how to cure an addiction to bread

it may sound weird but i believe i have an addiction to bread. I love bread. whole grain, 12 grain, flax seed, sunflower, it doesn't really matter. i do eat the "healthy" breads,whole grains and such, but i tend to eat alot of it. anywhere from 8-16 slices a day. and at 120 calories per slice it's hard to loose weight. now i say i an addicted cause when i eat bread i actually get a little "rush" or "high" like feeling. Is it just me that suffers from this? anyone know how to beat it? I've tried to just not have it...that didn't work to well. Any psychological advice? ways to think? tricks to help me not think about my next "bread score".

i'm seriously bamboozled

thanks all


  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    By lousy bread. I buy the cheapest stuff money can buy, at $.99 per loaf, it tastes like garbage and I only eat it when I really, really want a sandwich or toast. But, it really is poor quality and you will not go around eating it all day.

    It works. It's not for everyone.
  • skoshness
    skoshness Posts: 175
    don't eat any at all? bread's one of my triggers so I avoid it as much as I can
  • jameskane
    jameskane Posts: 35
    personally i would be ok with that but i have a 5 year old daughter that we need to have nice healthy bread for. nice thought though
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    when i decided to stop drinking sodas... i stopped buying it.

    cant eat (or drink) it, if you dont have it... ?

    i love bread, but not to that extent - i might have a couple of pieces in a week...

    i dunno what to tell you - maybe try eating a piece of fruit when you are craving bread - it might fill you enough to curb that craving till you wean off it.... ?
  • EmilyDuby
    EmilyDuby Posts: 67
    I'm a sucker for bread too, I could eat a whole loaf in one sitting if I wasn't paying attention, and even when I was trying my hardest to be good I'd find myself going back for more and more. The ONLY thing that worked was I stopped buying it. Now I only get bread maybe once a month or so as a treat. We get tortilla wraps and use them instead for things you would normally buy bread for (you can put anything you'd put into a sandwich in a wrap). I have an almost three year old and an almost one year old. Yes, you need to make sure you have balanced healthy meals for your kids, but you don't HAVE to have bread for them, there are plenty other options. Brown rice, tortillas, and whole grain pasta are all other options to make sure your kids get healthy grains and carbs.
  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    By lousy bread. I buy the cheapest stuff money can buy, at $.99 per loaf, it tastes like garbage and I only eat it when I really, really want a sandwich or toast. But, it really is poor quality and you will not go around eating it all day.

    It works. It's not for everyone.

    Wtf? Why not avoid bread all together then? Forcing yourself to eat garbage is the most ridiculous thing I ever heard.

    Just don't buy bread and don't keep it in your house. Its not a necessity. If you want a sandwich you can make a lettuce wrap.
  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    personally i would be ok with that but i have a 5 year old daughter that we need to have nice healthy bread for. nice thought though

    Your daughter doesn't need bread to be healthy either. Its not even a health food. Its basically a vehicle for other foods.
  • Howbouto
    Howbouto Posts: 2,121 Member
    personally i would be ok with that but i have a 5 year old daughter that we need to have nice healthy bread for. nice thought though

    But that doesn't mean you have to eat it. My weakness is candy and sugar. I've learned if I give in to a little, a have stronger unresistable craving the rest of the day. I'm better off not eating any than I am trying to have a little. It easier to say no to the first piece than it is to keep saying no.
  • chantels1
    chantels1 Posts: 391 Member
    Buy your daughter bread, and remember it is her bread and if you eat it, you are basically taking food away from your daughter. I had at least 24 oz of soda a day, but quit cold turkey. My kids still have soda, but every time I want one, I remember how bloated it makes me, and also the calories it costs me. Because it does not fit into my goals, I cut it out. You can too. Quit giving into the cravings. Bread is like sugar and you have to just force yourself to quit. The longer you go without, the easier it is! Good luck!
  • fatguyweightloss
    personally i would be ok with that but i have a 5 year old daughter that we need to have nice healthy bread for. nice thought though

    Not sure how "healthy" I would consider bread. It is a cheap source but nearly all micronutrients are added with same chemicals that are in cheap multivitmins. Check out the nutrient breakdown here:
  • Mindmovesbody
    Mindmovesbody Posts: 399 Member
    I'm a sucker for bread too, I could eat a whole loaf in one sitting if I wasn't paying attention, and even when I was trying my hardest to be good I'd find myself going back for more and more. The ONLY thing that worked was I stopped buying it. Now I only get bread maybe once a month or so as a treat. We get tortilla wraps and use them instead for things you would normally buy bread for (you can put anything you'd put into a sandwich in a wrap). I have an almost three year old and an almost one year old. Yes, you need to make sure you have balanced healthy meals for your kids, but you don't HAVE to have bread for them, there are plenty other options. Brown rice, tortillas, and whole grain pasta are all other options to make sure your kids get healthy grains and carbs.

