

  • Guess they are right on losing weight the recovery / adaptive week. 6lbs so far in the last 2 days.
  • I think I may have a bad scale also. Got to go find a different one to test out. I've never in my life had a scale show the same exact, to the tenth of a pound, weight 2 days in a row. I'm on day 7 of the exact same thing.
  • Thanks for that explanation. I've seen people using HRM for yoga and posting very high numbers, guess that's the same reason also. Day 22 is isometrics today.
  • HRM VS body media arm band. While doing these workout my HRM with chest strap shows over 600 calories burned while arm band shows 300. Why such a difference?
  • I use a weight scale for most meals at home. When eating out, I use what's in MFP. I always try to overestimate when going out. I'm going to measure and weigh every single thing this week, see if that's it. I'm not discouraged at all, just trying to figure it out. Loving the program.
  • To each there on, on how often to weigh. I've lost over 100lbs and weigh daily. My brain is wired for numbers, so it works for me. I use it to figure out how different foods affect me. Don't panic if you see an increase, figure out where it came from.
  • Disturbed - select shuffle on ipod and jam out
  • I enter it myself. Use a hrm and chest strap to calculate calories burned. Enter it under Cardio. P90X would be hard to put in with generic calculations, me and my wife do it together sometimes and the calories burned for each is way different. She's doing light weight, I'm doing heavy and as hard as I can go. Naturally,…
  • My son was born in January of 2010, at that time I was getting ready for back surgery also. The thought of not being able to play with him was tough. Well, back surgery came and went. I had a good bit of improvement, for a while. I got to where we could play and I could hold him. Come August of 2010, the back pain became…
  • I used an Omron HBF-306C and the biomeasure unit at the local GNC to determine my body fat %. Heres what I got Omron HBF - 21.6% body fat GNC - 22% body fat Actual height of 6' 6.7" That would put me around 260 for a body fat % of 15%. That sounds pretty good to me. Do you think these % are pretty accurate????
  • I think I'm going to go for 260 and see where I'm at. I don't think another 18 is to much. Trying to add muscle now, so we will see.
  • Re-read the book and it says that it is ok as long as you don't do one stage for more than 6 weeks. Already 3 workouts into re-start.
  • Thanks for the compliments, I need to go shave now (lol)
  • 1 1/2 week down and 5lbs to go with it. I gave yoga another shot, made it 30 minutes before they started doing more twisting than my back will allow. Felt good though. Very intense, but loving it so far.
  • One week down and it is tough, very fun though. I had to skip yoga because of my back, but will try again tomorrow. First weigh in is on Saturday.
  • Day one was good. I had to modify some of the excercises for my back. Round 2 tonight.
  • I'm a larger person, so don't expect to loose 30lbs in 7 weeks if you are smaller than me. My starting calorie suggestion was 2400 per day. I hardly ever make it to 2000 eating healthy. I'm full and fill like I've gone over my limit. As for the app. I enter everything I eat into it, don't skip anything. This is where you…
    in Hello Comment by brapril714 October 2010