

  • Go see a good sports doc. As someone who is also 31, about 206 pounds and am currently battling my knees, getting a good medical opinion is the best thing you can do. I walked into the doctor's office and asked for a "state of the union" on my knees. After physical therapy and MRIs, it was concluded I have significant…
  • It's not a question of being too fat for C25K! I think the more important thing is that you check with your doctor - especially regarding your knee health. I started C25K, and went to my personal trainer to brag. He looked at me and said "you have no business running if you want to keep your knees". Didn't believe him so I…
  • Awesome! You look fabulous!!!
  • My thought is that is that exercise gives me a nice buffer zone, so that I can eat a bit more each day and not feel hungry. Since I'm focusing on a longterm lifestyle change, I want to be able to have 2000 calorie days sometimes and not worry too much about it. The more active I am, the better I feel, and the more I can…
  • When my husband is home he can watch the kids so I can do a quick 30 minute walk in the neighborhood. Jillian Michaels is great if I'm stuck at home with no babysitter. Also, the YMCA gives a free 90 minutes of childcare - so I can always bring the kids with and get some ME time. I find that since I've started working out,…
  • Awesome!!! You look great!
  • Awesome!!!! You are looking great!
  • Just started yoga this week as a supplement to walking every day and strength training 1x/week. I took an "All Levels" class at the Y and was so amazingly sore after the 1st day. I wore my HRM just to see my calorie burn, and it was around 400 something for 75 minutes. And I was sweating buckets!
    in yoga Comment by darbylicious May 2012
  • LOLOL is that what the kids these days are using as a pickup line? Priceless! And way to go, getting hit on - that's a good feeling even if the line sucked!
  • Cereal at night! Never for breakfast. Bedtime cereal eater here.
  • I love my fitbit. I get excited on days I get lots of steps. I like the little badges and watching my flower grow. I'm a sucker for cute things in pretty packaging. :) But it does motivate me to park a bit farther away, take an extra trip around the grocery store, and get up from my desk more often. So for me, definitely…
  • I just signed up for a 5K on May 19th! Problem is, I'm only on Week 1 of C25K. I have never considered myself a runner, but I WANT to do this. Hope I can at least finish!
  • I am finishing Week 1 of C25K and after my first run I was really worried about my shin pain. What helped me was watching videos on youtube of running form, in particular, landing on your forefoot instead of a "heel strike". The next time I went out I focused on this and my shins were OK. (But then my arches started…
  • Fabulous! What a difference!! Great job!
  • Awesome! Love the difference in your legs!!! Be proud of all your hard work - it's paying off!
  • I'm inspired! Your SW and GW are very close mine, but I'm just starting out. Hope I look that good in a few months!