

  • I like 10 Minute Solution: Carb Burner. It's divided into 4 ten minute sessions with one bonus 10 minute workout, but once you start it, all of them play one right after the other, so it's easy to get a 50 minute work out. I also like Crunch: Super Slim Down on my "day off" or as a second workout once I get home from work.…
  • I totally understand. I've been in a funk lately and have some made some poor food choices as a result. Most often I'm fine all day long, but I get home and my careful planning just goes out the window. I'm slowly working my way back and am trying not to beat myself up. Do you have any workout dvds at home? For me,…
  • I just tried a new dvd as well. Quick Fix: Total Cardio Kick is actually kinda fun and I can honestly say I've never thought that about a workout dvd before. I bought it at, but it's on Netflix if you want to try it out first. It's divided into 3 ten minute sessions with a bonus 10 minute cardio burn (or something…
  • Mmm, had one of these last night. I add a tablespoon or so of oatmeal...reminds me of apple crisp!
  • I try to think back about when I've binged in the past and remember that when I ate way too much of a "comfort food," that I didn't feel any better afterward. As far as what to do for it...the best I can offer is to distract yourself. Sometimes I curl up on the couch under a blanket and just veg out for a a…
  • I know there have been plenty of responses, but thought I'd add one more...the chipotle LC spread on a whole wheat tortilla with FF refried beans, Morningstar crumbles and salsa. YUM!
  • I am also on a budget. I eat oatmeal (old fashioned in the big tub, not the packets) with apple and cinnamon almost every day. Sometimes I'll add a Tbsp of peanut butter. These black bean burgers are also tasty and cheap to make. I substitute…
  • I like to make green tea (iced), then add a partial packet of CL Pure in the lemon lime flavor. I usually have it in the afternoons when I'm feeling a little snacky at work.
  • You may want to check out She does lots of recipe renovations for burgers, turkey burgers, pizza, chili mac, etc. She also has 3 or so cookbooks that I've checked out from the public library, but you can also get them online.
  • Definitely popcorn. As far as the cereal goes, what about mixing in some Fiber 1 (the original kind) with the cereal that you really like? The nutrition stats for Fiber 1 are pretty amazing and I definitely prefer it mixed with other cereals or stirred into a cup of yogurt, as opposed to eating it on its own.
  • Not a quick recipe, but good if you have the time.
  • It's not one that I do every day, but I do use it when I need some motivation to work out (rather than just getting on the elliptical). The first time I did it, I felt like I could do most of the level one exercises pretty well, but the next few days were rough. I have never been so sore from an exercise DVD. Ever since…