any vegans or vegetarians?



  • jraps17
    jraps17 Posts: 179 Member
    and this one MFP Vegetarians
  • jonesyuno34
    I just want to re-emphasise some stuff I saw mentioned before. Quinoa is versital and high in protein. Tofu as a substitute for chicken is very good. Here: a list of recipes from Dr. McDougall, who is hugely into whole-food, plant-based. My wife makes a lot from this list, and it is tasty.
  • Triguy83
    Triguy83 Posts: 57 Member
    Beans, Brown, wild rice, quinoa, sweet potatoes, acorn, butternut and spaghetti squash. A lot of Fruit too many to name, Rolled Oats, Sprouted Bread like Ezekiel, a lot of veggies too many to name, not big into nuts. I'm 80/10/10 vegan. I used to eat the veggie patties and etc but now i prefer making my own.
  • iluv2laugh
    iluv2laugh Posts: 204
    I'm a vegetarian
  • bleumanchu
    bleumanchu Posts: 23 Member
    Couple of other sites I didn't see mentioned:

    Also, Engine 2 was mentioned, check out their site, which has a load of recipes. They have a Pinterest site as well, which my wife frequents, with a load of recipes posted. The Forks over Knives website also has a lot of recipes.

    Even if you're not vegan (which I've only been for slightly less than a year, without any regrets), you'll still find a wealth of recipes that will please most palates, regardless of their personal inclinations towards or away from animal products.
  • babybellyfat
    babybellyfat Posts: 1,102 Member
    Hello there. WOW that sound sooo yummmy I dont know how to cook tofu any tips??
    I'm vegetarian, and have been for about 5 years.

    I eat high fibre cereal or oats and low fat yoghurt for breakfast, usually with some hemp seeds or linseed added in for Omega 3's etc.

    I cook a lot of one pot meals - recent healthy favourites have included chick pea curry, ratatouille and sweet potato & bean chilli. Yesterday I had courgette cut into thin strips as a low calorie pasta substitute, with hot chilli pesto and low fat grated cheddar. I also like salads, for example cous cous with roasted veg and seeds, or Greek salad with feta and lots of veg.

    I eat a fair bit of tofu - those who say they don't like tofu usually don't know how to cook it... it's very "neutral" on its own, it needs a good marinade and/or spices to make it really nice.

    There are other milk susbstitutes that don't have soya, by the way, I really like chocolate oat milk for deliciousness and healthiness all in one!
  • babybellyfat
    babybellyfat Posts: 1,102 Member
    I love indian food! now im getting hungry. post some yummy low fat recipes :)) Please add me if u like too.

    I have been vegetarian for all my life. I am Indian, so we eat lots of vegetable curries, rice, legumes, beans etc.
    Never felt the need to try non-veg, never missed it...:)
  • EdgeGoalie31
    EdgeGoalie31 Posts: 11 Member
    I've been a lacto-vegetarian for 18 years now. I love my vegetarian cookbooks such as Vegan Planet and Moosewood Restaurant. If you want to stick to online resources you can pretty much just search for a vegan version of any recipie you might want to make.
  • Pfitzer
    Pfitzer Posts: 18 Member
    Vegetarian for over a year, vegan for about 6 months. My diary is public if you want to look. I eat a lot of quinoa, beans, fruits and vegetables. When I decided to start cutting out animal products I made a very gradual transition, trying one new recipe a week until I was comfortable cooking enough different foods that I knew I could sustain my new diet without it being overwhelming. I do not eat the fake meats, while they can be helpful for someone that is transitioning to a vegetarian diet in the long run they are over processed and many contain eggs. Feel free to add me as a friend if you want :smile:
  • babybellyfat
    babybellyfat Posts: 1,102 Member
    Thanks for the website.. Im also not hungry all the time i fill my self with tons of beans ect.. Sometimes i eat tons because i have thyroid problems but that another problem not the vegan... world fault!
    I'm a long-time vegan (13 years) and was vegetarian for 4 years before... I'm 25.

    I do a mix of all natural fruits and veggies and tofu and "meat substitutes" for protein. I also drink a protein shake on exercise days (or if I'm just low protein). I love Morning Star Crumbles and Chicken Strips for taco salad and ranch chicken salad. You learn to cook from scratch pretty quickly-- like pancakes and manicotti. is my favorite resource for recipes.

