How fat is TOO fat for C25K?



  • akdoxrud
    akdoxrud Posts: 22
    There were a few weeks in my C25K that I had to repeat. Like people said, you set the pace. It's not a race (unless you have a race in mind) to finish. Just do what you can while still pushing yourself. You can do it!!!
  • swordsmith
    swordsmith Posts: 599 Member
    I started training at 290 - no weight is "too fat" if you can move. As said set your own pace- you are only running against yourself.

    My first 5k last October I did roughly 13 minute miles. I have since progressed t0 numerous 5K's (5k average is now about 9:30 pace), two 10Ks (average pace 10:00), one Warrior Dash (11:30 pace- pulled a leg muscle half way through on an obstacle that hobbled me), and one half marathon (13:00 pace- running on injured leg from Warrior Dash).

    Upcoming I have another Dash, a Tough Mudder and another half marathon (along with a sprinkling of 5Ks).

    All of the above because I started C25K.

    Go for it.
  • Celliott411
    Celliott411 Posts: 49 Member
    C25K is great for everyone! But make sure you have a good pair of running shoes. Maybe go to a running store and have your stride/feet analyzed to make sure you won't cause yourself injury. When I started C25K, it was quite a change from the impact I was used to and I got stress fractures pretty quickly from not having proper insoles in my shoes. I haven't been able to run in over 2 months now because of them, so take safety into consideration too! And always remember that you don't have to advance to the next level every time. Repeat a level if you think you need to!
  • Scribetoo
    Scribetoo Posts: 181 Member
    But a big (heh) part of me is hesitant to even try because it might not be possible at this size?

    In the past few months I've increased my activity from barely being able to walk a mile to being able to walk four. I am capable of some things a lot of people who are 400+ lb are not, simply because I've been focusing on being more active and flexible. But is it possible to be capable of this?

    The beauty of C25K is that you are encouraged to start VERY slow.. if you read some of the tips on the C25K website, they are pretty specific about telling you NOT to push yourself to run.. just jog or even slightly more than speed walk during the running portions in the beginning.. at all points of the program, you go at your own pace.

    They want you to do that so that, a) you don't injure yourself and b) you don't get discouraged because your stamina is low.

    As ALWAYS, anytime you start a new fitness regimen (particularly if you're over 400#), please see your doctor.. just check in with him/her so they know what you're doing and they can make modification recommendations just for you.

    I wish you success! I love C25K.. I have yet to get past about week 3.. but it makes sense and I find it's a simple path to the love of running I want to find!

  • DerekG79
    DerekG79 Posts: 116 Member
    I don't want to be the only negative in this post of positives, but I have done a good bit of research on running. I have read where youare more injury prone if you start running when you are more than 30 pounds over your ideal body weight. I say go for it, but get professional advice. Nothing is worse than wanting to get fit, but being unable to because you are injured.
  • gadgetchik
    I have to agree with what everyone else has said. I too recently started C25K. I am on week 2 and will do day 2 tomorrow. I have over 150 lbs to lose and I just do what I can, but you feel amazing when your done. Also look up blogs on obesity and jogging. I started following a woman over 400lbs who jogs. What an inspiration. :) Good luck on your journey.
  • TXCC
    TXCC Posts: 56
    You can do it! Go at your own pace and dont stress if you feel you like you need to repeat a week once or twice. LOL. I'm a big girl and I do it. I never dreamed I would ever run, but I do thanks to C25K. Good luck!
  • emnk5308
    emnk5308 Posts: 736
    You'll never know if you don't try ;D

    <3 Just try it! It can't hurt!
  • hkevans724
    hkevans724 Posts: 241 Member
    The only way to know whether you can do it or not is to try. I thought that I could but I was way more out of shape than I thought and I couldn't do it. But I tried.. You may be "fat"(pardon that I don't mean it rude) But still be able too. I have a cousin who was seriously overweight but was able to do it and it worked great for her. She was already active where as I am not. So you never really know until you try.
  • NikkiSmo
    NikkiSmo Posts: 180 Member
    No one is too big to do the C25K! I did it and I was to embarrased to run when people might see me so I ran at night. But now I'm happy to show my progress I'm up to running 4 miles at a 9.5 - 10 min. mile!!! You can do it too!!!
  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    Pain is not gain when it comes to the knees. Listen to them. Have fun!
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Despite all of the encouraging answers, one can be too heavy to run. Please discuss with your doctor any knee or back pains along the way - take your time and possibly include some core exercises to strengthen your back.

    Take your time walking at least a couple of kms before moving into the C25K program. You can do it! Just take care of yourself not to hurt yourself along the way and thus blow your program.

