Keep going over calorie goal - GAH.

I've gone over my suggested calorie goal every freaking day. I usually only go over a couple hundred calories, and I'm still in the weight loss margin, but it's getting frustrating. Why can't I stay beneath it? :frown:


  • elainegsd
    elainegsd Posts: 459 Member
    If you look back over your diary for the past week or so, can you see an obvious place where those extra calories are coming from?
  • troyindallas
    troyindallas Posts: 18 Member
    Try to stay 300 calorie below. You will have to get creative in making more healthy low cal dishes, but it can be done and sometimes it needs a more severe approach. That way if you go over, your will still be under scheduled goal inake.
  • marniehodges
    Best advice I can give you is to make your food diary public. It really helps to get feedback on your choices and I also love to look at my friends food diaries for good ideas on menus. Can't really see what you might be able to change if we can't see what you're eating :wink: Also, I am brutally honest in my diary, even though I know everybody else can see it. After all, I am doing this for me and I need to be able to track it honestly and I welcome both positive and negative criticism on what I'm doing. Best of luck to you on this journey!

  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    You really need to take a critical look at your food and exercise diaries. First of all, are you exercising? It's often hard to hit a calorie goal if you're not exercising. MFP really advocates for that.

    Secondly, where are most of your calories going? A certain food? Can it be replaced? Or is it a certain time of day? If you eat a lot at a particular time, it may mean your body isn't being feuled enough because it's not getting balanced nutrition.

    I always recommend salads, fruits, and vegetables. They're your best bet for taking the weight off fast. I know... not the most exciting thing, but if you learn how to add herbs and seasonings things reall do taste good!

  • HappyTemple
    Thanks for the input, guys. I thought my diary WAS public - how do I make it so? That would definitely be helpful.

    And I haven't been exercising at all. :embarassed: Or drinking enough water....
  • loveusa
    If I aim for 1200, or whatever diet calorie amount (even higher), I tend to go over too. So now I start the day with an attitude that I will eat nothing but a few juices - basically a juice/water fast - and then when I get something light to eat here and there, thinking "Oh, this little bit won't matter," ;) I end up at a proper diet calorie amount. So aim really low so there's good leeway.
  • selbyhutch
    selbyhutch Posts: 531 Member
    Thanks for the input, guys. I thought my diary WAS public - how do I make it so? That would definitely be helpful.

    And I haven't been exercising at all. :embarassed: Or drinking enough water....

    My Home
    Diary Settings

  • AmandaR910
    Best advice, drink a big 16oz glass of water before ANY food goes into your mouth. Every time. Regular meals, snacks, etc.
  • Cindyjo24
    Cindyjo24 Posts: 4 Member
    Great reminder - a big glass of water before eating can make me feel full so I'm less likely to overeat.
  • Amylynn
    Amylynn Posts: 242 Member
    How much do you have your calories set at to lose each week, one or two lbs? If you have it set to lose 2 lbs a week, then maybe you should just set it at one lb a week until you get used to that, then shoot for a lower intake. That way your stomach will get used to eating smaller portion sizes so each time your allotted calories decrease you won't struggle to take in only that amount. That's what I had to do because I found I was trying to restrict myself too much at first.

    Also, if you exercise that is more calories you can eat.
  • HappyTemple
    Thanks so much for the input. I've got my loss set at 1.5 a week, so I'll bump it down to 1 instead. That, and I didn't even realize that I actually AM exercising - more than I thought, too. I just forget about stuff with the horses and dogs and such, so that's probably why I'm still losing (thank god) even though I'm going over my calorie goal. Gonna go make my diary public, too!

    Definitely going to try the drinking water before eating, too. I dunno if I can hack 16 oz. right off the bat, but I'll shoot for 8 and try to work myself up. :drinker:
  • johnnya2
    All that requires is to add 30 minutes a day of a brisk walk at 3.5 mph. This will burn 250 ish calories for the day. I also find many smaller meals works far better than larger. I eat 1700 calories a day 5 meals of about 300 calories and 2 snacks( rice cakes, cheese) of 100 each.