karbenblack Member


  • im shooting for simple walking...nothing more at this point. My doc says 10000 steps a day. i hit that yesterday. But if i get 5000 im happy, 2500 is good. today i hit 5000, but i got most of that while walking back and forth through the house watching "are you smarter than a 5th grader". lol Keep in mind....any movement…
    in help.. Comment by karbenblack July 2015
  • Thanks All ! I really appreicate your comments and support!
  • 3pc of pizza with 1/2 bag of movie popcorn! I did do an hour on my bike afterward - but still feel bad about it. Let's not beat ourselves up too much - tomorrow is a better day already!
  • A great story, thanks for sharing - Gives me hope - I've put so much effort getting the scale to move - I like your new view of being healthly and telling that inner voice that is so criticle to shut up!
  • lol- yes, I would like to do the same - I realized the other day I couldn't bend down and get something off the floor from my chair! I want to fit into my smaller clothes and stop wearing the same two pairs of pants, becuase I don't want to buy a bigger size.
  • Thanks for the support - I just finished 12 miles (60 minutes) on my stationary bike - I feel good aboutt that - tomorrow is a new day.