3 big healthy meals VS 5/6 small meals/snacking

Hi all,

So basically i am in a pickle. I've been doing ok-ish but i literally think about food all the time...it is not normal. And i feel like the more i snack....the more i want.

So i think i should maybe have 3 healthy, filling meals a day. what are your thoughts on this? e.g. big bowl of bran flakes for breakfast (i dont like porridge) OR toast with eggs. Lunch a 12 inch subway with meat and lots of salad. then omelette/stir fry with loads of veg for dinner.

What do you think? xxx


  • leslisa
    leslisa Posts: 1,350 Member
    Do whatever works best for you so long as you aren't skipping meals and you are getting the nutrients you need. I'm exercise/diet controlled type 2 diabetic so this wouldn't work for me but before I was diabetic I couldn't eat more than 3 meals a day or I would feel like crap and, like you, I was always hungry.
  • MissGND
    MissGND Posts: 11
    I agree you have to do what works best for you. Medically speaking I am told that small meals, are better for you all around, especially if you are trying to lose or maintain weight, and big meals are never good for you.
  • Maldivesbeachbodplease
    Thanks!! :) bump for more responses!
  • Maldivesbeachbodplease
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,708 Member
    I agree you have to do what works best for you. Medically speaking I am told that small meals, are better for you all around, especially if you are trying to lose or maintain weight, and big meals are never good for you.
    Too bad there's no actual science to back it up. Total calorie intake overall is what determines weight loss/gain/maintenance.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Maldivesbeachbodplease
    I agree you have to do what works best for you. Medically speaking I am told that small meals, are better for you all around, especially if you are trying to lose or maintain weight, and big meals are never good for you.
    Too bad there's no actual science to back it up. Total calorie intake overall is what determines weight loss/gain/maintenance.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    What would you recommend then?? xxx
  • Maldivesbeachbodplease
    Bump :)
  • prettygirlhoward
    prettygirlhoward Posts: 338 Member
  • Nic529
    Nic529 Posts: 69 Member
    I have often heard that eating 5-6 small meals (a small meal every 2-3 hrs) help to rev up your metabolism.
  • heatgal976
    heatgal976 Posts: 53 Member
    IMO, I think it doesn't matter whether you do 3 meals or 6 meals. I like 3 bigger meals with one snack. But I have noticed that on days that I do end up eating 5 or 6 smaller meals, it's harder the next day to eat a bigger meal at one sitting. I do think it becomes a lifestyle change. Some people are not hungry in the morning and eat small than have a big lunch. Others are too busy with work, school, and families to consume multiple small meals. Just do what works for you. Good luck!
  • nutandbutter
    nutandbutter Posts: 447
    I have often heard that eating 5-6 small meals (a small meal every 2-3 hrs) help to rev up your metabolism.


    OP- do whatever works for you. Check out http://www.leangains.com/2010/10/top-ten-fasting-myths-debunked.html. Lots of links to studies and reviews there.
  • Todzilla7
    Todzilla7 Posts: 24
    You really need to do some experimenting with both approaches and see what works best for you both in your body composition goals as well as how you mentally feel about your eating habits. You are far more likely to stick to a lifestyle you enjoy... so don't underestimate the importance of this. Although I have no research to back this up, it would seem logical to me that small meals spaced out 1.5 to 2 hours apart would cause your metabolism to burn more calories in the digestive process versus 3 larger meals... but we are all different, so experiment for what works for YOU. Try a month of 3 meals a day, then a month of 6 meals a day, then a month of some mixture of the two... track your body composition and keep a log of how you feel. Be honest with yourself and I think you'll find what works for you and be much happier in the long run.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    The Primary Laws of Nutrient Timing
    The First Law of Nutrient Timing is: hitting your daily macronutrient targets is FAR more important than nutrient timing.
    The Second Law of Nutrient Timing is: hitting your daily macronutrient targets is FAR more important than nutrient timing.

    (Alan Aragon)
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    I would rely entirely on personal preference and gym performance to make this decision. Within personal preference I include satiety/adherence to the plan.

    Metabolically it doesn't matter.

  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    I get in all my calories, 2,700 within 4hrs.

    Now here's the problem, That is a TONNNNNNNN of food to scarf down in 4hrs. You get very full and stuffed. Yesterday I couldn't even do it. I ate ice cream because i was full, and ice cream has a lot of calories so I used it to up my calories.

    ^ This isn't a problem, it's a bonus =)

    Seriously though it's exactly why I love IF for cutting.