks, but I also think the long term benefits out weight the short term crappy parts.

    If you can get to a place where you don't allow yourself to feel guilty over things that you can't control, that would probably help. Then have an honest look at your priorities.........and see where your fitness falls in that list. It may be so far down that it just isn't realistic to try to fit it in, you know?
  • IveLanded
    IveLanded Posts: 797 Member
    I hear ya! I think you're right about needing to schedule things around the exercise and not the other way around. I've heard a lot of people say losing weight does require some "selfishness" because you need to make YOU a priority, not others. It's just hard for me to do that without feeling guilty. It doesn't seem like 30 minutes for myself should be too much to ask for, yet it's SO hard to commit to.

    One thing a friend said to me once was "Isn't your health WORTH an hour a day?"

    That's such a no brainer, but it took her putting it like that to me for me to actually get it.
  • Quickster34
    Quickster34 Posts: 209 Member
    look at it this way , what one single investment of your time will yield better results then working out? none. because even all the money in the world is useless if your in poor health. im not saying you are by the way, im simply stating that if you look at it as job #1 before everything else you can and will make time for it because it IS that important
  • Moxie42
    Moxie42 Posts: 1,400 Member
    Thanks for the tips Ninja! I do give myself 30-45 minutes a day of tv/chilling-with-the-dogs time. I DVR everything so I always fast-forward through the commercials but doing mini-workouts instead is a really good idea!
  • Sarasari
    Sarasari Posts: 139 Member
    Are your kids in any events that you could excercise during that time? I excercise during my Son's soccer practice.You said you have dogs,can you walk them? It doesn't have to be a solid 30 min/hour. you could park further away at work,walk for 5 min at lunch,pace the kitchen while cooking,etc.It all adds up and all counts. Good luck!
  • merrillfoster
    merrillfoster Posts: 855 Member
    Do you have a treadmill? Put a piece of plywood across the bars, put your computer on it, and walk while you wedding plan, etc!
  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    I'd definitely combine activities. I mean, you have to walk the dogs, right? So run them instead. I'd dance through every household activity, squat instead of bend, and treat everything like some olympic event. ;)
  • kjerstenkipp
    kjerstenkipp Posts: 139 Member
    Like others have said on here it is about making it a priority. I have found that working out first thing in the morning works best for me...sure I get up early (4:45am) and work out, then I set about my day. This way it is done and I can't gaff it off like I used to when I would do it after was too easy to come home, make dinner, and hit the sofa. The other awesome thing about doing it first thing is that I get to walk around with that feeling of superiority knowing that I ran and lifted before most of these folks were even awake...ok, I am kidding about the superiority (sort of :-) )

    Just commit to it...wake up and get it done...I mean once the alarm goes off you are up anyway...might as well knock it out.
  • iamfranniefierce
    iamfranniefierce Posts: 305 Member
    I do an hour walk a day, works out to about 5 miles, which I split up into three 20 min. intervals I get to work earlier so I can do 1.5 miles before I start. Then I do another 1.5 miles at lunch and finally before I go home I do the last 2 miles...I find that breaking it up makes it more manageable for me. And my kids and husband are not suffering because I leave home half an hour earlier or get home half an hour later...and I look forward to those walks as my "me" time, its very therapeutic. If we, as women, waited until we had the time nothing would ever get accomplished! You have to make the time especially for your own health and well-being.
  • Moxie42
    Moxie42 Posts: 1,400 Member
    IveLanded and Quickster- GOOD POINTS! I definitely think my head is as much a part of the problem as the lack of time...I want my health and weight loss to be a priority but I tend to put myself last...I try to get everything else done first and then there's just no time for myself. But you're right, making health a priority will be worth it in the long run. I think I've always known that logically, but I didn't FEEL that way. Hearing it from others in a similar position really helps. It will take some getting used to but maybe making exercise a priority will eventually make me feel better about myself, and that will help me not feel so bad in general. Thanks for the advice and votes of confidence- I really needed that today :)
  • tonyabw
    tonyabw Posts: 17
    I would also suggest talking with your fiance and seeing if there's a way he could at least do one or two things to help out. I understand he's in school but it sounds like you're just as "busy" as he is so I think it would be only fair that he helps out. I had to do this with my husband, I was doing absolutely everything and I just had to say "I need for you to do xyz" - it's amazing how one or two small things done by someone else can free up an extra 30 minutes that you can spend working out.

    As others have said, you really do have to just make it a priority - I know for me it felt massively selfish when I started and I would apologize for it (once my mom wanted me to have lunch with her and I apologized for about 30 minutes b/c I was planning to take a class that day and it was the only time I had to workout) but now everyone in my family understands that I will spend time with them as I can but they need to check with me in advance so I can workout my workout - LOL
  • iamfranniefierce
    iamfranniefierce Posts: 305 Member
    I hear ya! I think you're right about needing to schedule things around the exercise and not the other way around. I've heard a lot of people say losing weight does require some "selfishness" because you need to make YOU a priority, not others. It's just hard for me to do that without feeling guilty. It doesn't seem like 30 minutes for myself should be too much to ask for, yet it's SO hard to commit to.

    One thing a friend said to me once was "Isn't your health WORTH an hour a day?"

    That's such a no brainer, but it took her putting it like that to me for me to actually get it.

    ^^^^ best advice ever!
  • jreed1920
    jreed1920 Posts: 123
    I walk in place while I watch tv then to kick up the intensity I do jumping jacks, crunches, pushups, squats and lunges during the commercials. A different exercise each commercial.
  • Moxie42
    Moxie42 Posts: 1,400 Member
    Thanks to everyone for all the advice and tips! I really needed the support today and I already feel a bit better. I do walk the dogs every day, but they are tiny and honestly, I'm afraid of stepping on them or tripping over them if I's happened before! But I love the ideas for things to do throughout the day and at home while doing every-day things. And the priority issue- definitely going to work on that. All day I've been stressing about when I'll fit in my workout video- before I make dinner? After? Before bed? As soon as I get home? But you know what? I've decided- every day, I'll do my video first thing when I get home (well, second, because I have to feed the dogs first). But that's my goal. Another goal is to start working out in the morning...maybe I can start doing that on weekends and ease into it that way, eventually doing it on weekdays too. Thanks for helping me accept that it IS okay to give myself some me-time!
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    For now maybe don't work out but keep close control over what you put in....that doesn't take any more time
  • LizKurz
    LizKurz Posts: 340 Member
    As a mom of four kids, and the owner of my own baby botique, along with the wife and mom duties, I want to say, you have to remember , you cant do everything in one day. I have right now, 14 bedding sets on order, and for weeks, was skipping workouts, and not losing anything because I was so busy. Then I realized that I have to make time for myself. Period. The bedding sets will be there tomorrow, and I have more energy when I workout and don't feel so stressed, so I'm actually more productive with my sewing than if I don't workout.

    So I just do it.
  • Moxie42
    Moxie42 Posts: 1,400 Member
    Haha, now I'm actually kinda looking forward to doing my day-to-day at home. I tend to shuffle around, unhappily doing chores. But hey- I have the house to myself so why not turn the music up and dance around while doing all that stuff? It can make it fun, and healthy!

    Thanks again to everyone! I've been in a funk lately and each of you really helped me get out of my own head and into a better state of mind. :)

    Please feel free to "Add Friend" me if you'd like. I hope I can help support you guys the way you've supported me today :)