Help me motivate myself!

So I'm about 15 lbs overweight and I have a desk job which I start around 9 and end around 6pm. By the time I get home it's dinner time and then clean up and a little relax time before bed. and then the next day all over again. I know i should fit my workouts in in the morning but its SO HARD to get up early, in the dark, take the train to the gym, etc. Also, I get tired of doing the same old thing (same old spin class, or same old 30 min on treadmill) and when I go to try to do something different I get frozen and dont know what to do! Can someone give me some good words of advice and suggestions for getting my routine up and running beating the challenge of getting it going.


  • abelthephotographer
    I find asking yourself "How much do you want this?" works wonders, although funnily enough I've not used it in terms of weight loss.

    Anytime achieving a goal involves getting out of my comfort zone or doing something difficult, I just ask myself that question and it seems to motivate me.

    That may sound simple, but it really has worked - in jobs, relationships, and with various ambitions like moving abroad. If you really want it you will find a way ...

    Good luck!
  • Ben1830
    Ben1830 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm in a very similar boat, so feel free to add me as a friend. I recently bought myself a Polar FT4 heart rate monitor and calorie counter that I'm finding very motivating (no I don't work for the company). It's nice to see exactly how many calories I'm burning so that I can be more confident in the numbers I'm entering here on MFP. I can also relate to the fact that it gets tedius doing the same exercises over and over, so it's nice to have good MFP contacts to make the process a little more enjoyable...
  • dlike64
    dlike64 Posts: 9 Member
    I have to work out in the AM also. Changing it up is helpful. Try and focus on how you feel when you are finished. When I really don't want to work out, (which is always) I try and focus on how I will feel when it's over. Honestly it feels great when I've accomplished something only for me! Sort of like paying yourself first when you are trying to save money. I like watching my allowable calories go up when I enter cardio on mfp! Hope that helps a bit. If that doesn't work think about how you will feel all day if you don't exercise and eat a donut! :laugh:

    Good luck!
  • _KitKat_
    _KitKat_ Posts: 1,066 Member
    I like circuit training, it provides a relief to a set routine also HIIT on the cardio machine breaks the monotony. With only 15lbs to lose, I would buy myself a outfit I absolutely love in just a tad too small of a size and have that outfit as my goal. When it fits perfect and you look killer, have a great night out.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    My bike is on a trainer in the garage, and available whenever I need to burn calories. I don't have to commute anywhere to exercise unless I have the time and desire. A fitness pal friend has her stationary bike in the living room so she can ride and enjoy tv with her DH in the evenings. Several people I know use various exercise DVD's at home and there are also some nice things on You Tube. I recommend you find a similar solution to your need for exercise. Good luck to you.
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    What are you eating?

    Can you fit in a good session over the weekend and then take one evening to do a workout that you love? If you can't get up early I understand, but what about starting with just 2? And what do you do during your lunch break; can you walk then?
  • mrserika721
    Thanks everyone for the tips, I found them all very good and helpful! I will try to incorporate them into my day to see if they work for me. On a high note, I got my *kitten* up early this morning and hit the gym. Did some cardio and some weights and planks and I feel great! If I do this at least 4 times a week I know I will lose the pounds steadily.
  • _Calypso_
    _Calypso_ Posts: 1,074 Member
    I LOVE my sleep.... LOVE my sleep!! However about a year ago I was given a challege to get up for one week and see how I felt. I now LOVE my morning workouts and my days are so much better for them. I get up at 4:50a every day, workout for about 45-65 min, shower and I'm out the door by 7:45a. This includes getting two kids lunches packed, breakfast made, my hair and make up, yada yada. So.... if you want it bad enough...You NEED to make the time. You will feel so much better.

    So I give you this challege. Get up early, early enough to get in at least a 40min workout in, for one week straight (5 work days)..... if you don't feel better you can come find me and I will do 50 Burpees!! If you do feel better - then we both win!!

    Deal??!! :)