    The reason the C25K program was developed is that too many people take on too much too early and drop it out of pain, frustation or injury. You can make it, take your time - it's a voyage!
  • darbylicious
    It's not a question of being too fat for C25K! I think the more important thing is that you check with your doctor - especially regarding your knee health. I started C25K, and went to my personal trainer to brag. He looked at me and said "you have no business running if you want to keep your knees". Didn't believe him so I went to a highly recommended sports doc, who told me the same thing.

    So my comment is twofold:
    1) How AWESOME is it that you are at a point where you are ready to take on this challenge!

    2) Make sure you are doing it in a way that is safe for your body! Last thing you want is an injury... knee injuries suck and will put you on the sidelines for a good chunk of time. Running is a great way to get in shape, but it's not the only way! Since I can't run I stick to speedwalking - much less impact and I am almost as fast as some runners at this point.

    Good luck!!!!
  • Francesca3162
    Francesca3162 Posts: 520 Member
    I tried it at 200 lbs, and could not do it.. But I am 50, ex-smoker and have MS. So I decided to dial it back and do walking, until I lost some weight.... . So I did walking, increasing 1/2 mile a week till I got to five miles. then I worked on my pace and got that as fast as I could walk without running then gave C25K another shot, and now I am in week four. Which because of heat and MS, I am actually repeating.. but up to this point I have been able to do all it asks me to do..... I always give the next week a shot, but if I cannot complete at least 1/2 of the day according to the walk/jog schedule, then I repeat the week before, or stay on the tough week until I can do it three times.

    Just try it, you have noone to answer to, except yourself!!! Do what you can, make your own rules, as long as you keep moving!!!!!! Just do not give up on yourself!!!!!
  • NikkiGetsFit185
    NikkiGetsFit185 Posts: 93 Member
    I agree with everyone else your never too fat to do it, i just recently myself started the C25K, and my jog is a little faster than a walk, and i still completed the first day. I'm starting over again this week because i was only able to do it once last week. But if you can walk 4 miles than you can do this. I am also a heavier person, and wondered how i would look or feel doing this, but i like that fact that because of this site and seeing other people im challenging myself to step out of the box and try new things that i normally wouldnt. Good luck with this and keep us posted on your progress. Just think one day you will be a runner!!! thats what im looking forward to.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    If you are walking four miles, you can do C25K. I couldn't even walk 1/4 of a mile when I started it. I had to repeat week one, but I just completed week two and starting on week three tonight. My starting weight was 263 pounds.
  • syllables
    syllables Posts: 17 Member
    It's not a question of being too fat for C25K! I think the more important thing is that you check with your doctor - especially regarding your knee health. I started C25K, and went to my personal trainer to brag. He looked at me and said "you have no business running if you want to keep your knees". Didn't believe him so I went to a highly recommended sports doc, who told me the same thing.

    So my comment is twofold:
    1) How AWESOME is it that you are at a point where you are ready to take on this challenge!

    2) Make sure you are doing it in a way that is safe for your body! Last thing you want is an injury... knee injuries suck and will put you on the sidelines for a good chunk of time. Running is a great way to get in shape, but it's not the only way! Since I can't run I stick to speedwalking - much less impact and I am almost as fast as some runners at this point.

    Good luck!!!!

    This is a brilliant point. I will keep it in mind and def. discuss with my doctor- in the meantime I will do speedwalking (or the fat-girl-jog-shuffle) instead of running until I get an okay. I'm SURE at my weight my doc veto running.
  • Laurayinz
    Laurayinz Posts: 923 Member
    I will do speedwalking (or the fat-girl-jog-shuffle) instead of running
    hey, did you see me out there?! :laugh: :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • deedeehauge
    NOBODY is TOO 'fat' for a C25K!!!! You can do it! Everyone is right, go at your own pace. You will surprise yourself, trust me! and once you accomplish this, you will be hooked on running... no matter how fast or slow you go! I have been running for about ten years now, and I still run pretty slow! But who cares!?! Certainly not me... I'm just glad that I am able to do it!

    Once you are hooked... find some fun 5k runs in your area. The one that I am most looking forward to this year is 'color me rad' run, those types of races will excite you and motivate you to keep going!
  • MommyofLily
    MommyofLily Posts: 149 Member
    Go for it!! I'm doing it at 200 lbs + and doing fine. It sounds like you are an otherwise healthy active person now so as long as you take it slow and listen to what your body is telling you, you will do fine. I think it's great that you want to try it. I've been too scared to run since high school (10 years ago), but this program is proof that I can do it. Slow and steady. I'm following the program and each week gets a little bit harder, but I'm still doing it and still succeeding, but I take rest days when my body is telling me I'm too sore to do it and I slow down if I need to. Good luck!! And congrats on your success so far with becoming a healthier person!