Anyone Else Dealing With Dieting & Having Fibryomalgia?

Im really trying but it is hard for me to do a lot of exersize. Ive taken a really hard stand with the food though. No breads, pasta, as much water as I can drink, limit of one diet drink a day, no potatoes. Mostly fish, chicken. fruits and veggies. No FAST FOOD! Im at 250 and have been hard core about this since Sunday Feb. 17 and still have not shed a pound. I know it will take more time than a couple of days but for me this is especially hard because I am in so much pain. I was just wondering if anyone else out there has Fibro and is doing this diet thing. Thanks!


  • wackadoodle
    wackadoodle Posts: 24 Member
    Im really trying but it is hard for me to do a lot of exersize. Ive taken a really hard stand with the food though. No breads, pasta, as much water as I can drink, limit of one diet drink a day, no potatoes. Mostly fish, chicken. fruits and veggies. No FAST FOOD! Im at 250 and have been hard core about this since Sunday Feb. 17 and still have not shed a pound. I know it will take more time than a couple of days but for me this is especially hard because I am in so much pain. I was just wondering if anyone else out there has Fibro and is doing this diet thing. Thanks!
  • memeburke
    Hi Wackadoodle,
    I also have it, plus severe case of Osteo Arthritis in my spine.
    I know where your coming from!
    I still try to get some exercise in. My favorite is to walk the Mall. Looking at everything kind of distracts the fact that I'm actually moving. I hate moving because of the pain, but if you don't use it
    [or move it] you'll lose it.
    Start out with Stretches, and walking leasurely for about 10 minutes a day for about a week, then try 10 minutes 2 times a day, and keep adding to what your capable of doing.If I can do it so can you.
    Joined in Oct. 07. I weighed 228 and now I weigh 181. I think I'm at a plateu, because I'm back and forth to 179 to 183 to 181, etc. Of course I'm not exercising when I should plus I cheat sometimes, but not too much for fear of going to far. Good Luck, This is a great site and wonderful people to help you.
    Best Of Luck, Shirley
  • rheston
    rheston Posts: 638
    I would suggest a more balanced approach rather than the "cold turkey" stand you've taken today.

    The biggest thing you seem to be dealing with is a magic weight loss just because you've made up your mind that you're going to be in charge and it doesn't work that way -- which I'm sure you're very aware of. We didn't get to where we are because we've gotten older or strictly because of a medical condition (there are exceptions I know) so it' not wise to believe that all of a sudden your weight will fall off. This is why Atkins, Scarsdale, SouthBeach, etc not to mention the miracle weight loss pills by the score out there don't work. For the most part they're placebo's or temporary fixes that require you to take charge and invest in your own health for the long term.

    I understand that men and women, depending their age, just lose weight differently so I wouldn't dare use me as the right example for your case. However, having said that, I do believe that if you just watch your calories and try to stay within those boundaries alone as you start out then you can mix in some of the starches you've apparently eliminated. For example, have you seen what one white potatoe, boiled with skin is in calories and nutrition? If you can refrain from putting butter and other condiments on them they are really delicious on their own -- and there are some tasty potatoes out there like the russian finger potatoes.

    Give yourself a little more time and not just a couple of days to be looking for results. Keep your diet balanced and if you can do a little exercise like walking the mall or up and down stairs at home. If you find that your weight doesn't start dropping then see your physician for a complete physical. I say this because my wife did all that I mentioned above and then found out her cholesteral was high and it wasn't until they put her on a statin that all of a sudden she started losing the little weight that she was looking to drop.

    Hang in there and keep yourself focused because the rest of us need you to succeed along with us as a team! :flowerforyou:
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Please check out my profile for my whole story. I'm very opinionated. . .so my discaimer is that everyone is different and what works for me may not work for everyone.

    but here's what I've discovered:

    Moving helps. Exercise is really hard at first, but becomes easier, even addictive. Morning soreness is a trap. You will feel better if you start to integrate movement into your life. I started out with ten minutes on the treadmill. You must start moving to feel better. Exercise will also improve your sleep.

