kwheelock Member


  • I also suggest C25K! I am not a runner and it's been forever since I was running around playing sports. I started this 4 weeks ago and I've noticed a tremendous difference. If you choose to do this, I suggest downloading the free podcasts from the website. I play that so I know when to transition from walking to running,…
  • I so know what you mean! After I had our baby I kept hearing people say "it took 9 months to put it on, it'll take 9 months to take it off." I so wanted to be the one to "show them"...well my son will be 8 months old on Sunday and I'm about 10-15lbs shy of my pre-pregnancy weight. Though there's some disappointment (and…
  • Thank you! I'm 5'10"...the scale can play tricks on ya ;)
  • Thanks! I carry my weight in the middle so I still wear some of my maternity pants, but every once and awhile I can comfortably fit into my pre-pregnancy pants/shorts :) Hopefully I'll be there for good before too long...I'm kind of stuck right now.
  • Rice Chex cereal with almond milk and a dash of sugar. This is a cereal I've found that's fewer in calories for a decent amount (1 cup = 100 calories). A lot of other cereals you get such a small amount for the same or more calories...doesn't keep me full at all. Also, every once and awhile I'll eat Cracklin Oat Bran.…
  • I will be so incredibly excited to be out of my maternity pants! My son is 6 months old and I'm still sporting them (I gained about 50lbs with this pregnancy...I've lost a total of 40lbs since he was born - and he was about 9 of that). I put on a pair of my old regular shorts the other day and they buttoned easier and…
  • I just recently made a very similar decision. I too am in a friend's wedding in October and I sure as heck hope to be smaller than I am now by that time. My measurements hit a size 20 (European size - US is an 18...I did cringe a little though when I heard that), but definitely plan to have it taken in when it arrives in 8…
  • When I went from a size 10 to a size 14 after getting married. I started trying to lose weight, but then found out I was pregnant so I stopped...only I gained quite a bit when I was pregnant. I was right around 250lbs before I had my baby and I'm now down to 218lbs. I put on a pair of my size 16 pants I still had lying…
  • For breakfast or even lunch I make my own egg and cheese english muffin sandwich. Just one large egg, fat free cheese slice, and 100 calorie english muffin with a side of carrots or strawberries. Pretty simple and easy dinner that I like to make is tilapia. I buy the bag of frozen tilapia, thaw what I want, and sprinkle a…
  • I'm 28 years old. I've been married a little over 2 years and have an almost 4 month old. I gained a TON of weight during my pregnancy (about 50-60 pounds). I was about 250 lbs at my highest right before I had him and I'm currently at 220 lbs. I'm still sporting the maternity pants because I refuse to buy bigger sizes. All…
    in Pictures Comment by kwheelock May 2012
  • I just completed 10 days of level 2 a couple days ago and let me tell you I'm SO glad I'm done with that one! It was definitely tough. I modified several of the moves most of the time each day I worked out. It really killed my shoulders and the planks were really tough for me (as my shoulders were on fire ALL the time).…
  • In the past my biggest issue with food has been portion control. So, that's where I started when I began this lifestyle change. It has now evolved to cutting back on the sweets and carbs...both are my absolute favorite. I'll be honest though, I had a really hard time thinking calorie counting would help me. I was afraid…
  • When I first joined I went walking a lot and I know that helps. The workout videos I do incorporate cardio as well, which is great because with the Texas heat and a baby that sweats a ton in his carseat/stroller, going outside for a run or walk is not really an option right now. I just wasn't sure what else I could be…
  • I had my first in January and gained a lot of weight with him (50-60 pounds)! I gave in to every craving I had. Since then I've lost about 30 pounds...and he was about 9 of that...big boy! I joined MFP at the end of March and have only lost 10 pounds so far. It's slow going, but I'm working really hard! I just completed…
  • I gained about 50-60 pounds during my pregnancy (I gave in to every craving I had). I was trying to lose weight before I found out I was pregnant, so I have more to lose than just the baby weight, but the baby weight is where I'm starting then I'll revise my goals. My son is almost 4 months old and I've lost about 30…
  • I'm only doing the video right now. I try to do some walking a couple times a week, but that's been hard with the Texas heat and a baby that sweats like crazy in his carseat/stroller! I want to see the results mainly from the video since I've tried doing it before and failed. I just finished day 17 and I've only lost a few…
  • Level 2 is definitely a step up in shoulders are killing me! I'm 7 days into Level 2 and I'm still modifying most of the plank moves. Many days I want to go back to level 1 to give myself a break, but I decide to push myself because I want to see change...I can take a break after the 30 days ;) Keep with it!
  • I've been on Level 2 for 7 days and I don't think it's gotten any easier for me. I still modify most of the plank shoulders just can't handle it! The other day was also the very first time I was completely unmotivated to work out, but I kept with it. And honestly, I probably don't work the hardest on those days,…
    in Level 2 Comment by kwheelock May 2012
  • I've been doing it for 13 days straight...first time to ever get past 3 days in a row! I started Level 2 on day's tough! I'm not dropping inches or pounds as quickly as I'd like. I think it has to do with my diet. Just need a little motivation/encouragement to keep going!