

  • I'm sorry, I totally disagree with this. In 60 days, I lost 32 lbs. HEALTHILY. It is critical to eat enough, and workout a lot. I am working out 2-3 hours per day, and eating high protein, high fiber, low carb. Triple up your water, and get a lot of sleep. :) Everyone is different. Some weeks I lost 3-5 lbs, some weeks, 1.…
  • welcome :) :)
  • This happened to me too. The Plateau is normal -- so everyone tells me :) Mine lasted about 7 days. I was SO frustrated. All I had to do was change up my routine -- and like clockwork, over night -- 1.5, then 2 lbs. literally, 24 hours. I was always doing the same cardio, and eating the same stuff. Healthy, but still my…
  • I have a couple, and they are meaningful and thought out. It is up to each individual to decide what they want, or if they want one -- and where. Just think about if you'll love it in 10, 20 even 30 years. My answer was "yes, because it is a daily reminder of who I am and strive to be" therefore I will never regret it.…
  • I am going to up it tomorrow and the rest of the week with some healthy fats and see what happens. :) also switching my meals around, bigger in the morning than at night. And increase water intake. Ahhh it's such a science, I wish it was simpler :)
  • It's weird though, when I started 20 lbs ago, it was at 1500 max, now it is up --- telling me I should be eating 1600 calories. I physically cannot EAT anymore food. I am eating SO much..... AHH. :(
  • I am eating a ton of protein, in good lean/healthy ways. I definitely just need to up my caloric intake -- but I suppose it really is mental. I can't figure out how putting more in will keep me losing weight. However, I'll try it for the next few days, and gradually build back up to 1200. I just spent 20 minutes looking at…
  • this was so helpful. GAH! It is hard for me to see "eating more" as a positive thing. I guess I need to try it. For some reason it seems TOTALLY counterproductive, but you get it. :) Okay, i will check back in in a couple days!!