205lb August 2015 143lb July 2016
I started August 2nd, I've lost 44lbs. 1st Month 13lbs 2nd Month 13lbs 3rd Month 11lbs This Month I've lost 7lb already, but I changed my diet my big meal now is breakfast, I'm trying to stick to no carbs after lunch. :)
Eat PB2 Chocolate is so good and its only like 45 calories.
Thanks everyone!!!!!
When I was just eating fruit for breakfast, I felt like I was starving. So I don't do that anymore :) But I would switch up your lunch and dinner. Bob Harper "The skinny rules" don't eat carbs after lunch. It works great I've lost 40lb in 3 months. :) I eat 1200 calories a day.
I was 205, now I'm at 165, I think 135lb will be goal.
I don't have much time in the morning, I wake up at 4:45 as it is and I'm not going to wake up any earlier so I eat a protein Bar every morning. But I just Started last Sunday.... :smile: At Walmart I buy the box of 5 or 6 (Supreme Protein Caramel Nut Chocolate 15g) (Pure Protein S'mores 19g)