

  • 2:40 was my first one. I never ran over 9 miles in training and didn't stick to training very well. I would def recommend consistency in your running and sticking to your training plan the best you can.
  • I'm 26 and aroudn 140lbs and I burn about 100-150 cals per mile that I run (6-7mph miles/around 9 minute miles). A lot of it depends on how much you push yourself and how in/out of shape you are. The more in shape I am or the more my heart can handle, the lower the burn because my body doesn't have to work as hard. While…
  • I live in northern Illinois, but about two weeks ago it was 60 for a few days and you can bet I had the bike out those days. Two days later the temperature dropped and we had 5 inches of snow on the ground. Now we are looking to get another 6 or so today. Only a couple more months and it will be riding season. I just have…
  • I have a 2002 Honda CBR 600 F4i and live in IL. I can't wait for winter to be over and get her back out again!
  • GREAT JOB! Feeling better is the most important part and you have great pictures too!
  • I'm in.
  • You are under your goals, just eat like you did today to be near your goal, stay positive, and do the best you can. Keep your head high, because you are making steps in the right direction.
  • Welcome to MFP! It's good to see that you have already started to improve your health and fitness. MFP will continue to help you along the way. There are many people here to support you along the way and help try to answer any questions you may have. You are taking a step in the right direction and I am glad to welcome you…
  • I use my heart rate monitor. Each exercise is a little bit different and yes, everyone burns calories at a different rate. It depends on how "in shape" your heart is. The more in shape your heart is, the more exercise you will have to do over time to burn the same number of calories you did in the beginning. That is a good…
    in P90X Comment by thom10034 September 2010
  • I'm right there with ya Cass! You can do it! You are getting better every day already and I'm proud :)
    in Hi! Comment by thom10034 September 2010