

  • 21lbs. I'm pretty sure I can do it. I've gotten really good at just taking one bite of a sweet or 'bad' food that I am wanting and leaving it at that. That's my strategy for Christmas and Thanksgiving treats.
  • Two or three meals a day works best for me. I've tried eating little amounts often and it doesn't work for me because then I never feel truly satisfied. I like to eat a nice big meal that's like 700-900 calories, that is what keeps me happy and keeps me on my diet so I allow myself to do that just not several times during…
  • I weigh everyday because otherwise you could end up being a lot more depressed in my opinion if your weigh in day happens to be on some horrible upwards fluctuation day. I don't stress if it bounces up as long as it doesn't stay up, and since I weigh everyday I can see whether it goes down the next day or not, and if it's…
  • I have struggled with eating issues since I was 16 and now I work on doing my best to put that crazy energy that wants to control things into eating healthy as opposed to the obsession of losing weight.
  • I started at 230 and lost four pounds just by adding exercise. Then at 226 I joined MFP to start watching my diet as well... I'm at 207 now and I notice a huge difference. My clothes fit soooo differently and from exercising at least once a week I have strengths I have never had before! It's been about four months with a…
  • CSW: 212.8 LWW: 208.8 CW: 207 LO: 1.8 TLO: 5.8
  • CSW: 212.8 LWW: 209.8 CW: 208.8 LO: 1 TLO: 4
  • I make sure to get up and move a bit after completing each task, and in the middle of them too if it's a long one. So that I don't forget I keep a full cup of water at my desk and sip away at it all day ensuring that I'll need to get up to refill it and for bathroom breaks.
  • I just sent a request when attempting to access the spreadsheet, if that doesn't work let me know. :D
  • I sent you a PM with my e-mail. :D
  • My shorter term goal of getting to 180 will get me new clothes because I got rid of most of my "skinnier" clothes since they were years old and I decided I would want to get new things. My long term goal of 130 my box of miniskirts that I have been saving will fit! I may also get a tummy tuck and a boob lift depending on…
  • Probably 3000-4000 depending on the day... I wasn't gaining anymore though. Once I hit 230 I maintained that without watching what I ate or trying to exercise.
  • I don't know how your exercise plan is but personally I just recently broke a plateau that was lasting over a month by stepping up my workout routine.
  • Challenge start weight: 212.8 Last weeks weight: 212.8 Current weight: 209.8 Loss of: 3lbs
  • Hubby and I both have Samsung Galaxy S phones (the Vibrant for me, Galaxy S II for him) and we LOVE them. I think there are pros and cons to both but I personally like the droids better.
  • I had to buy a new belt because I had already cut two new slots in my old one and the end was around to my back, and now I've already only got one more notch to go in the new belt before it's time to go smaller again!
  • I use the elliptical so it's not a problem, and the ones at my gym have huge deep cupholder style places to put your water bottles and stuff so really no danger of it falling at all. I do have pockets in some of my workout clothes that I use occasionally to keep my phone (which I use to play my music) in while using the…
  • My goal for the month is to prioritize strength training at the gym. I so often go and do my cardio and then wimp out when it comes to the weights. I'm now going to focus on doing a cardio/strength/cardio plan for every gym trip. Today was my first gym trip of the month and boy are my arms feeling it. Definitely something…
  • There's only one thing that I currently would absolutely tell myself not to do, I've made lots of stupid decisions in the past ten years but almost every single one of them has probably gotten me to the best things I have now.
  • I had BBQ pork chops on the grill and rice and veggies.
  • Mine is a picture of me at the weight I want to be, from like five years ago or so. It's motivational to me. Once I get close to being there then I can use a current picture of me, to remind me that I want to stay that way.
  • Don't stress so much! I just try my best everyday to eat under my goal and to go a bit over on protein and a bit under on carbs (my blood sugars are prediabetic so I need to be careful). I get healthy things to eat most of the time but I also let myself enjoy the not so healthy things that I love. If you get too stressed…
  • I'm a sucker for bread too, I could eat a whole loaf in one sitting if I wasn't paying attention, and even when I was trying my hardest to be good I'd find myself going back for more and more. The ONLY thing that worked was I stopped buying it. Now I only get bread maybe once a month or so as a treat. We get tortilla wraps…
  • Congratulations, you look great and it makes me hopeful that even with my baby belly one day i might maybe see a bikini again. Great job!
  • Every day. It is a helpful reminder. I don't stress if I gain a bit for water weight or because I had a big dinner late at night. It is good motivation no matter what the scale shows everyday. If it's gone up a bit I'm motivated to have a good day to 'correct' it. If it's gone down I'm motivated to have a good day to keep…
  • I eat what MFP tells me to which is currently 1290. I do not stress if I go a bit over as long as it's reasonable, and if I work out I eat some of my exercise cals.
    in FOOD!!!! Comment by EmilyDuby May 2012
  • If the picture is of someone who's obviously into being ripped and building a lot of muscle I am most likely not going to feel as if I want to follow their advice because they have different goals than me. Nothing against them but their advice is coming from their goals and experience and research and if they are on a…
  • My current weight is 212.8. My goal is to get to 182.8.
  • We get a birthday cake every month for the birthdays at my job. If I really want it I'll cut myself a small piece and eat a bit less dinner to compensate, but most of the time I realize I'd much rather have a whole steak for dinner as opposed to a half and that keeps me away.
  • I'll weigh in tomorrow. :D