ahern89 Member


  • Don't feel guilty, there's nothing wrong with taking a day off for special occasions. For my birthday I went to town with tons of delicious, high calorie food, but the next day I got right back on track. Just enjoy the day, it's not going to through you off.
  • My parents never regulated food when my brother and I were children. If we wanted something then we could have it and as much as we wanted, and there was usually more junk food than healthy snack food in the house. I'd go through a big bag of chips within a couple days, and snack cakes I'd probably have two or three a day,…
  • The best advice I can give is don't give up. The very first two days it took me two tries to get through it because I got tired before I even finished the first circuit of strength. Then I got to level 2 and it nearly killed me, but I pushed through the soreness knowing that it would pay off. I definitely took rest days,…
  • Height: 5'8 Age/Gender: 23/ female Highest weight- 230ish Current Weight- 158 Current body fat - approx 28% Lowest weight- My current weight. My lightest in high school was 180. Goal weigh- 145-150
  • Realistically I have Louisville, Ohio State, Michigan and Miami, Cardinals and Canes in the championship game with Louisville winning it all. Optimistically I have Arizona in place of Ohio State because they have the talent, but can't seem to get it together when it matters the most.
  • Do you wear shoes when you work out? I used to workout barefoot and would often have the same problem, but once I started wearing shoes I stopped having it. That might help.
  • When I was home over Christmas my grandfather told me "Wow, you keep losing weight and the boys are going to be all over you". All I could think was 'huh, thanks for that comment, I wasn't aware it was my weight that was preventing me from getting a boyfriend. I always though it was my sarcastic, smart *kitten* personality…
  • I've been wanting a pair forever and finally decided to spend the money. Haven't had a chance to use them yet since I'm sick but when I tried them on to make sure they fit I found them to be the most comfortable pair of shoes I have, and I haven't even broken them in yet.
  • I'm 5'8". At my heaviest in high school I was around 220.I managed to get down to about 165 before gaining a few pounds back when I went home for Christmas. So now I'm working harder so I can get to my goal weight of 155 before graduation, although I'm really looking more to getting my body fat percentage where I want it…