    I'm with this response. My kids do fine with wraps. I keep one loaf of light whole wheat low cal bread in the house and that is it.

    If you feel it is something psychological, I would suggest starting with your primary care physician. You may be lacking a specific nutrient/vitamin or something from your diet that is causing you to crave bread. I would definitely bring this to a doctors attention no matter what.

    If you don't want to see the doc or stop buying bread then I would suggest that you buy a brand like Sarah lee delightful whole wheat which is only 45 calories a slice and then limit how many you can have a day.

    I suggest seeing you doctor above all else!
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    Normally, I would say not to buy it, but you've explained the problem. Could you try going to a nice bakery and buying a small loaf of bread that could be used for your daughter's sandwiches and one or two slices for yourself? Enjoy the experience in the bakery; inhale the baking bread smell.

    Given your affinity, you have to treat bread like a treat food.

    When you eat the bread, have it alone or with something healthy like a schmear (very think layer) of peanut butter. Eat calmly and deliberately and very slowly. Really savor the bread. You might want to slice it thinly; at times, food tastes better that way.

    You could also try storing the bread in separate mini-fridge and putting a lock on it if you really can't help yourself. As someone else said, it never hurts to check if there's a physical explanation for your craving.
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    it may sound weird but i believe i have an addiction to bread.

    At times, I've had cravings for raw pasta. How weird is that? I stopped a little before beginning to log here, but if I resumed I would hate to calculate all the calories.
  • grubb1019
    grubb1019 Posts: 371 Member
    My husband is the same way, he can eat a good loaf of bread in one sitting. I used to make homemade bread, but I don't any more because then I want to eat it too. Now we use Heiners low cal wheat, its 35 calories a slice. And I think it is pretty darn good.
  • AlwaysInMotion
    AlwaysInMotion Posts: 409 Member
    Well, here goes... Here are my (humble and decidedly non-scientific) suggestions for combating any specific food addiction:
    1) if you absolutely must have bread in the house for others, ask them to put it out of sight. You don't need to be tormented with the temptation. Explain to them how much their support will help you reach your goal. I hope they will understand!
    2) Give yourself a 2-slice allotment each day. Plan it in your food journal. Allow yourself to fully enjoy eating those 2 slices (truly savor them however it makes you happy), but when you are finished with those 2 slices, THAT'S IT for the day. It's helps if you remind yourself that there's 2 more slices waiting for you tomorrow.
    3) If you slip up, don't abandon the whole process. Forgive yourself and just start over.
    4) After so many days of compliance, reward yourself with something nice. (preferrably NOT a bread machine. :bigsmile: )
    After about 14-21 days of consistent behavior (depends on who's school of thought you subscribe to), hopefully you have created a new healthier eating habit to replace the old one.

    Good luck!!!

    Edited for typo. :blushing:
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    Hot to cure an addiction to bread?

    Develop a severe gluten intolerance or allergy.

    Worked like a charm for me.

    In reality, however, it is simply a matter of self-control. Bread is not bad for you. Just make the decision not to overindulge and stick to it. Have a slice or two. Don't have 10.
  • xtine4ever
    xtine4ever Posts: 9 Member
    There's a brand of bread called Bakers Deluxe that is low carb and high fiber. I find that I eat one or two slices of it and I'm full up to my throat. That might help?
  • LiddyBit
    LiddyBit Posts: 447 Member
    OMG bread. Sometimes I huff the bread aisle at the grocery store. Because I cannot eat bread or I will eat the whole loaf.
  • MinkyMoo13
    MinkyMoo13 Posts: 354 Member
    By lousy bread. I buy the cheapest stuff money can buy, at $.99 per loaf, it tastes like garbage and I only eat it when I really, really want a sandwich or toast. But, it really is poor quality and you will not go around eating it all day.

    It works. It's not for everyone.

    I do this too! I can't not have bread in the house as my husband eats it so i tend to buy the only one i don't really like and i then eat a whole lot less of it.. I agree with the above post s also try the kids on wraps. You can get wholemeal ones too! Sometimes more fun then a sandwich
  • islandnutshel
    islandnutshel Posts: 1,143 Member
    Wheat addiction is real, and most that have it also have an allergy to it. I would try going off of gluten all together. This will be hard, but when you have made it passed a few weeks I would add gluten free bread back in. and if you want to see if it is wheat or gluten, then try a spelt bread and see what happens.
    Good Read : Wheat Belly