cozmosis77 Member


  • Amen. I keep hearing how the world is such a bad place. There's war. And a bad economy. And this. And that. But no matter how bad we've got it, there's time in the day to debate wearing flip flops at the gym. Sometimes I wonder what the generations who had to face the Great Depression or World War II would think about our…
  • I used to get side stitches when running and found that *avoiding* the treadmill helped because I could vary my pace more easily. The other problem I noticed is that I was breathing too shallow. I started breathing more deeply while running and the stitches diminished.
  • Nobody is reading the comments -- especially those that chime in to correct the calorie count. The OP should really go back and edit the original post and MFP should really find a way to "favorite" threads so we can get rid of the bumping.
  • I actually LOST weight on the last cruise I took (although only a pound or so)! For me, the key was taking the stairs EVERYWHERE I went and controlling my portions at the buffet (the sit down establishments seem to have fairly sensible portions as long as you don't ask for two servings).
  • What did you put on that thing? I'm with everyone else -- there is no way a normal drum stick (or *any* piece of chicken, for that matter) should rack up 500+ calories.
  • Hey Amanda, Pig Sooie! :-)
  • I lost 60-some-odd pounds back in 2009. At my lowest weight, I didn't recognize pictures of me from my highest weight. Sure, I knew they were me... but they looked like me from a parallel universe. Like many stories on here... I got distracted from my plan and started to gain the weight back. I knew it was getting out of…