Go fat girl, go.

Hi. I started doing c25k a couple weeks ago and Im doing ok with it..I think. Couple of things I'd like to know is.....

Do you get shin splints when walking/jogging? I never used to, and now, walking about 6 kms a day, I have shin splints for the first 2-3k of my route....then they disappear til next time. Suggestions? I hate the fact that it slows me down.

If you're doing c25k....How far do you get in the 31 minutes that it trains for? I don't know, but I think I should be getting further in the time limit. So please, if you're also doing the program...share with me :)

If strictly doing cardio....do you take days off?

ummmm....think thats it for my brainfarts for this evening. Have a great weekend and thanks for any and all input
~Erin :flowerforyou:
