Puffed rice
51 next month !
I started using it! It makes me itch and really doesn't do much for me! I won't buy it again!
I love it with Greek yogurt and almond butter! Delish!
I mix mine with plain Greek yogurt add stevia and nut butter! Yummy!
White wine or coconut rum with diet Mt. dew!
I eat a balanced diet. Lower carb than most! I workout a lot! The guy at the gym that does the Daniel diet looks amazing! I think I will stay with what does good for me!!!
I really like them!
I know lots of people (men and women)my age that look fantastic! It takes dedication (working out)and a good nutrition plan! I don't under eat to lose weight!!
This is me! I'm 50!!! Never give up
Chocolate milk after a long run!!!
Thanks! I miss the way they used be!!!
Kneeing squats!
Rainbow light or I like Fit Tabs from Beverly International.
Beverly International ultimate protein powder (UMP) is absolutely amazing! All favors are delicious!!!
Heavy cream!!! Cant stand the fake stuff!!!
A good parent....
popcorn with diet hot chocolate mix sprinkled on top
I am 5'9 and weigh 134. My goal is 129. I wear a size 4.