So slow!

Did you ever think losing weight would take so long?! Maybe I was naive, but I totally thought I could lose 50 pounds in 9 months! I have lost 34 pounds since February. Currently sitting at 154 @ 5'5". I try not to get too frustrated because at least I am losing and I have seen incredible changes aside from the scale. I think I watched too much Biggest Loser! :P

Anyone else having these thoughts?


  • redwan2001
    redwan2001 Posts: 286 Member
    You have done very well. We all expect too much of ourselfs. I know I do expect alot so I can totally relate. Don't get frustrated your getting there. Your loosing weight and your feeling better each day, it is a life battle with your weight. Keep your spirits up trust me, I use to weigh 350lbs so I have had alot of ups and downs and alot of patience. I weigh 173lbs I have about 40 lbs I want to loose and it feels like ahh will I ever get there. So I keep my self motivated .Keep up the great work and don't be so hard on yourself.

  • rosarenee1
    rosarenee1 Posts: 271 Member
    You're totally right! I think when we think about how much we have left as opposed to how far we have come, it makes all the difference. I have made some definite life changing habits and feel the best I've ever felt! I know I am doing something, even if the scale is creepin' along. :)

    Congrats on your loss, that is AMAZING! You look wonderful and should feel so proud!
  • amanda_ataraxia
    amanda_ataraxia Posts: 400 Member
    It is hard when the weight drops so fast at first. But, the closer you get to your goal, the harder it is. I am currently in that situation. The scale is barely changing so I have set more fitness goals to focus on. It helps me to stay motivated because I am seeing improvements. Also, taking measurements is important. The scale might not be moving, but seeing inches lost (even if it is a tiny amount) is very motivating to me.
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    Everyone thinks that're losing weight the slow, sustainable way and that will last you a lifetime! You're here, you're trying, so don't get discouraged! We've all been there at least in one point during our weight loss journeys! Remember, The Biggest Loser is scripted reality and edited and not real life!

    Maybe think about doing some heavy lifting to build muscle which will rev your metabolism. You won't bulk pics are all from me heavy lifting the past 6 months!
  • macromouth
    I know exactly what you mean. I lost 15 pounds over the summer when I thought I was going to lose about 30. I Lost an average of 1 pound a week which is GREAT! I felt pretty bad a few weeks ago though. I found out that losing weight isnt some super fast process like I thought it was.
  • gaylynn35
    gaylynn35 Posts: 854 Member
    Yes, generally I thought I would lose about 2 pounds per week since that is how I set up MFP. Little did I know, that is doesn't exactly work that way. Oh well, lesson learned.

    I thought I could maybe lose down to 140 pounds by the end of September, yeah right.

    I am still happy that I have lost something. Everyday is a struggle, especially when I get on that scale and it doesn't move or it goes up.

    Sticking with it!
  • rudimae
    rudimae Posts: 107
    I just commented about this to my husband today. At our doctor's appointment I weighed in at "only" 1.5 pounds less than my last weigh-in (which was last Friday, so nearly a week). I was hoping I'd have lost more, even though my goal is set for 2 pounds/week loss. I'm really close to my weekly weight loss goal....but still I was disappointed. Had to give myself a stern talking to! :)
  • rosarenee1
    rosarenee1 Posts: 271 Member
    Thanks for the great responses and encouraging words.

    I am mostly not discouraged but we all have our moments. Mine was tonight when I realized I have only lost 5 lbs since the end of July BUT that is still 5 lbs no longer on me! I definitely measure, not nearly enough and it's something I should work on doing more often.

    I have plans to join a gym soon, to get some lifting done. I am such an idiot when it comes to gym and working out without a "plan"..I am currently doing Insanity, I did a ton of Jillian Michaels' stuff before including Body Revolution over the summer. I seem to work better knowing what to do. SO the gym seems totally overwhelming aside from getting on a machine.

    I think it's so important to keep putting those comparative thoughts out of our minds and realize what we have accomplished so far is amazing! :)
  • kwheelock
    kwheelock Posts: 21 Member
    I so know what you mean! After I had our baby I kept hearing people say "it took 9 months to put it on, it'll take 9 months to take it off." I so wanted to be the one to "show them"...well my son will be 8 months old on Sunday and I'm about 10-15lbs shy of my pre-pregnancy weight. Though there's some disappointment (and I'll admit, a little knock on my pride), I have to remind myself that I've come a long way and that losing it slowly will help me keep it off better. Oh yeah, and that it's a lifestyle change not just wanting to get thin. I'm feeling better physically and starting to feel confident in myself again. It's tough to stay patient some days because you feel it's not falling off quick enough. Hang in there and use Biggest Loser as motivation...I do all the time, I just remind myself to be realistic because, face it, we'd all be pretty slim if it was our 9-5 job to be in the gym burning calories ;)
  • shgreenw
    shgreenw Posts: 194 Member
    I find myself asking myself why I didn't start this journey 15-20 pounds ago!! But do you know why I didn't? Because I wasn't ready. Due to the fact that this is an entire lifestyle change, you have to want it and to be completely committed. You are doing an amazing job. I find myself in awe when I see that you did Insanity AND went for a run and I can barely complete my afternoon walk. Keep it up and you will reach your goal before you know it! :flowerforyou:
  • jazee11
    jazee11 Posts: 321
    Slow and steady wins this one! Know that it is good, healthy and sustainable to be doing what you are doing.

    Yeah, the Biggest Loser is show where people have quit their jobs to be on and work out 5 or more hours a day and learn how to eat. You live in the real world.

    Keep plugging away, it will happen.