

  • I just noticed the sugar total issue yesterday! I dont know where that number comes from, but I am exceeding in sugar every day, and just about all of my sugar is from fruit and vegetables. I'll be interested to hear what others have to say.
  • I bought a cheap black and decker juicer from Walmart for about $30 just to give it a try. I can clean it in about 3 minutes if I do it as soon as I am finished juicing. For the most part, I only juice what I wont eat normally- raw kale, raw broccoli stems- and then I throw in something to help the flavor a bit- carrot or…
  • I use "your shape fitness evolved 2012" for xbox for the majority of my exercising. It's a great option for me because I do it at 5:30am! I do a lot of different routines, and I especially like the shape and burn ones that are similar to interval training. I also really like the boxing routines, but I dont care for the…
  • blowing it for a moment does not equal blowing it for the day. Be mindful of what you eat the rest of the day, get some exercise, and finish out the day acknowledging the mistake AND LEARNING FROM IT. Tomorrow, that ice cream is already gone, so start fresh.
  • I do this stretch before and after, every time, always. I hold it for quite a while. My left IT band has always been my bugger, and if I consistently do this, it really seems to help.
  • I frequently have two eggs with two links of Al Fresco chicken apple breakast sausage. The sausage is 60 cals a link and 4 carbs. It is pre-cooked so I sliced it up and add it to my eggs to warm.
  • I try to have all of us eat the same things- I dont go without goodies either! I want my kids to realize that eating healthy is enjoyable, and is not about going without the splurges in life, but in moderation. Fortunately, my kids love my homemade sweet potato (not)fries, roasted asparagus, broccoli, cauliflower, salad,…
  • How about nuts and seeds? Small, no prep, higher calories, healthy fats, all good things.
  • Ive lost 12 pounds total since Jan. 1. 7 of that has been since I've been on MFP. My goal is 35 total.
  • Canned tuna or salmon would be good sources of protein that could easily be stored. I believe white meat chicken comes in a can as well. Though not ideal, you could make oatmeal with hot water, and to minimize storing the "add ins", get the low sugar instant in packets. Hmm, I'm going to keep thinking about this one... I…
  • Tickler I have a coworker next to me who refers to reminder emails as "ticklers". He'll say "I'm going to send the client a tickler about that project". Yucky.
  • Don't ignore shin splints. They will go from bothersome to BRUTAL in short order. Be sure you are stretching before and after, ice those painful shins, and do not increase mileage more than 10% a week.
  • I am focused on three things- 1) getting in at least 30 minutes of exercise daily (this could be a gentle walk, or an intense workout)- just gotta move. 2) Eating net 1200 calories and 3) being sure that I dont exceed 55% carbs (that seems to be a threshold for me).
  • I ran a "secret" mile last saturday. No running and no heavy lifting are my restrictions, but I took off running to "test" and see how I felt. Oh, it was great, felt like a gazelle, la dee da. On sunday my spine was ready to leave my body. :noway: Your secret is safe with me!
  • I had a STRANGER do this to me. She is in a class that I am taking, but I dont' KNOW her at all. She came in one day and gave me some clothes that she thought were very "nice" (however about 10 years old). She said she used to wear them to work when she was fat, and she thought they would fit me. I said thanks, put them in…
  • As I said, I was going to add more food (and did) because I needed to eat more calories. I was just giving examples of things that I eat that are filling.
  • I would recommend swimming if you have access to a pool. I am recovering from a skiing accident last year, and the one activity I am NOT allowed to do it run. I also have PF and I wear a night splint EVERY NIGHT without fail, otherwise I'm hurtin'! good luck.
  • chobani blood orange greek yogurt, pear, and 10 almonds
  • It was my husband telling me how much he weighs. He is doing P90X and weighs the least he has since I've known him. I weigh 10 pounds less than he does. There used to be a good 35-40 lbs between us. The fear of weighing more than him stopped the runaway train......
  • I bought some zero calorie flavored water and I mix it with regular ice cold water. I'm getting some flavoring, but very little artifical sweetner or chemicals per glass.