Deedledee2 Member


  • Uproar and Mayhem last summer/fall. I was in a wheelchair for both :0( I have made it to all Mayhem Fests. but not too sure about going this year because I have seen all the bands many times. But knowing me I will end up going lol...
  • It is so lame when there is a good show going on during family events. Grrr...I feel you on this one...
  • My daughter and me are trying to get to some Rockabilly concerts. There are very few shows here in Seattle. And my daughter is 18 so alot of show are 21+ :0( and unfortantly I have a boyfriend that doesn't care for that type of music :0( I am thankful for the car shows we go to with our car. So hot to find rockabillly…
  • Hang in there. You will do great. With the positive is the energy you get. The hard part also is losing sleep. Its such a downer. I just got off my taper of pred and already starting to feel really tired and lazy. Its such lame sauce...I have been on predisone for 3yrs straight with little bits of a weeks break then I…
  • I listen to metal, rock, alt, ska, rockabilly, physcobilly and yes sometimes pop and been liking Skrillex for some reason. My very number one band No Doubt. I'm in love with Avenge Sevenfold. Tiger Army, Calabrese, Three Days Grace, ok I could go on forever in this dept. I love going to concerts! :0) Why you ask? Because…