    Sugar and refined carbs are your enemy. Whole grains are not. (carbs feed your brain! and supply energy. . .which you need.) For me, gluten was also a huge issue. Here's the short story on white flour: IMHO, you are eating Fibro. when you eat that.

    Please feel free to message me with any other questions. I consider myself a person who "used to" have this debilitating and allegedly chronic condition.

  • wackadoodle
    wackadoodle Posts: 24 Member
    Thank you so very much for taking the time to read my post and responding. I am doing what I can with the weather and a child at home with leukemia I have to admit we dont get to go out much at all. It is dangerous for my son to be around other people when dealing with the low ANC levels we have to for him. We live in MI so there is ice and snow everywhere outside making it impossible to go out to walk. I do steps a lot because I have to do two flights of them to do laundry here in the apt. I live in. I sit and roll my shoulders and twist at the trunk while doing computer work since most of my pain seems to end up in my neck and back. I clean rather rigoursly for at least an hour a day. I will soon start swimming as soon as the bathing suit I bought arrives. Thanks for the experience Im new dxed as of three months ago.
  • wackadoodle
    wackadoodle Posts: 24 Member
    Thank you for taking the time to read and respond to my post. I am tring my best to get moving again. Due to other circumstances in my life, we have a child with leukemia it is hard for me to get out to go to someplace to walk and since we live in MI it is out of the question to do it outside with the snow and the ice. I am soon to start swimming daily and I pray that will be my kicker. Im just waiting on a bathing suit to arrive that I ordered. My sleep is terrible most of the time but I am working on that. Best of luck to you with your venture of losing weight as well. It is something that isnt so easy for most people especially those of us with other issues in our lives medical and otherwise to deal with.
  • wackadoodle
    wackadoodle Posts: 24 Member
    Thank you first of all for responding and reading my post. I understand what you are saying about me being so hard core with myself and such BUT this is what works for me with the fibromyalgia. I have to MAKE myself eat without the normal things I fell into habit of eating. The reason Im staying off the starches is because of the sugar and also the fact that Im going from being a Mountian Dew Aholic to just drinking straight wate and perhaps one diet drink a day. Ive had all my blood tested when I was dxed three months ago so I am pretty sure I am good there as well. I just need to get moving. Im waiting on a bathing suit that I ordered to show up and then I will be swimming daily. Im always here for new friendships and to support others. That is the kind of person I am so if you ever want to discuss something or just plain old talk let me know. Thank you again
  • andybear
    Although I don't think I have fibromyalgia, I do understand the body pain as I have bulging discs in my back. It is very hard for me to do any kind of exercise at times and I also have a lot of weight to lose. My neurosurgeon told me that I should at least "move" everyday, so I walk, slowly mind you and I do some simple stretches. Even though I do walk up to an hour a day and am currently making better food choices, will this be enough to lose weight? My impression was that you really need to go for the burn in order for the exercise to be beneficial. Any ideas here would be greatly appreciated.
  • Eliyan
    Eliyan Posts: 115
    As long as you're following the guidelines for your calories, you'll still lose weight.

    "Going for the burn" is good and all, but you still get benefits from mild exercise, calories burned plus so many other health benefits.

    And you can always try to increase the intensity if/when you feel able. Try interval training with your speed when you're walking, if you can. Walk a little faster, then your regular pace, then a little faster, back and forth.

    Good luck. :smile:
  • winwin
    winwin Posts: 134 Member
    I too suffer from fibro, some days I can hardly walk and limp real bad. I find that if I just do a couple of leg lifts, and can barely make that, the pain eases for a few minutes. I was just thinking today when I had an afternoon of no pain, how much most people take something as basic as walking for granted. Every time I get a little freedom from the pain, I feel so elated.

    As for the losing weight thing, it takes time. I won't let myself weigh myself more than once a week because the let down if you don't is hard to take. Watch all your levels, even the hidden ones (sodium) and keep an eye on the fat, sugar and fiber. You want lots of fiber. And drink lots of water.

    Each day is a clean slate.

    Good luck! You can do this!

    cheering for you, Leslie