sayray16 Member


  • Zac Efron
  • Roses Summer or Winter?
  • Freak on a Leash - Korn
  • Bleed it out - Linkin Park
  • She forgot we were dating
  • April 23 - I turn 28 June 20 - First day of summer July 15 - Potential hiking trip in AZ Sept 9 - Potential Half Dome hike in Yosemite Nov 11 - 5k I like to have an event to look forward to every month or so in order to stay motivated.
  • September 5K A Day Challenge 9/8/14 Name: Sarah Time: 4 Hours, 20 Minutes Distance: Approximately 7 miles Speed: NA Special Notes: Hiking. 3,000 feet incline. Carrying 15 pound pack.
  • 9/7/2014 Name: Sarah Time: 37.5 Min (+5 Minute Cool Down) Distance: 3.1 Miles 5 Minute Cool Down Not Included in 3.1 Miles) Speed: 5.0 Miles Per Hour Special Notes: Started today at 12:30pm (Sunday). Today's run seemed much easier :)
  • Thank you for the link! I'm definitely going to try this! You're awesome!
  • That sounds amazing! YUM! I will definitely try that. Thanks for your input!
  • September 5K A Day Challenge - 09/06/2014 Name: Sarah Time: 37.5 Min (+5 Minute Cool Down) Distance: 3.1 Miles 5 Minute Cool Down Not Included in 3.1 Miles) Speed: 5.0 Miles Per Hour Special Notes: Started today at 2:45pm (Saturday)
  • lol of course not :P You are up and moving, aaaand participating which screams winner to me! Thanks for the post and great job on your workout!
  • Eight and a half miles!! Wow, awesome job :) Way to kick start the challenge!
  • Sarah 37.5 Minutes 3.1 Miles 5.0 Miles Per Hour
  • Thats great! Running is great on its own but it's even better when you are running for a cause. This sounds like a great way to recognize and honor your coworker.
  • Hello! My name is Sarah and I just started running at the tail end of April. I am training for the Pacific Grove Lighthouse 5K in November. Though I am a newbie, I aspire to be a marathon runner. I found this group from another MFP member and am excited to learn from experienced runners. Have a great day and run happy!
  • Wow, thanks a bunch! I really need to look up how people go about the couch to 5k. I know there is an actual plan week to week but I've never seen it so I don't know the exact plans.
    in Week 5/6 Comment by sayray16 June 2014
  • I am so happy that you find this group helpful. I have tried to stay committed to running the 5K everyday but after my knee injury, I had to change my routine. I have come to learn that what this group is really about is finding the best possible routines to each individual that will help with improving 5K times. I am…
    in Week 4 Comment by sayray16 June 2014
  • I think you are going at this the right way. Trust me when I say you WILL injury yourself if you just go full monte right off the bat, I would know; it happened to me. Slow and steady wins the race! Keep at it and you will get to where you want to be.
    in Week 4 Comment by sayray16 May 2014
  • Great job!! Keep at it!!
    in Week 4 Comment by sayray16 May 2014
  • Thank you guys very much for you replies. I do have very nice running shoes. They are the Ghost 6 by Brooks Running. My feet never hurt in them. I use to hike in target shoes and I would get foot cramps all of the time. So I know my shoes are ok. I guess I will have to rethink this. I was worried that I was going at this…
    in Runners Comment by sayray16 May 2014
  • Thank you for your advice. I have been strength training as well. Maybe I should have mentioned that. But I really went from walking the 5K, to jogging it, to running it. This is where I am at now. I have basically worked my way up to running it. Do you think the distance is still too much on a newbie?
    in Runners Comment by sayray16 May 2014
  • They have this pack of little mandarines that make a great snack. They are super easy to peal too, and they always taste amazing!
  • Hello! Happy to have you! Try reading this. It's really short. But it will explain how many calories you have to burn in order to lose a pound a week. I like numbers, so I like keeping track of how many calories I'm burning and eating. It makes me want to push harder to burn those extra calories so I can get the weight…
    in Week 1 Comment by sayray16 May 2014
  • Simply inspirational. I love Eric Thomas :heart:
  • Sounds great! Glad to have you be apart of the experience :)
    in Week 1 Comment by sayray16 May 2014
  • Wow very inspiring video. I liked how open and honest it was. Also, your website is very motivating. I hope to be where you are at one day! Run happy!
  • You are very welcome! I'm very happy to hear that. Keep it up!
    in Week 1 Comment by sayray16 May 2014
  • Yep Yep, I started on Monday, April 28th. Tomorrow will be the last day of my week 2. I will post my week two results when it's over. Also, I know my distance because so far, I have only been running on a treadmill. I think the pedometer's tell you what your distance is for those running outdoors, but truthfully I have…
    in Week 1 Comment by sayray16 May 2014