

  • Hello all, nice to find this group! I'm Melinda (sometimes known as Mindy), and I'm 53 years old. I grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area, lived there for most of my life, with a one-year stint in the Boston area and a one-year sojourn in Europe when I was a teenager. About 16 years ago, my husband and I moved up into the…
  • Grew up in the SF Bay Area (East Bay - El Cerrito), have lived in SF and on the Peninsula, but moved to the boonies 14 years ago. Now living outside of beautiful Grass Valley, California (Sierra foothills).
  • Another vote for Enell here. I doubt I'll ever buy another brand of sport bra again in my life. FWIW, I'm currently a 38G.
  • As a child, I wasn't particularly fat but I wasn't thin either. I wore regular sizes, just on the upper end. The struggle didn't really start until I started believing the people who thought I should weigh less than I did. That's when the "diet until I lose something, then eat again and gain back everything plus" cycle. I…
  • Just some food for thought (no pun intended): I don't drink milk as a rule, I just use a little in my coffee - but if I do, I will have whole. Or even half and half or heavy cream. My husband doesn't like it, though, so we use unsweetened almond milk…
  • OMG, who KNEW?? Srsly, though, if it were really just exactly that simple - and only that simple - do you really think there would be such a huge prevalence of obesity and other serious health problems? It's neat and uncomplicated and it fits in a nice clean package, but I don't buy it. I get that, for some people, it's…
  • I have two dogs, two cats, five goats, and three chickens. Two of the chickens are Blue Wyandotte, a very pretty and somewhat rare breed. It means very little to us (or to them, for that matter), just a point of conversation. Their names are Yolko and Souffle. The third chicken is named Holly (short for Hollandaise) and…
  • Try the carbonated spring waters with fruit essence - it's not as sweet as soda, but it's not like plain water either. Plus it doesn't have all the nasty crap in there that diet soda does.
  • YAY! Nice to see that I won't be attempting it all on my lonesome, LOL. I've been attempting to cut out processed food from my diet for a few months now. I thought I was a pretty clean eater, but when I really start to focus on this area I see a lot of little things here and there that I could do better on. Even so, it has…
  • I love mine to pieces - literally, the first one fell out of my jeans pocket at my mailbox and got run over. I got another one on Ebay for a little less $$. Fitbit then sent me a "replacement" for free and I gave it to my hubby. :happy:
  • "Jessica" - Allmann Brothers (yeah, I know, I'm old) "Hey Ya" - Outkast "Word Up" - Cameo "Whip It" - Devo "California Love" - Dre/Tupac "Jungle Love" - Morris Day and the Time Plus some obscure stuff that none of y'all probably ever heard of, LOL
  • You're a good sport to cook something for your hubby that you don't want to eat! LOL... My first and main hint would be to start with good product! My preference is for grass-fed, grass-finished beef, which is leaner and full of great omega-3s. Because of the leanness, it cooks faster than factory-farmed (grain-fed) beef.…
    in Steak! Comment by msmindylee August 2012
  • As long as you track the calories, ultimately it doesn't matter that much. If you graph your calorie intake at all, I'd think the only thing to be concerned about would be consistency - if you track it on the day before once, stick with that (or vice versa) to be able to compare days properly.
  • Ditto what ready2rock206 said. Also, if you need to take longer walking intervals to catch your breath - do it! Whose program is it anyway? And if you need to do week one over again... or even again... you just go right on ahead and do that. You're doing this for YOU, period.
  • First: I really don't remember, since my stepdad was an orchestra conductor and by the time I remember any of them I had been going already for years. Last: 21st anniversary show of the House Jacks (an awesome all-vocal band). Here's a link to a song from their latest album.
  • We met in December and were engaged four months later, moved in together, got married exactly a year after the proposal, and we've been married a little over 20 years now. No human kids, but we have a menagerie, LOL
  • canned tuna raw onions sweet potatoes (make me gag) most non-chocolate candy conventionally raised veal (breaks my heart) KFC and most other fast food (used to crave it, now I don't want even want it - I can make stuff at home that's five times as good for a fraction of the cost to both my wallet and my health)…
  • Awful. I'm so sorry you had to experience that. What are people thinking when they say stuff like that? It's too bad we can't think faster on our feet. I always imagine that in a situation like that I'd be able to yell back at the guy as he rode by, "I may be fat, but I can lose weight - you'll always be an *kitten*." It…
  • Eggs (from my own chickens) Almond milk Coffee Boneless, skinless all-natural chicken breast Olive oil
  • Actually, I'm not particularly bored at the moment, but that will probably change as I go through the rest of the afternoon. And I'm in the Sierra foothills northeast of Sacramento, CA. In case anyone's seeing it on the news, I am NOT currently in the path of any wildfires, although the smoke is pretty bad.
  • It really depends on you and what you need in order to be motivated, etc. I love my Fitbit and feel "naked" without it any more. And I'm actually having success for the first time in a long time using the combination of Fitbit and MFP. But different people are different...
  • About six years ago I had reached my highest weight ever, 257. Joined WW and lost about 40 lbs in a year, then about 15 the next year, and 10 the next year... and then I had an injury that first sidetracked my exercise and then physical therapy that completely messed with my psyche. Gained back a little bit, and was just…
  • Believe me, this is something I struggle with. A lot. One thing I've found that does help - sometimes - is to think about how I will feel after I eat _______ (fill in the blank). Honestly, that's what got me off of a lot of the crappy food I used to like. I realized I feel disgusting after eating it. The other thing that…
  • Almonds - 11-12 nuts are about 85 calories, surprisingly satisfying Cheese - an ounce is plenty In my experience, most anything labeled "low-fat" or "fat-free" has extra sugar or chemicals that I just don't want in my body. Not to mention I have found that in terms of satiety, a small serving of the "real thing" is way…
  • Hey Ya - Outkast Whip It - Devo Jungle Love - Morris Day and the Time Cars - Gary Newman And for longer distances, more contemplative/meditative: Little Wing - Stevie Ray Vaughn Jessica - Allman Bros.
  • Hooboy, do I hear you on that! But then, we know so much more about life now, right? At least, that's the theory. :wink: Hang in there!
  • I have various things I like to have for breakfast, changing them up now and again so I don't get bored. ~1/2 cup egg white with some shredded cheese and salsa, zap for a minute, stir, zap for another minute, serve on whole grain thin bun ~lowfat yogurt with generic "grape nuts" cereal (about 1/4 cup in a standard-sized…
  • Hey, I see that no one else has answered you on this yet, so I'll give you my thoughts, whatever they're worth. It all boils down to one thing, I think. Four words: LISTEN TO YOUR BODY. If you are having pain, that's a signal that you need to pay attention to. Look at it this way, if you push through and injure yourself…
  • Maybe this is just me, but why not just do the best you can do and congratulate yourself for that! Take a week off the schedule and just do your 5k even... this is YOUR program, you need to do it in a way that works for YOU. Is there a consequence in your life if you don't complete the program exactly on schedule? I'm not…
    in Week 6 Comment by msmindylee July 2012
  • For me, it's less about "low" or "high" fat, sugar, whatever. It's about eating REAL FOOD, people. If a "low fat" or "fat free" product has a bunch of ingredients on the label that I can't pronounce, it's probably not going to be all that healthy for me to have it as a steady part of my everyday diet. It also doesn't mean…