

  • Thanks everyone for the tips, I found them all very good and helpful! I will try to incorporate them into my day to see if they work for me. On a high note, I got my *kitten* up early this morning and hit the gym. Did some cardio and some weights and planks and I feel great! If I do this at least 4 times a week I know I…
  • oh man I hear you there sistah! My husband is the same! He could stand to lose a few pounds too, but thats up to him. I need to take ownership of my goals and not expect anyone to help me or keep me from meeting those goals. Its up to me, day-in and day-out to make the choices that are right for me. With my husband its…
  • I second that! The first thing to do is be willing to see this weight issue differently. Even if you don't know what it is that is keeping you in your weight issues, be willing to see them. To truly see them, in order to heal them, and eventually be free of them. "Your relationship to food is but a reflection of your…
  • Hey lady, #1, don't be mad at yourself. Forgive yourself and move on! It does you NO GOOD to be mad at yourself for putting on some weight. #2, since you know how you put it on, be aware when you start to eat his leftovers, and put the fork down! :-) #3, if you do end up eating your little ones leftovers, don't be mad,…
  • Hey! Feel free to add me, I'll support you (and anyone else that needs some support and motivation)! I know how hard it is to lose a few lbs. The last ones are always the most stubborn! But if you want to lose them, you will! Where there is a will, there is a way. The key here is to pair up regular cardio and strength…
  • Welcome! you can add me too if you want. I only have one friend on here, so I could use more support too! I'm new as well...only been on here since tues.. but doing a decent job at sticking to my 1200 cal/day diet... its not easy! But SO worth it. Erika
  • I just want to lose anywhere from 5-8 lbs before my wedding at the beginning of May... Anyone have any tips other than exercise and calorie counting? Any tips on speeding up metabolism or burning fat? Thanks! Erika