

  • i set my goal at 14lbs but altogether i want to lose 19lbs. i have changed my loss to 1lb and from sedentary to light excersize and its tell me 1690 calories per day so do i change my calories to that and just make sure my net intake eah day is above my BMR which is 1534 calories??
  • this is also confusing me, i currently have mfp set at 1200 as this is what it recommended when i started, but after reading one of the other posts on this forum i am wondering if i should adjust this?! im 26, 5 foot 2.5 i wight 162lbs at last weigh in. using te fat2fit site my BMR was calculated at 1534, my sedentry cals…
  • i know how you feel, im 26 and a single mother of a 4 yr old. i dont get time for myself unless its when my daughter is in bed at which time i try and work on my open university coursework and clean the house etc. ive gone from a size 10 to a 14 in 2 yrs and i hate it! motivation, friends an support needed