
  • I know that 10% may seem like allot but... is saving that 10% for 6 months worth the damage you can do to your body and emotional state worth it? Most people do not realize how much harm they can do to their bodies in just a few days, some damage can last months, years and even a lifetime. Even if you lose the weight, you…
  • Hello! I am in Texas too. Feel free to add me if you would like.
  • I'm in Texas as well. I've been on here for a while but wasn't logging in for a few weeks. But am back on track now. :) Feel free to add me as well!
  • The love of food usually stems from childhood problems, stress eating and emotional issues. If your will power is not strong enough to over come your love of food, then I would suggest seeking professional help. Sometimes, especially women, eat to counter their emotions and stress, instead of confronting the real issue…
  • I agree you have to do what works best for you. Medically speaking I am told that small meals, are better for you all around, especially if you are trying to lose or maintain weight, and big meals are never good for you.
  • I do my best to keep as low of a carb count as possible. I am diabetic and carbs, especially the wrong kind, can be devastating to my health.
  • Hi Heidi! I definitely know what you mean about the up and down, and the menopause. When I was young I was chubby, as a teenager I lost the weight but then had children and gained a ton (it felt like a ton at least), it took me 2 years after my last child was born to lose the weight but... then I started going through…
  • I am going to be a mom again (have 4 grown children already and am adopting!) soon so I want to make certain I am healthy and fit so I can keep up with the wee one. Add me, I am happy to encourage and listen..
  • Count me in!
  • I live in Arlington! My story is on my profile but if anyone has questions I would be happy to answer.
  • Arlington, Texas
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