

  • I think you all don't understand why I'm so insistent in what I believe. I try things that either work or don't work, and eating sugar has never yielded positive results. So it is entirely redundant for me to try the same thing twice since I know it doesn't work for me, it doesn't matter what works for other people or…
  • The sources of my carbs USED to be mostly sugar (fruits, white rice), if you read my previous posts I specified my plateau experience and how I got past it by eating only complex carbs. Most of those links are showing me how glucose is processed in the body in the same way, but the studies aren't showing how the body…
  • The implication that the sources of sugars "don't matter" means that as long as the macronutrient of carbohydrates are fulfilled, the micronutrient doesn't matter-- which seems to be the idea of many in this forum. I disagree, and I can't be convinced because eating a lot of carbs regardless of source (meaning that I used…
  • Honestly just do whatever you want. Cutting fruit and sugar is what works for me, and I know for a fact that carbohydrates are processed differently in different types of individuals. I know because I have an endocrinologist, and have a lot of friends around me that are becoming physicians. I dropped 40 pounds via calorie…
  • Thankfully someone else agrees. It's sad that I get put on blast for telling people to cut down on sugar when it's the source for a lot of serious medical problems, especially if it's eaten in large amounts over long periods of time.
  • excess sugar isn't good for your health anyway, i wouldn't understand why you would want to eat more of it if the bottom line is sugar is empty calories and can cause a whole slew of health issues down the line? the point of dieting is to be healthy, not strictly for appearance only. I also didn't say to cut all fruit from…
  • Yes-- try not to eat anything that rapidly raises your blood sugar. So limit fruits that aren't mostly fructose. I used to have problems losing weight before I was put on medication for IR and PCOS, I cut most fruits from my diet and consider it a cheat since i'm so sensitive.
  • 1. you may be miscalculating your estimated calories burned, if you're eating those calories back. 2. sometimes your bmr may be compromised by long periods of calorie restriction/you just have a slower metabolism. so the calories you intake may be over the amount you're supposed to be eating to maintain OR lose weight. 3.…
  • thanks guys! I'll try upping my calories to around 1500 and see how it goes. fingers crossed! p.s. should i cut back on exercise? i'm for sure taking the week off cause my body is sore.. i've been going pretty much everyday since jan.1
  • p.s. i only log my food, i quit logging exercise. my friends were worried about me having an eating disorder cause of my workout and nutrition intensity.. but i really don't have *that* many other interests aside from health/wellness/music/goals&ambitions. it's a huge bummer for me to cut back on physical activity.
  • a lot of protein (usually around 160g, sometimes more or less), i think i get plenty of fats.. i usually keep teh carbs kinda low cause i've had bad experiences where i just gain really easily. i think my diary is public, check it out if you'd like! the last 2 weeks hasn't been as intense cause of finals and then PMS. but…
  • thanks guys! i'm scared of upping calories cause my experience has been pretty bad.. i upped my calories once to 2000 and i gained like 15 lbs..
  • i can't help it, i'm a celebrity :(
  • @mostlyflavored because men are intimidated by your stunning body
  • @micedout because your charming good looks is intimidating
  • Thank you for all the advice, it's really helpful!! I'm 5'4 if you're curious. Here are some pictures from my journey. I used to weigh around 220-230 during my high school years. I went down to around 210 during my first years of college, and the last year or so I began lifting pretty heavily. I steadily getting leaner, I…
  • Thanks for the advice!! I went up 5 pounds on each of my kettlebells, and I've been getting sore/bruises on my arms. I also try to do an extra round of them, until my form starts to get worse cause of muscle fatigue. I also do deadlifts (working my way up to my body weight), bench press, lat pulldown, I try to squat too..…
  • I was doing 1200 this past summer and it destroyed my metabolism (I trained 5-6 days a week too, I lost around 15 pounds). I hit plateau, and I started eating 1400 with some different added moves in strength training, I did break it and go down 3 pounds. Then I moved to Chicago, and gained like 5 pounds and now I'm working…
  • NO. Please do not destroy your metabolism!! Just eat like 2000 calories and begin strength training along with cardio! Strength training is key here.
  • i never eat back calories, just because the amount you burn off is really questionable most of the time. If you decide to eat back calories, I would say divide the number of calories you think you burned by 1/3 and eat those. Most people overestimate how much they burn while exercising.
  • Ah thank you, so I guess maybe my plateau is my eating.. But I've noticed my legs have gotten smaller, maybe partially I'm gaining some muscle at the same time. I'm curious about cheat meals, are women really allowed to do it? Since my calories are so low, I do it once a week. However, I've gotten contradictory opinions...…
    in Plateau :( Comment by rueyaroo July 2012
  • Do you know if the weightloss from cardio was cause you might have loss some muscle mass?? Thanks for the advice!
    in Plateau :( Comment by rueyaroo July 2012
  • Thank you guys for the advice!! I calculated my BMR and it says 1635.75 and my TDEE is 2020.8? Am I supposed to calculate based on my current weight or my goal weight? The 1200-1300 calories is what I read I shouldn't go below so my metabolism 'doesn't go into starvation mode'.. sounds like a lie, I feel my metabolism may…
    in Plateau :( Comment by rueyaroo July 2012
  • I think if you're buying the free-range, organic, omega-3 enriched, expensive ones you should probably eat the yolk. otherwise i do not