    I disagree that you, by default, eat a lot of carbs as a vegan-- it's a choice that comes with any dietary path. I'm not hungry all the time at all.
  • babybellyfat
    babybellyfat Posts: 1,102 Member
    thanks so much for the site i will check it out!
    vegan :D and i have a healthy recipe site
  • babybellyfat
    babybellyfat Posts: 1,102 Member
    hi :)
    Oh, hi
  • babybellyfat
    babybellyfat Posts: 1,102 Member
    HEHEH welcome
    Join this group Happy Herbivores.
  • babybellyfat
    babybellyfat Posts: 1,102 Member
    mmmm all sound yum. I dont know hwo to make my own patties once i do i will make it :)
    Beans, Brown, wild rice, quinoa, sweet potatoes, acorn, butternut and spaghetti squash. A lot of Fruit too many to name, Rolled Oats, Sprouted Bread like Ezekiel, a lot of veggies too many to name, not big into nuts. I'm 80/10/10 vegan. I used to eat the veggie patties and etc but now i prefer making my own.
  • babybellyfat
    babybellyfat Posts: 1,102 Member
    hi there! what is your fav food you like to eat?
    I'm a vegetarian
  • babybellyfat
    babybellyfat Posts: 1,102 Member
    Thank you so much!
    Couple of other sites I didn't see mentioned:

    Also, Engine 2 was mentioned, check out their site, which has a load of recipes. They have a Pinterest site as well, which my wife frequents, with a load of recipes posted. The Forks over Knives website also has a lot of recipes.

    Even if you're not vegan (which I've only been for slightly less than a year, without any regrets), you'll still find a wealth of recipes that will please most palates, regardless of their personal inclinations towards or away from animal products.
  • babybellyfat
    babybellyfat Posts: 1,102 Member
    ah thats awesome i will look the books!! Thanks..
    I've been a lacto-vegetarian for 18 years now. I love my vegetarian cookbooks such as Vegan Planet and Moosewood Restaurant. If you want to stick to online resources you can pretty much just search for a vegan version of any recipie you might want to make.
  • babybellyfat
    babybellyfat Posts: 1,102 Member
    I just added ya thanks. All that sound yummy. Im new at cooking vegetarian my family eat meat so im the only one. I'm still learning on what to cook and how. Like tofu. The meatless meat is very helpful for me but as soon as I learn how to make my own things it would be better.
    Vegetarian for over a year, vegan for about 6 months. My diary is public if you want to look. I eat a lot of quinoa, beans, fruits and vegetables. When I decided to start cutting out animal products I made a very gradual transition, trying one new recipe a week until I was comfortable cooking enough different foods that I knew I could sustain my new diet without it being overwhelming. I do not eat the fake meats, while they can be helpful for someone that is transitioning to a vegetarian diet in the long run they are over processed and many contain eggs. Feel free to add me as a friend if you want :smile:
  • Bridget28152723
    Bridget28152723 Posts: 372 Member
    I am vegetarian, and most of the time vegan, the last few weeks I have had too much chocolate! But I love eating mostly raw, smoothies, with spinach, pineapple, banana, apple, aloe, strawberries, whatever I have...I might have a sweet potato, some avocado, salad for lunch....dinner: salad, sometimes a baked potato with avocado on it instead of butter...lots of veggies!...I love raw honey and the honey I get I know the bees are treated good, I see nothing wrong with eating honey, Because Of my thyroid I dont eat any soy , I like rice with stevia, almond milk, yum! you can add me, I love having friends that eat like me!
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    I've been veggie for just over three years. I've decreased my dairy over that time but still have some occasional cheese and I eat yoghurt and eggs.

    Before coming onto MFP (about 3 weeks ago) I didn't eat much in the way of 'fake meat' but since using the food diary and realising that my protein intake was really low I've added in more meat substitutes and tofu. I'm also having a low carb protein shake once a day (or more when I've done lots of exercise) to help boost it a bit.

    I'm in the UK and love the growing range of Linda McCartney products (some are vegan, some veggie), especially the mozarella and soy 1/4 pounder burgers. I use tinned mock duck (seitan) in curries but it does work out quite expensive so I want to have a go at making my own in the near future.

    Feel free to add me. :)