marci2lip Member


  • I try and keep my carbs under 100grams/day. I've found that when I do that, my cravings for sweets (my total downfall) are at bay. I've been back at it since 12/1 with relatively minor slips (mainly wine related...) and I'm down about 8lbs on a diet of 1200-1600 calories per day.... I have 12 more lbs to go.
  • I'm just over 5'6" and currently have my goal weight set for 155. I got down to 148 a couple of years ago and had 22.5% body fat, but couldn't sustain it and am now at 165 after taking off about 9lbs of the regain. I know that 155 is sustainable for me without feeling deprived! Ultimate goal would be to have 23-24% body…
  • Oops... Double post. :)
  • Can they also order a salad with the pizza? We typically order in the last Friday of the month and when it's pizza, it's Pizza/Salad. I'll eat the toppings off of one piece of pizza and chow down on the salad. Happy medium. :)
  • OMG. WIN! Best GIF Ever!!!
  • I started Crossfit in 2009 and HATED RUNNING. Every running WOD (and even the warm-up) killed me. I ended up having to leave my gym due to a change of work locations and ended up quitting altogether. Fast forward to this year when I lost the weight I gained since quitting and started a running program. I was running 3 or…
  • THIS^^^^^ But make it champagne brunch. With LOTS of champagne. Yes... Champagne and I have needed to take a break. I just have a bloody mary now. ;-)
  • I agree with the others above and view it no differently than still water. I have a Soda Stream machine at home to make my own and always have it in the house. Water + Carbonation = Water, imo.
  • <these are my favorite shorts. Got them at Target before my mud run and they've been my go-to shorts ever since. It helps that they were less than $15. I also wear my Nike running capris on cooler days. For tops, I wear some sort of wicking shirt. I have a few tanks that I bought for running and then will mix it up…
  • My daughter could eat this every night of the week! I had to break up with Peanut Butter. It is the ultimate for me. Had to actually throw away half of a large jar in the garbage after eating waaaaay too many spoonfuls one binge-y afternoon. I'm now onto PB2 for times when a little is nice. Definitely not binge-worthy…
  • Thanks for posting this! I figured it woudl be MUCH higher than the figures you indicated. Seems pretty darn low. I wonder how it compares to an iPhone. Something tells me it would be potentially higher. :)
  • I went and had a BodPod test done about a month ago. It was super easy and cost me $75. I had been going to a place where you get BF testing via a scale that measures impedence (or something like that) through your feet and hands. Turns out my prior testing wasn't that far off. I was actually 23.5% vs 24.5%. The doctor…
  • I love you. Will you marry me?
  • Thank you! :) I nursed my children, but was always afraid to diet and lose my milk production. I think it's fantastic, OP, that you're working so hard to lose while nursing a baby and having two additional children to chase after. It is HARD! You may wish to think of it this way... If you're staying at the same weight for…
  • What is your point? That she should be reporting actual minutes breastfeeding everyday, or that if the above person can't site a reputable study that supports that breastfeeding burns calories, then obviously breastfeeding doesn't contribute to calorie burn. Why not just drop it?
  • I started with Oceanside Crossfit in Oceanside, CA, but then quit for a while and now work further south, so my new home is Crossfit Del Mar (San Diego). So happy to get back into it. Already seeing results after three weeks!
  • Saving for later. Gotta learn this stuff.
  • Great timing of the bump on this thread... Looking to transition to TDEE for maintenance! (and perhaps leaning up more).
  • I lost my weight on the Medifast plan. I actually feel great, haven't lost muscle, but am now here on the MFP boards, trying to manage my transition to a lifelong maintenance plan that works for me. I have to say that I did start my weightloss on a low-carb plan (aka Good Calories, Bad Calories), but it was taking too long…
  • My husband lost about 30lbs on Slimfast two years ago and has kept it off. I think he's more of the exception than the rule, though. I tried it and ended up doing the "shake for breakfast, lunch, a few snacks, healthy dinner, dessert, cocktail" method of their diet and didn't lose diddly squat. Definitely not for me.
  • I started 1/27 and have lost 12lbs so far. Not too bad for 5 weeks and with only 25lbs to lose total, I'm happy with my results! Only a couple more months and I'll be at my goal weight!
  • I adore CrossFit! It is super intense, but don't let that scare you. If you find the right gym, you'll have a real comraderie and people will really boost you up amd make you into a better athlete than you'd ever thought possible. If you go in for an intro to it, you'll find that they really start you off (or at least they…