

  • If you really want to see a big change in your body. Base your 1200 calories off of four food groups.: Lean Meats (turkey,chicken,lean steak), Veggies, Fruits, and Nuts (almonds,walnuts,pistachios,and cashews). Example of a food for a day to hit the 1200 calories mark: breakfast: 2 eggs in the morning w/turkey. snack:…
  • I'm taking BSN's Syntha-6 delicious, and it provides the calories I need to hit my MFP goal after a workout/cardio session. Muscle Pharm also puts out a product called "combat" that's delicious as well. Champion nutrition has "Pure Whey" which was tasty. All good choices here.
  • Strict Paleo for 2 weeks + weight training and cardio, and i've lost 7 lbs. Was initially on low carb, but once i dropped processed foods it really sped up the process. 20 lbs down since Janurary. From 202 - 182
  • JacksonPt, you seem tiny so really won't take your thoughts into consideration when trying to improve my body. You should shock your body with different movements, and amounts of weight each time you train. Going extremely heavy everytime your lift is doing it wrong.
  • The only sugar you should be consuming daily should come from fruits, or a small amount in a protein shake. If you are serious about your weight & fitness.
  • Have you thought it may also be the sodium or carbohydrates in your diet that are making you bloated?
  • I would worry about the exercise more than the sports bra. I would try to do some light weighted exercises daily. Some body squats, dumbell squats, dumbell lunges etc. If you have weak ankles, then consider a stationary bike, or eliptical. 30-45 minutes of cardio a day + a low calories diet will do you wonders!
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