

  • Hi all, I have been away from this site for a long, long time. I have just started back to watching my weight etc. for health reasons and because I finally want to do this. Since last week I am proud to report that I have lost 3 pounds and I too have about 75 to lose. I have to say that I was quite upset with raincloud's…
  • Although I don't think I have fibromyalgia, I do understand the body pain as I have bulging discs in my back. It is very hard for me to do any kind of exercise at times and I also have a lot of weight to lose. My neurosurgeon told me that I should at least "move" everyday, so I walk, slowly mind you and I do some simple…
  • Just wondering, if the goal to lose weight is to burn more calories than you eat, why does the calorie counter add more calories for you to eat after you log in your exercise?
  • I just want to know what kind of proteins everyone is eating. I know I eat way too many carbs and would like to balance out with more protein, but what? I don't usually eat much meat. I do eat fish occasionally, so other than cottage cheese I'm not sure what else to add. Any suggestions?
  • Hi, I'm in the 40+ age bracket and am having a hard time losing weight too. I'm also menopausal (since having a hysterectomy at age 35) and was wondering if maybe the hormone thing was to blame??? I know, I know I'm probably just making up excuses right. Anyways, I too find it so hard to count every single calorie and so I…
  • I'm new to this site. I just sort of stumbled upon it a few days ago cause I was looking for an "easy" way to lose weight (if there really is such a thing)! I've tried a lot of diets and exercise plans and nothing seems to work and so now I'm here trying this. I seem to be addicted to carbs. Any suggestions from anyone…
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