help needed.......

sorry in advance if i ramble but im getting so down in the dumps and conused. here goes......

I have been doing MFP for about a month, when i first calcualted i didnt work out at all and put that i wanted to loose 1.5-2lbs per week and at that time i weighed 164lbs. MFP said i should be eating 1200 cals per do which it seems to do for alot of people on here, i lost at first and got down to 160lbs in the first 2 weeks whilst working out for 15-30mins 4-5 mornings a week.
in the past 2 weeks i have put the 4lbs back on even tho i have been staying under my calories, i have slacked off on the work outs but have been doing alot more walking than what i was doing before.

a friend told me that 1200 calories is not enough and it may be that my body needs more than that so i calculated my BMR which cam out as 1534, my tdee was 2132 and said i should be eating 1777 calories. i recalculated on MFP taking in to account my workouts and its now saying 1690 calories so which do i stick to???

im so confused by all of this and i just want to lose instead of getting down in the dumos when i weigh myself every week and im putting on instead of loosing coz now im right back to where i started! i want to loose around a stone but need something that is going to be feasable for me to keep it off also not just a quick fix

someone please help


  • mallory3411
    mallory3411 Posts: 839 Member
    How much do you have to lose? Unless you have over 75lbs to lose you shouldn't have your loss goal set at 2lbs per week. 1lb per week is a bit better.

    1,200 calories is usually far too low for most people... MFP would of set you at that because it is the lowest the site will go and you put in a high weight loss goal. I'd switch your goal to 1lb per week and eat at that amount (plus exercise calories) for a few weeks and see if you start to lose again.

    Good luck!
  • kistylou
    kistylou Posts: 5
    i set my goal at 14lbs but altogether i want to lose 19lbs. i have changed my loss to 1lb and from sedentary to light excersize and its tell me 1690 calories per day so do i change my calories to that and just make sure my net intake eah day is above my BMR which is 1534 calories??