troyindallas Member


  • If you buy can goods beware of sodium! Buy the no salt added variety. High sodium will keep "calories in calories out" from working. Huge year long lesson! Also, keep you rewards frozen in 3 bite portions. I kept homemade brownies and banana bread in the freezer to have as a treat, that I planned for. In the beginning I…
  • Reduce it to 1600 mg a day until you get it off, then if you want, you can ease back up to your normal range. I retain like a woman. I drink lots of water and taking it 1600 daily has kept me normal and my high blood pressure has dropped.
  • Thank you all for the input. I will keep doing what I am doing and only eat when I am hungry from the give back.
  • Use the 3 bite rule! You lose most of your satisfying comfort after three bites. The first bite of decadence is outstanding and it drops to less than noticeable by bite four (science studies prove.) I include some enjoyment everyday, but very managed and I don't feel like I lost a thing. I have lost over 40 lbs doing this…
  • Been there, did that, nothing worked until I took more drastic actions. Drastic helped and helps me stay focused. My goal, get out of bed and back with as few injuries as possible. You can't partake in your bad habits and win. You are walking in a minefield. You need to walk through a preschool's playground. Remember, to…
  • Try to stay 300 calorie below. You will have to get creative in making more healthy low cal dishes, but it can be done and sometimes it needs a more severe approach. That way if you go over, your will still be under scheduled goal inake.
  • Good for you. This was the first step for me and now I have I can say it really works knowing exactly what you are eating. I started this journey at 306 in August and I am now 250 lbs. You can do it. Post your progress, make friends and seek advice. It all helps. Welcome.
  • Go ahean and brag all you want...YOU EARNED IT!! Congrats.
  • Count me in! I am dieting anyway, why not. We can do it. We will!
  • When I switched from Coke to Diet Coke, I gained 40+ lbs, without changing my eating habits. For some people the chemicals in the diet drinks do a real number on them. Giving up Diet Coke was the hardest thing I have ever done in my life. I did it and only 13 peole had to die because of it.......jk on the 13 people.
  • Eat NO carbs all day. Have an egg with bacon for breakfast and IF you get hungry later, try a jerky stick or some other type of protein...again no carbs. Then for 60 minutes at the party, taste the different things you want, watching your portions. When the hour is up...your finished. You shouldn't do much damage as long…
  • Try putting yourself in his shoes... Damned if you do,damned if you don't. I agree with the poor husband part. Stop worrying about how he sees you and make it a full time job to build him up. I promise the return on your investment will be tenfold.
  • Yeah and now I have a bigger problem.....I lost mine this week. I am happy for the 40lbs lost, but bummed about the ring. I think it came off while washing my hands, when I use a papertowel it would come off every time. I tried to be careful, but obviously got distracted at some point. Take heed, get it resized or remove…
  • Check into the 100 Pushup Challenge. It will start where you are at and get you going. It is really helping me.
  • Do your research on the place before walking in the door. A lot of places have nutritional info online. Know what to order before you go. I do it privately at home, know one knows I do it and I order with confidence knowing I am on tract. Also, keep your phone on you so you can check the calorie counts if you need to Other…
  • You will get better at it. Just keep doing it. You will learn as you read labels how to trim your calories down. It takes some time and practice. My daily calorie intake is just 1650 a day and I usually end the day with a couple of hundred left over. I am usually looking for something to eat just to reach my daily need. If…
  • Ok, I'm in. I will take the test tomorrow. Read the site and it looks pretty good. I know my arms are weak, this is just what I need. I started dieting with MFP two months ago. I have lost 36 lbs. to date. Looking to lose 79 more. Love this site, HATE pushups. Oh well, here I go...