Pfitzer Member


  • Foam roll and stretch your IT band, if you've been doing a lot of treadmill running your IT band is probably tight, which can cause issues with your knees.
  • Good for you! I've been vegan for about a year now, but I transitioned into it very slowly. Don't give up if you "cheat" once and awhile, no one is perfect. Feel free to add me as a friend :)
  • I was on ADHD meds for a few years and I had the same problem. Little to no appetite and severe dry mouth. I got pretty addicted to them and was being prescribed a dosage that is now illegal because it was bad for my heart. I stopped taking them to have a baby, and never started taking them again. I recommend not using…
  • I gave up all meat over a year ago, and all dairy products and eggs about 6 months ago. I have so much more energy, and I think my hair and skin look healthier now as well. My diary is open if you want to look for ideas. Feel free to add me as a friend if you want support making the transition (or just making some small…
  • Vegetarian for over a year, vegan for about 6 months. My diary is public if you want to look. I eat a lot of quinoa, beans, fruits and vegetables. When I decided to start cutting out animal products I made a very gradual transition, trying one new recipe a week until I was comfortable cooking enough different foods that I…
  • Vegan for about a year now here :)
    in Vegans Comment by Pfitzer May 2012
  • Arbonne is delicious, and I use it to make homemade protein bars, or peanut butter protein balls. I also use Garden of Life, which isn't as tasty but has less calories.
  • Quinoa is the only grain that is considered a complete protein - For every 100 grams of quinoa, you get 14 grams of protein. It has a low Glycemic Index. With a glycemic index rating in the low 50s (anything 55 and under is considered low), quinoa doesn’t result in a blood sugar spike. Instead, it’s digested slowly – which…
  • I've had one for over a year, you just strap it directly under where your sports bra ends and it should work fine :)
  • I've been doing turbokick regularly for about a year now while wearing a heart rate monitor, I typically burn 600-700 calories in an hour (and I'm 5'6", 140 lbs). Hope that helps :)
    in Turbo Kick Comment by Pfitzer May 2012
  • Turbojam!!! It takes a little time to get the choreography down, but it's totally worth it. I lost 50 pounds (prior to joining MFP) using this and weight lifting.
  • Quinoa burgers - I love these and they are packed with protein!
  • Check out they have a ton of great exercise videos for free you can do from home, they will all kick your butt!
  • Love my FT7, I've heard from others at the gym that they've had trouble with the FT4 getting interference if they stand too close to someone else wearing a HRM.
  • Try turbo jam, they are a lot of fun, and burn a lot of calories while building muscle. I've lost 50 lbs (not all on MFP) over the last year doing turbo jam,, lifting weights once a week and watching what I eat.
  • I'm vegan, and none of my buddies are, add me pretty please!
  • I am vegan, I love Isa Chandra Moskowich's cookbooks, particularly Veganomicon or Appetite for Reduction. If you have a pinterest account let me know and you can follow me on there. I eat a lot of quinoa and beans. For awesome quinoa recipes check out Feel free to add me if you want :)
  • I've been vegan for a little over a year now, and being raised in a typical meat an potatoes family it took some research and practice to learn how to cook different kinds of foods and stock my kitchen differently, but now that I know what to eat and how to prepare it I love being vegan. If I'm going to a large gathering I…